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Saturday, October 22nd 2022, 11:42am

Bring Back the Stolen Goods

Bring Back the Stolen Goods[b][/b]
Foemir the Gnome is very sad about the loss of a precious relic from the people of the Celestial Valley. He is sure that one of the visitors to the fair, who has come from Faeo, has decided to "borrow" this item.

You've volunteered to help with getting the gnome king's ring back to its rightful owners. ofc with some explain would be easier

Current goal:increase the charge of the box by 6.
Reward:increase the charge of the box by 6.

Here instead of goal they wrote the reward.
It's a bit difficult when we don't know the goal.


Saturday, October 22nd 2022, 12:36pm

You can drop the ring by hunting monsters.

The text should be fixed on Monday.