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Monday, December 25th 2023, 2:14am

racism based on nationality on my chat

If you make the game available in Poland, you should know the basic rights.
It is unacceptable to limit the freedoms and rights of humans and citizens solely because of race, gender, language, religion or lack thereof, social origin, birth or property.

this results directly from the constitution, and changing the law during the term of the contract requires the consent of both parties to the contract, and if the other party does not consent, it may demand compensation.

So start respecting our rights. or you will lose this piece of Europe, because we Poles will not allow you to discriminate against us because of our language and not only ours. you have servers in Europe, so European law applies.


Monday, December 25th 2023, 7:14am

The official languages of the game are English and German.

The project stopped formal services of other languages in the game after the merge of servers. At this point, you were prompted to review and sign acceptance of the Game Rules and EULA, hence agreeing to follow the rules set out by the project. As such, the Game Rules state that you must only post in English or German in public chats.

The project is within its right to support certain features based on its business needs and capability. Therefore, this is not a breach of European Law.

Happy holidays and best of luck.

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "T-DeAdLY-J" (Dec 25th 2023, 7:27am)