I've never done a CC or Tallaars or any other thing like that since I started the game over 9 years ago. I'm not a casual player either, logged on every day as far back as I can remember as I do like the daily login rewards etc. Possibly the only reason I kep playing the darn game......
Anyways, I digress....
I don't like PvP as a rule, much rather hunt....HOWEVER, I kept seeing this event so I decided to actually dip my toes into the water for the first time out of choice at the last Plateau event and i LOVED it and had a lot of fun!!!!!
Made me realise it wasn't so bad, especially as everyone was on a pretty level playing field so my "oh so average" character(s) could still have fun without getting totally destroyed.
Then what happens?...been sat waiting ever since for it to return. So, I wait many years to decide to try me and they seem to have stopped doing them as regualrly as they were before I tried going by the comments in this thread
I swear, my timing is the absolute worst!!