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Today, 3:39am

Forum: "Mentor Advice"

Today, 3:38am

Thread: "Kampfpass Fehler"

Today, 3:38am

Post in thread: "Bald Stake quest"

Today, 3:38am

Post in thread: "Crystaline Caves - What a Joke"

Today, 3:37am

Post in thread: "Secret Fragments"

Today, 3:37am

Post in thread: "Bald Stake quest"

Today, 3:37am

Post in thread: "Bald Stake quest"

Today, 3:37am

Forum: "Mentor Advice"

Today, 3:36am

Post in thread: "Bald Stake quest"

Today, 3:36am

Post in thread: "Bald Stake quest"

Today, 3:36am

Thread: "Battle Standard quest"

Today, 3:36am

Thread: "On the pages of the past and the future Part I"

Today, 3:35am

Main Page

Today, 3:35am

Post in thread: "Valuable Dwarven Mithril Coin"

Today, 3:33am

Thread: "1 Slot im Gürtel nicht nutzbar"

Today, 3:32am

Post in thread: "quest help, Feed Simon, Kolark series branch quest"

Today, 3:31am

Post in thread: "server relay"

Today, 3:30am

Post in thread: "Lost valour because of server crash!!"

Today, 3:29am

Thread: "new quest, the serpagon chest one"

Today, 3:27am

Thread: "Battle Training"

Today, 3:26am

Thread: "What happened"

Today, 3:25am

Post in thread: "Mirrow in Turmoil // Seasonal quests //Snowger defeated"