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Tuesday, September 17th 2024, 5:23pm

Stackable Gifts

As per title, would be nice to have gifts stack, obviously the ones with no timer on them i.e. Red Gifts.

I now have over 70 red gifts with many being multiples so being able to stack them would declutter my backpack a lot like the recently stackable Urchi Bags did. :yes:

Thanks :cool:


Wednesday, September 18th 2024, 9:28am

@Sweet Lips why not give some of them away ^^ I'm sure you'll make a few people happy and your rucksack will be emptier ;)
:whistling: Der Zynismus ist meine RĂ¼stung, der Sarkasmus mein Schwert und die Ironie mein Schild :whistling:


Wednesday, September 18th 2024, 5:38pm

Perish the thought :lol: :bllll:

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