I was thinking, we are limitted in mobs hunting to a defined number per day, shouldnt there be a restriction on the number of the killed characters on a raid and not only. Dont get me wrong, I dont care how many times MightyWarlord, or any other mighty one will kill me, but its getting annoying, and its annoying for many other players too. I dont understand also what fun is for Mighty and others like him, to attack and really dont have a fight, because ppl just dont have time to waste or have other things in mind to do in the game that day.
So, I suggest to be put a restriction on the total number of the kills, regardless the level, on oposite+own race characters on raid + exe orders (I dont say players, as he cant kill the player itself lol), one can have per day. The same as we have restriction on the number of killed mobs.
At the end, there are so many pvp instances, pvp events and plato events where you can get scalps as many as you can.