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Wednesday, November 10th 2021, 12:23am

Hunting Reset

Out of curiosity, does anyone know why the monster's killed count resets at 04:13? Seems pretty random but it's always been that way.


Wednesday, November 10th 2021, 3:59am

Always wondered that myself - same goes for a couple of other items in events. :tease:

I wouldn't start questioning the reasons why, who knows what goes on in the minds of the devs. :teacher:

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Wednesday, November 10th 2021, 1:42pm

If I had to speculate I'd say it's because of how it is in ru server (partially applies to this server as well if you don't count the people playing in North & South America and the Caribbeans). Since a vast majority of them playing between 06:00-00:00 that time seems like the best time to do the mob cap reset. Ofc having no mob cap would be even better but we're already way past that point with the bot using talk and whatnot.
It's better to be silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt. What's even better is to weaponize your words to destroy anyone who dares challenge you.


Thursday, November 11th 2021, 12:16am

Yeah, removing the mob reset would also require a change to some item drops such as Triads, since their drop rate depends on how many mobs you've killed after the mob reset.

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