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Saturday, August 31st 2024, 1:31pm

help those ''forgertful'' players to remember their provocations

9)If a player intentionally falsely accuses an enemy raider of violations of the attack rule, after provocation, they will be punished with the curse for attack rule violations.

why is this rule never applied? plzpzlzlzp it sucks that we high levels have to always keep the screenshots and lower level still have a free attemp to screw us as they won't be punished. i'm sure if the rule was applied, these players would not ''forget'' their provocations. plzzplzzpzllzlzl do something


Saturday, August 31st 2024, 1:43pm

Please note, all cases are being handled with the guidance from the Administration. If you have any concerns with the handling of cases, please feel free to reach out in-game to discuss further. Individual cases are not discussed on the forum.