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Today, 11:44pm

Post in thread: "Clan registration"

Today, 11:43pm

Post in thread: "you owe me 3.000 valour"

Today, 11:43pm

Post in thread: "Souvenir Idea"

Today, 11:43pm

Forum: "Contact the Game Administration"

Today, 11:43pm

Forum: "Contact the Game Administration"

Today, 11:43pm

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Today, 11:43pm

Forum: "Contact the Game Administration"

Today, 11:43pm

Thread: "Magmar Jason [13] - fight reward - lvl 11+ fight"

Today, 11:43pm

Forum: "Contact the Game Administration"

Today, 11:43pm

Forum: "Contact the Game Administration"

Today, 11:43pm

Thread: "Can i have my character back pls..."

Today, 11:43pm

Thread: "red gnome rune"

Today, 11:43pm

Thread: "Achievment problem"

Today, 11:43pm

Post in thread: "system messages"

Today, 11:42pm

Post in thread: "signs of friend ship"

Today, 11:42pm

Post in thread: "Valour"

Today, 11:42pm

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Today, 11:42pm

Forum: "Contact the Game Administration"

Today, 11:42pm

Forum: "Contact the Game Administration"

Today, 11:42pm

Forum: "Contact the Game Administration"

Today, 11:42pm

Forum: "Contact the Game Administration"

Today, 11:41pm

Thread: "Please Fix the Item Library"

Today, 11:41pm

Forum: "Contact the Game Administration"

Today, 11:41pm

Thread: "Confirmation for arena problem"

Today, 11:40pm

Post in thread: "Trade fair"

Today, 11:40pm

Thread: "Question about Game Client"

Today, 11:40pm

Post in thread: "Problem with the clan level"

Today, 11:40pm

Post in thread: "ok the same stuff is happening LAG"

Today, 11:40pm

Forum: "Contact the Game Administration"

Today, 11:39pm

Thread: "unfair injury!"

Today, 11:39pm

Forum: "Contact the Game Administration"

Today, 11:39pm

Thread: "bug with saving arena results"

Today, 11:38pm

Post in thread: "clan upgrade.."

Today, 11:38pm

Thread: "Sacrifical Power Elixir not working"

Today, 11:37pm

Thread: "ALL_PVPweapon_nomonsterattack"

Today, 11:37pm

Main Page

Today, 11:37pm

Forum: "Contact the Game Administration"

Today, 11:36pm

Forum: "Contact the Game Administration"

Today, 11:36pm

Thread: "Really client problem not my Connection or network"

Today, 11:36pm

Forum: "Contact the Game Administration"

Today, 11:36pm

Thread: "Question about purple artful boots"

Today, 11:35pm

Forum: "Contact the Game Administration"

Today, 11:35pm

Post in thread: "need quick response about beach party"

Today, 11:34pm

Post in thread: "ring quest"

Today, 11:34pm

Thread: "Aquavated durkhang ivory"

Today, 11:31pm

Thread: "laggs"

Today, 11:29pm

Forum: "Contact the Game Administration"