Please write here if you think a curse of silence is unreasonable.
The format of the application:
1. Link to the character:
2. Date and time of incident
3. Screen shot of the chat. (that was immediately visible on the screen)
1. An application without a screen is not taken into consideration and will be removed!
2. The screen must contain the exact text of what happened - the guilt.
3. If a gag was placed, but you do not approve of how it was placed - you have the right to prove his innocence.
4. Proof of the imperfection of the whole system, or arguments about the in-adequacy of the rules have no place here, so please don't.
Just note that this section is not designed to flood, the players who post logs that are too long (by the way, we do not need logs) or keeps arguing after judgement was given may receive a forum ban!
Persons who will answer these complaints:
Sequana, Lalie