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Wednesday, March 9th 2022, 6:26pm

are we on ru server ?

Открыв Плетёный саквояж, который был куплен в Премиальном магазине, Red One обнаружил внутри Кристаллы истины 3000 шт!
18:16 Открыв Плетёный саквояж, который был куплен в Премиальном магазине, T-DeAdLY-J обнаружил внутри Сертификат на 100 бриллиантов!

could you stop such russian flood????

Don't know about what it is, but I think that we aren't on ru server ...
People are mute when they fail on main chat in their own langage and we have to endure russian langage all days long.

If you can't, don't want translate, then remove that flood!!
TY !!


Wednesday, March 9th 2022, 7:00pm

Thanks for the feedback on this - we have passed it onto the Admin team.


Wednesday, March 9th 2022, 9:31pm

As an interim solution, ticking the "Switch off additional system messages" option in personal settings should suppress the messages, should they cause too much discomfort.

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