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Monday, April 5th 2021, 12:58pm

Diamond certs!

Dear admins,

It has been September that we had last dia cert sale. Since then prices went up because there isn't enough quantinty.
Yes here and there it pops up for a few players and they can sell it by auction.

At this moment it is only acces to several players. We need the diamond certs. To start luck glow, to buy stuff in fair and go on.

On dwar it comes time by time, but why not here? We know Europe server are more spenders then all the russian together. I don't know what your tactic is, maybe you want to share so we understand but the feel to have it is more then it used to be.

I hope you take this into account!

With best regards


Monday, April 5th 2021, 1:05pm

+1 we all are waiting for these


Monday, April 5th 2021, 1:09pm

+1 with Tinus
I agree it way too long that we did not have the opportunity to buy diamond certificate.

I hope to see again quickly enough. :smile:


Monday, April 5th 2021, 4:27pm

I don't know how it works as I don't paypal, but have diamond certs destabilised the game owners income so they decided to limit them?

People would buy diamonds to either buy items that are buyable by diamonds only including certificates. Some diamonds would be exchanged for gold I would presume also.

With the advent of Diamond Certificates though I see zero point in exchanging diamonds for gold as you can get 10x, 20x or lately up to 30x!! the value in gold, so there is very little reward for exchanging for gold the "old" way if at all.

Does this now mean retrospectively that people are holding on to their diamonds and/or possibly not actually buying them as often or even at all as they are waiting for a certificate event to gain WAY more for their money?

The fact the game has been pushed so intensively towards P2W in the last couple of years means a lot of - or most - new items are diamond only and as equally relevant there are a lot of items that were available previously which are also now diamond only! :puke: , the result being that those certificates become even more valuable to people who won't - or can't afford to - pay real money but are happy to pay earned gold playing the game to buy them in auction or exchange when they do actually appear as it's the only possible way to get a lot of locked items or previously unlocked items.

Supply & demand along with the unavailability of a lot of items nowadays has pushed the value of the certificates to insane heights especially as these are also now limited.

At the end of the day, if people can't afford to pay real money for diamonds all the new locked items make no difference to them but push the diamond certs value higher and higher as it's the only way for those items to even become a possibility to most. Catch 22, offer diamond only items - offer diamond certs - prices rise - no one buys diamonds to exchange for gold in the bank - bottom line plummets.

A case of them shootng themselves in the foot but no idea how to bandage it up now.

I suppose they could offer them regularly, then the prices would level off to a reasonable amount but still be "worth" buying by the paypallers as still worth more than 1 for 1 in bank.

I don't know, just my thoughts. Current value of certs in gold is way too rich for me and likley most people. There is possibly a happy medium somewhere that would mean selling the certs at a certain regularity would keep demand at an exchange rate happy to both buyers, sellers, AND the game owners. What that happy medium is no one can work out except through trial & error :bll:

Just my thoughts - however misguided they may be. Despite my long post I still didn't articulate exactly what I wanted :lol:

Posts: 866

Location: Möhnesee

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Monday, April 5th 2021, 11:56pm


and i keep mine untill prices are not x20 gold but x50g


Ah damn.. i dont have any...



Wednesday, April 7th 2021, 10:36am

in lvl20 we consume lot of diamonds.. without them is like not reason to play many players have all you can get with gold only remain diamonds. all new items cost diamonds, new red sets, people need move runes, buy purple items agains, the red item etc... new combos cost 500d. but fun story diamonds up price for a strange reason than just admins can answer but we no have words from admins xD players start the game and create accounts and buy certificates for have fun with the money but now will lost some of them, this not cool all people not like this but many just pass they prefe not write is crazy just for 1 new dia combo need 500d this cost 10k to 12k golds when it should cost 5k or less thousands hours hunting, very nice

i wish u warodragons player good luck. you need thousands hours to become strong for hunt and have some pvp after hunt thousands hours xD then you need x25 thousands hours for diamonds just because they want now gold worth less than venezuela money

i think is easy to add unlimited certificates for those who want to sell or at least 2 each price need down how it used to be(700-900g) because 100d for 2500g is a lot game time we no talk about a item than up from 1k to 2k this much more because people need much diamonds with 100 not do nothing need people 500d for get new bear but now price up from 5000g to 12k gold almost, people need armors, pets, combos, varnish, want have fun with diamonds xD people need years for be strong for start affort buy some diamonds but this abuse for all players. for fans i dont care much about me i just need 500d for 1 combo and some diamonds for another items and im done like 1k in total im just write because i feel really stupid naked hunters lvl5 cant buy mounts, +lvl16 cant buy purple items, + lvl20 cant buy new combos etc etc... this is insane people have much gold maybe is the reason prices up idk but i doubt it i still need many sht and i will be in 0 gold

and we have a lot dif promotions for people incentive buy diamonds, we have diamonds events like beneficial exchange, gift for diamonds pusharse wheef fortune and more. why no just put diamonds cert and less of this? diamonds cert is better incentive to buy diamonds than all promotions together even players will create acconts to spent more...

paypals want gold for have fun in gamble events
people want diamonds items

just let people have fun


Thursday, April 8th 2021, 11:29am

And here i am happy making 5g per day xD


Thursday, April 8th 2021, 1:36pm

And here i am happy making 5g per day xD

:clubbing: show off :lol: