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Tuesday, November 23rd 2021, 11:38am

New attack rules clarification

Dear Human Guards,

Some entries from new attack rules are not clear for me, so I want to clarify them:
1. Is there a punishement reset after breaking the rules? If yes, please clarify period.
2. "From now, there is an outright ban on attacks in the Ruins of Khor-Abselon." Is it only humans should not attack/curse magmars and magmars should not attack/curse humans, or it is also applicable for attacking/cursing between humans and humans?
3. If some player attack/curse me/friend/clanie in any other location, and I have "proofs of the provocation", can I attack/curse this player in the Ruins of Khor-Abselon?
4. Are these rulles from "C" section applicable also for declared wars?
5. Could single player declare war to another player/clan/aliance?

Best Regards,

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Sequana" (Nov 9th 2023, 5:31pm)


Tuesday, November 23rd 2021, 11:45am

2 more questions comming:
6. Player A use zara and hex on player B: is it one provocation or 2 provocations?
7. Does using kretch amulet on another player in Ruins of Khor-Abselon location violates attack rules?

Best Regards,


Tuesday, November 23rd 2021, 9:07pm

Dear Human Guards,

Some entries from new attack rules are not clear for me, so I want to clarify them:
1. Is there a punishement reset after breaking the rules? If yes, please clarify period.
2. "From now, there is an outright ban on attacks in the Ruins of Khor-Abselon." Is it only humans should not attack/curse magmars and magmars should not attack/curse humans, or it is also applicable for attacking/cursing between humans and humans?
3. If some player attack/curse me/friend/clanie in any other location, and I have "proofs of the provocation", can I attack/curse this player in the Ruins of Khor-Abselon?
4. Are these rulles from "C" section applicable also for declared wars?
5. Could single player declare war to another player/clan/aliance?

Best Regards,
Dear -TheBest-

Let's clarify the things for you.

1. There is no punishment reset for the attack rule break.
2. The new addition to the attack rule is valid for both interracial and intraracial interactions. This means, neither human vs magmar nor human vs human nor magmar vs magmar attacks and other stuffs are allowed.
3. No, you may not do this since it would bring another breach of the rule. In such cases, you can come to us and report the violations to me or you can retaliate such behaviours in the different locations, excluding Ruins.
4. Yes, it is valid "all the time". This means, whether there is a clan war or not, you may never disturb anyone in that location.
5. This depends on whether the player is a clan leader or not. If the player were a clan leader, he could declare a war against the other clans after sending a war gift. Also, a player can declare a war to another player, within the frame of attack rule and the destructive action rule. This means, a player may declare a war against another player provided that the opponent is within the level range of the attacker by the attack rule and these attacks in a war should not be turned into destructive actions.
6. The fact that player A uses two different negative effects is counted as two different provocations.
7. Yes it does because it is a kind of provocation. This means, no kinds of attacks and attack amulets as well as the negative effects are allowed.

I hope the things are clearer for you. Should you have any further inquiries, you can contact me via in-game and forum mail or private message.

Best Regards!
Terazinin eksilen kefesi.


Tuesday, November 23rd 2021, 10:26pm

Dear - Clamatis -,

Thank you very much for your clarification. I did it here, as these are not only my questions, but also questions from my friends in game. The reason of this thread is to give all(or at least human) players a clear understanding how new rulles will work. I woud recommend to keep this thread, so all questions can be clarified in one place.

Best Regards,


Wednesday, November 24th 2021, 9:43pm

Important Edit on the Attack Rule:


The attack rule has been updated again and it has been decided that the attacks throughout the clan wars which are started by the clan leader sending war gift are not within the rule. To clarify, the attack rule does not apply for the attacks during throughout the clan wars. For further information, you can click here and check the addition under the article of "C".

Best Regards!
Terazinin eksilen kefesi.


Wednesday, November 24th 2021, 10:33pm

Dear Human Guards,

Due to new attack rules update, I have few more questions:
1. During war with another clan is it alloved to stall enemy players' fights?
2. If yes, how this rule will work for invisible players (as any invisible player could be an oponent from enemy clan)?
3. Please provide clarification for "intentionally stall other players' fights" in general:
- is it forbidden to join other players fights?
- is there a limit for such joinings per day/week/month/etc.?
- is there a limit for time when hit should be done?
- what to do if connection to game is bad?
- is it allowed to loot another player?
- is it allowed to loot another player with group?
- is it allowed to loot another player if he ask to join his fight?
4. As we have a new version of rules - would we have some ingame anonsement?(not all players are reading forum)
5. As we have a new version of rules - would we have some anonsement in game news?(not all players are reading forum)

Best Regards,


Thursday, November 25th 2021, 12:29am

Dear Human Guards,

Due to new attack rules update, I have few more questions:
1. During war with another clan is it alloved to stall enemy players' fights?
2. If yes, how this rule will work for invisible players (as any invisible player could be an oponent from enemy clan)?
3. Please provide clarification for "intentionally stall other players' fights" in general:
- is it forbidden to join other players fights?
- is there a limit for such joinings per day/week/month/etc.?
- is there a limit for time when hit should be done?
- what to do if connection to game is bad?
- is it allowed to loot another player?
- is it allowed to loot another player with group?
- is it allowed to loot another player if he ask to join his fight?
4. As we have a new version of rules - would we have some ingame anonsement?(not all players are reading forum)
5. As we have a new version of rules - would we have some anonsement in game news?(not all players are reading forum)

Best Regards,

You can find the answers to your questions below.

