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Today, 10:44pm |
Forum: "City Pub" |
Today, 10:44pm |
Thread: "temple storm is still on" |
Today, 10:44pm |
Thread: "Battlefield - Mark of Shame" |
Today, 10:44pm |
Forum: "City Pub" |
Today, 10:44pm |
Thread: "Playing on shared computers" |
Today, 10:44pm |
Thread: "Advent Calendar" |
Today, 10:44pm |
Forum: "City Pub" |
Today, 10:44pm |
Forum: "City Pub" |
Today, 10:44pm |
Thread: "Resetting Talents" |
Today, 10:44pm |
Thread: "keyboard" |
Today, 10:44pm |
Forum: "City Pub" |
Today, 10:44pm |
Forum: "City Pub" |
Today, 10:44pm |
Thread: "Human atacks on Underwater" |
Today, 10:44pm |
Forum: "City Pub" |
Today, 10:44pm |
Thread: "Battlefield - Mark of Shame" |
Today, 10:44pm |
Today, 10:44pm |
Thread: "I cant have any fun from PvP" |
Today, 10:44pm |
Thread: "keyboard" |
Today, 10:43pm |
Forum: "City Pub" |
Today, 10:43pm |
Thread: "Double GB REP from Event "Winter Games"" |
Today, 10:43pm |
Thread: "meeting" |
Today, 10:43pm |
Forum: "City Pub" |
Today, 10:43pm |
Thread: ""Luck Glow" at City Square" |
Today, 10:43pm |
Thread: "Elt's cube's combinations" |
Today, 10:43pm |
Forum: "City Pub" |
Today, 10:43pm |
Post in thread: "Update Thread + Info Log" |
Today, 10:43pm |
Forum: "City Pub" |
Today, 10:43pm |
Thread: "Magmar in battle = OFF" |
Today, 10:43pm |
Post in thread: "Game Update Bug Report Thread" |
Today, 10:43pm |
Forum: "City Pub" |
Today, 10:43pm |
Post in thread: "Faeo Gazette" |
Today, 10:43pm |
Forum: "City Pub" |
Today, 10:43pm |
Thread: "Dwarium - Your Feedback is required!" |
Today, 10:43pm |
Today, 10:42pm |
Forum: "City Pub" |
Today, 10:42pm |
Forum: "City Pub" |
Today, 10:42pm |
Post in thread: "New Premium Services." |
Today, 10:42pm |
Post in thread: "Stuck in fight?" |
Today, 10:42pm |
Post in thread: "Question/Suggestions for Admins/Developers" |
Today, 10:42pm |
Post in thread: "Chaotic magic storm" |
Today, 10:41pm |
Today, 10:41pm |
Today, 10:41pm |
Post in thread: "lvl 6 Battlefeilds" |
Today, 10:41pm |
Today, 10:41pm |
Thread: "problem with new reputation" |
Today, 10:41pm |
Post in thread: "Question/Suggestions for Admins/Developers" |
Today, 10:41pm |
Forum: "City Pub" |
Today, 10:41pm |
Post in thread: "EE pot ruin (not work)" |
Today, 10:40pm |
Thread: "Sword for the ruler" |
Today, 10:40pm |
Thread: "Group for Unhead Reputation" |
Today, 10:39pm |
Forum: "City Pub" |
Today, 10:39pm |
Post in thread: "Just a rant on the biasness of the people upholding rules of the game" |
Today, 10:38pm |
Post in thread: "Jailed" |
Today, 10:38pm |
Forum: "City Pub" |
Today, 10:38pm |
Forum: "City Pub" |
Today, 10:38pm |
Thread: "Duel with Death Quest" |
Today, 10:38pm |
Forum: "City Pub" |
Today, 10:38pm |
Post in thread: "Magic Lasso" |
Today, 10:38pm |
Post in thread: "About Private Sale?" |
Today, 10:37pm |
Forum: "City Pub" |
Today, 10:37pm |
Forum: "City Pub" |
Today, 10:37pm |
Post in thread: "Dungeons of Forgotten Heroes Feedback" |
Today, 10:36pm |
Post in thread: "Why is chat broken /not working" |
Today, 10:36pm |
Thread: "Liars" |
Today, 10:36pm |
Post in thread: "Gossips" |
Today, 10:35pm |
Post in thread: "Money" |
Today, 10:35pm |
Thread: "Clan wars timer" |
Today, 10:35pm |
Thread: "Dwarium - Your Feedback is required!" |
Today, 10:35pm |
Thread: "Game is boring" |
Today, 10:34pm |
Post in thread: "Reminder of some people we lost we should remember from LOD" |
Today, 10:34pm |
Post in thread: "Awful server / client lags" |
Today, 10:33pm |
Post in thread: "What has happened to our human guard population and is there plans to replenish it?" |
Today, 10:32pm |
Forum: "City Pub" |
Today, 10:32pm |
Post in thread: "BF'sreally need fixing!" |
Today, 10:32pm |
Post in thread: "keyboard" |
Today, 10:31pm |
Post in thread: "Chaotic battle" |
Today, 10:31pm |
Forum: "City Pub" |
Today, 10:30pm |
Post in thread: "Changes to the date at the last minute to no break session from 9th changed to 6th" |
Today, 10:30pm |
Post in thread: "The new attacking rules are ruining the game and now it cant be called war of dragons its now farm of dragons" |
Today, 10:30pm |
Forum: "City Pub" |
Today, 10:30pm |
Forum: "City Pub" |
Today, 10:29pm |
Post in thread: "Post-Merge Login" |
Today, 10:29pm |
Forum: "City Pub" |