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Saturday, June 27th 2020, 2:04pm

Game Population - Players per Level and the changes

Dear all,

inspired from thread "game alive?" around 2 weeks ago and my boredem
now at "crystaline cave event" i renewed my statistic about game poupulation
and will keep that up time by time to get a feeling how game develops without merge.

In my opinion, two things should be taken into account in the current figures:

1) we had some returning players due to that "prison amnesty" programm, didnt find the thread today
2) we have many Referals/Multis who just run throug levels to work out achievements for the invitator
(record i´ve seen was Mage Level 11 in 14 days, i dont mention name and clan here )

So here is my todays stats with comparison to stats from 2 weeks ago...
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 lol666 [9] 


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Saturday, June 27th 2020, 4:01pm

Basically abt 12 months later we are leaving like 1k people around here ? :lol: :jump:
Don't be jelous of others, try to care about yours, only after that you will understand what you really have. P.S. Is very very very hard :cry: but i will try my best :peace: :beer:


Saturday, June 27th 2020, 7:08pm

Here's the population over time since 2015. Note that there are a few gaps within the data, especially between the end of 2019 and 2020.
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Thursday, July 23rd 2020, 10:26pm

Incredible Stats from _-Thraxus-_, thanks a lot for that long time overview


Here is actual numbers, pretty much equal in total numbers to 3 weeks before
as some new level 3 play now...
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Friday, September 4th 2020, 10:02am

New numbers >> again -100 active players to 5 weeks ago :-(
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Friday, September 25th 2020, 9:45am

New numbers:

-40 players in last 3 weeks, mainly level 3+4 lost, other levels pretty same
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Saturday, September 26th 2020, 7:22pm

yes all 20 levels banned bot using :smoke:

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Saturday, September 26th 2020, 7:47pm

"All level 20s"

literally 5 people
It's better to be silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt. What's even better is to weaponize your words to destroy anyone who dares challenge you.


Wednesday, October 21st 2020, 12:38pm

some weeks past again, -38 since end of september...
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