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Tuesday, June 29th 2021, 7:36pm

Battlefields lvl 3 - 4

What is happening to the battlefields? More than 1 week ago the cc queue did not even reach 4 -4. The feats of Agudar become practically impossible to perform due to lack of battlefields. This did not happen before and it seems to me something serious


Tuesday, June 29th 2021, 7:53pm

Many people are unhappy with how strong the novice armor is, simply pressing 1 key can kill many players. At least I have seen that they raised the price enough to be able to acquire it. I hope that makes things even a bit and there will be more battles


Tuesday, June 29th 2021, 7:58pm

What I'm experiencing on CC is simply a havoc made by Novices and artful armor users. It's hard to play battlefields nowadays without these. Add to that these regular Plateau storms and you get many players preferring this way of gaining valour as the result.

Now, even if you find a person or two strong and active enough for doing feats together, there arises another problem: they tend to be experienced veterans starting over and staying on levels 3 and 4 for quite short amount of time (remember that some of them reach elite in a month!). So, you get not only little companions, but you have also little time to play with them.

If you aren't determined enough to gather artful armor pieces and don't want to purchase Novice items, you're just better to go with leaving those feats to be done later in the game. Doing them early isn't impossible... It's just harder than it (probably) was when we had more players around. Personally, contrary to all the pessimism of this post, I'm not giving up! :thumbsup:
... ...
... ...


Wednesday, June 30th 2021, 2:41pm


Yea i agree, even if we get storm in cc/arenas it barely starts we need someway to do feats or change the quest to have an alternative finish.

They even decreased CC to be 6v6 now. But ppl dont go, low lvls are a pain to be in atm
I do see ppl buffing up as hell ofc it makes ppl leave and dont wanna go i woudnt if i couldnt do the same.

We are destroying it for those who cant go hard buffd in cc.

I'd say having alternative quest finish is the best bet, decreasing cc to 4v4 for example would be pretty boring
AND Arena feat is propably the hardest one to do at lvl3-4. time limit on badges and ppl not going enough to do get it done in 1 storm is pretty hard. i tried i got 25% done then no arena came up for a month so they expired
Low lvls are screwd :truce: :wacko: :xmasparty:


Wednesday, June 30th 2021, 3:04pm

Same thoughts.

Agudar feats/quests need to be changed so it's doable for everybody, taking into account that :
- There are not as many bf as before
- Even when a bf starts, one team gets smashed by overbuffed ppl. So if you haven't full blue set with proper buffs (that's a strict minimum, purple and red armor are advised lol) you can't even compete.

The second point makes the first issue even bigger, cause when you get spawn killed you don't want to go bf again, which I understand.


Wednesday, June 30th 2021, 3:17pm

Arena feat and 6 wins in a row (or 14 wins) are probably the hardest ones by far as not enough bf happen, even if you win them all, I agree with trixie.


Thursday, July 1st 2021, 7:07pm

reason: starter sets 99 diamond - 199 diamond


Thursday, July 1st 2021, 9:07pm

reason: starter sets 99 diamond - 199 diamond
Yes. as it said if you scroll up. they changed the price now. it was way cheaper before. :nocash:


Sunday, July 4th 2021, 12:16pm…4008#post304008

stronger than novice set and have no life-span lol :d since you are magmars, i drop this here for anyone who like to buy from human's race

"when his credit card maxed out and still cant get a win"
Dr Hanasomay


Wednesday, July 7th 2021, 6:11pm

All bf : Magmars: 0 / Humans: 0 :son:

Posts: 75

Location: Cold Winds of Nowhere

Occupation: CEO of Ghostly Serpagon Inc.

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Wednesday, July 7th 2021, 11:51pm

why you all worried about agudar feats it doesn't matter anymore just complete uk initiation and wait plat storm go to ancient bfs or join tallaar if you want valour and scalps either way its just waste of time


Thursday, July 8th 2021, 12:28pm

3s and 4s are busy earning gold and gearing up since novice set is not affordable now

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