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Wednesday, October 21st 2020, 6:00am

Human Lvl 21 Scorps

We need to come up with a better system for hunting lvl 21 scorps guys, everyone wants to fight over them and all this crap. So what are some ways we could help on this issue thought?

Should we make a cap on how many hrs we can each hunt on them daily?

Should we limit it to only the stronger players?

Should we set up a kind of a wait list to hunt them? as far as writing in main chat who is next?

Should we leave it how it is?

Let me know what you think please, lvl 20s only :thumbup:

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Wednesday, October 21st 2020, 12:06pm

I think only the strongest humans should hunt them.

That being said, the following will not be able to hunt:
Everyone in DarkSide clan, for 2 reasons: 1) They're too weak, they just get 2 shot killed by people who have a destructor on them, don't believe me? (Just watch!) Ask their leader. 2) They're too busy attacking low level players in fay-go, barely killing them, claiming their manhood and saying "YeAh I KePt PeAcE In HeRe BuT MaGmORz aTtaCkEd YoU CaN TahNkh HunKaN The HuN KhAn"

On behalf of all Magmars, we approve this kind of hunting rule between hooman side players.

EDIT: Please ensure that your comment complies with forum rules [name calling]
It's better to be silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt. What's even better is to weaponize your words to destroy anyone who dares challenge you.

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "T-DeAdLY-J" (Oct 31st 2020, 12:23pm) with the following reason: Violation of forum rules


Sunday, October 25th 2020, 9:09pm

Set minimum amount of bless to hunt)


Sunday, October 25th 2020, 11:54pm

Anyone can slap on buffs though, doesnt mean it still wont take them 2 min to kill


Monday, October 26th 2020, 1:06am

People, who kill 2min usially do it 1-2 times per week. But there are some who are doing daily limit. If they start using good buffs, limit will be done much faster, so more time for others to hunt)