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Wednesday, May 5th 2021, 1:54pm

I just want to get rid of

It is quite disappointing going to the plateau and have levels 20 destroying all the lower levels for pleasure or just to be leaders of great battles without the least effort, the truth is nauseous and quite demotivating


Wednesday, May 5th 2021, 2:24pm

It goes both ways. It is equally demotivating being in full blessed fights against other high levels and then have lower levels join and ruin gbs.

Posts: 75

Location: Cold Winds of Nowhere

Occupation: CEO of Ghostly Serpagon Inc.

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Thursday, May 6th 2021, 12:24am

the real dismotivating thing is people that who refuses to use ancient plat instead of normal one especially for human side there are too much people on normal plat(mostly 4-6 levels and some 11-13 mages) joining-ruining every gb they see without checking fight info or asking to others, solution is using ancient plat and in the end nothing wrong about lvl 20's killing low levels

Posts: 1,512

Location: South Africa

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Thursday, May 6th 2021, 2:54pm

what is the definition of insanity? :glance:


Friday, May 7th 2021, 12:49pm

Another demotivating thing is when you stall during plat storm. Hehe. :wink:


Friday, May 7th 2021, 11:06pm

easy p
Another demotivating thing is when you stall during plat storm. Hehe. :wink:
easy peasy, don't enter to my combats lol!!!!