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Wednesday, December 2nd 2020, 12:25pm

clan war

What about clan war?

Past year, at that time, clan war was already finish ....
is clan war removed or only for low lvl?

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Wednesday, December 2nd 2020, 1:57pm

I assume due to late 13th anniversary event and all of the event deadlines being on top each other, they decided to postpone everything. On top of it all, there is still the HTML5 question. I remember at the beginning of this year some crybaby player was telling me they will implement HTML5 "soon" but, as always, he was wrong. So yeah, first they need to solve all of these problems, introduce HTML5, bring the update and everything, otherwise one of the two will happen: Either they will do the HTML5 update in the middle of clan wars event or the clan wars will be a total mess due to no client after 31st of December.
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Friday, December 4th 2020, 7:13am


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