1. Yes, it is allowed since you are counted as you attacking the player when you join their fights as an enemy. The ways you attack and fight are totally up to you. Even if the opponent were in a monster fight in wartime, the fact that you join their fight would be considered an attack from you and thus, you would have a right to fight as you wish.

2. Whether or not the player is under the effect of invisibility is not important as the invisible actions can be detected by the game administration. Also, if you are unsure of the fighter who is under the invisibility in a fight in the Ruins, we recommend you not to join that fight to avoid any potential problems such as the fact that the invisible player might be from the other clan, against which your clan does not conduct any war.

3. Stalling other players in the fights out of the Ruins location is allowed provided that the players abide by the destructive action part in the game rules. However, stalling their fights in the Ruins location without having an actual clan war is forbidden.

3.a. No, it is not forbidden to join the fights of the other players if you are not in the location of Ruins. Yet, you may NOT join their fights in Ruins unless there is a clan war. Also, we would like to answer this question as a general explanation: you may not join the fights of the players as an opponent if the fight starter is below the level of 7 because then, you would violate the attack rule since your level (20) were higher by more than 3 levels than the starter. In contrast to the previous sentence, you may join their fights as an opponent if you are within the level limit of the fight starter. For instance, if your level were 10, you could be their opponent, joining their fight and that would not violate the attack rule. For a better explanation, please see the attack rule itself.

3.b. Considering you are asking this question about the location of Ruins, we would like to say that throughout the clan wars, there is no limit. On the other hand, you may not join the fights in Ruins unless there is a clan war. However, it should always be kept in mind that the clan wars may last for 2 weeks at most. So, you may join the fights in Ruins for 2 weeks at most, with the condition of having a clan war. Unlike the Ruins location, there is no such a limit in the other locations of the game and every fight may be joined so long as the game rules are abided by.

3.c. You may use your hits within the allocated period of time in the fight. There is no other restriction about it in the rules. Honestly, I do not know if the "auto-kill" option resulted from "time-out" works in that location but I assume it does not.

3.d. You can try resetting your router or checking your network system. If that does not solve your problem, we advise you to contact your Internet Service Provider (ISP).

3.e. Yes, looting another player is allowed in every location of the game, excluding Ruins. However, this is a provocation and the looted player will have the right to retaliate it. Another point is the fact that a new character must not be created for the purpose of looting a player. Also, you may not loot a player in Ruins unless there is a clan war going on.

3.f. Yes, this is allowed. However, the looter group must meet the requirements of the attack rule and for this reason, this action must not be done in the Ruins unless there is a clan war between the looters' and the looted players' clans. Apart from the Ruins location, the looting action may be done anywhere providing that the rules mentioned above, in the previous questions, are followed. Beside this, please note that joining a fight against event monsters and superbeings (bosses) with another player is not counted as looting.

3.g. Yes, this is allowed as long as the attack rule limitations are abided by. However, the looter should capture the screenshot of the help request in order to avoid any further potential traps and problems. For instance, let's say, a looter is invited to a fight in Ruins. The purpose of the looter is to help the player who has called for him. Yet, some evil-minded people, against whom the clan of the looter is NOT in a war, take the screenshot of the looter joining the fight and complain about this. To prove his or her rightness, the looter can show the screenshots to the guards.

4. This question can be answered by the respective team only. Neither the human nor the magmar guards are responsible for doing such announcements in the chats. Also as stated in the rules, it is the duty of players to check the respective areas of the game for any rule changes or updates at least once a week.

5. Unfortunately, we cannot answer that question, either, because we are not responsible for adjusting the game news. However, we will forward this request to the respective team members.

We hope we are able to help you with your questions. Should you not feel like that, please remember that you can always contact us via in-game and forum mails as well as the chat function.

We wish you a pleasant game!
Terazinin eksilen kefesi.

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "- Clamatis -" (Nov 25th 2021, 12:52am)


Thursday, November 25th 2021, 2:24pm

:truce: headache :truce:

Start to be really difficult to understand anything about that.

If we have to read and translate 10 pages of rules or forum, (rules updated every .. don't know), before interact with ennemies in game, start really to be painful.

Could you please write something simple?


Thursday, November 25th 2021, 3:30pm

In case of amulet of attack that don't reveal the user.
How should I act? Ask a guard to know who send it to be able to get my revenge?
404 not found


Thursday, November 25th 2021, 4:34pm

Dear players,

please keep this thread to clarify new rules. For feedback feel free to create your thread and/or use something that already exist.

Besr Regards,


Friday, November 26th 2021, 9:46am

:truce: headache :truce:

Start to be really difficult to understand anything about that.

If we have to read and translate 10 pages of rules or forum, (rules updated every .. don't know), before interact with ennemies in game, start really to be painful.

Could you please write something simple?


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