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Search results 1-20 of 41.

Saturday, June 29th 2024, 11:42am

Author: Resmmeee

[FOOTBALL EVENT] Get some extra points ... Teams in Final Team France vs. Team England Winner Team of the Tournament Team France

Saturday, June 29th 2024, 11:40am

Author: Resmmeee

[FOOTBALL EVENT] Matchdays 14-17 Switzerland 1 : Italy 2 Germany 3 : Denmark 1 England 2 : Slovakia 0 Spain 4 : Georgia 0 France 2 : Belgium 1 Portugal 3 : Slovenia 0 Romania 1 : Netherlands 2 Austria 2 : Turkey 1

Friday, June 21st 2024, 4:07pm

Author: Resmmeee

[FOOTBALL EVENT] Matchday 10-13 Switzerland 1 : Germany 2 Scotland 1 : Hungary 1 Albania 0 : Spain 3 Croatia 1 : Italy 1 Netherlands 2 : Austria 0 France 3 : Poland 1 England 2 : Slovenia 0 Denmark 1 : Serbia 0 Slovakia 1 : Romania 1 Ukraine 1 : Belgium 2 Georgia 0 : Portugal 2 Czech Republic 1 : Turkey 3

Thursday, May 30th 2024, 8:20pm

Author: Resmmeee

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - June draw

06-15-27-37 11-16-23-29 10-21-30-40 31-34-43-49

Thursday, May 30th 2024, 7:21pm

Author: Resmmeee

Foul Letters and Gifts

After attack: 18:08 Gracz _Hypnose_ [10] podarował ci upominek "Kolia Ziejącego Ogniem Smoka".…2fd13645002afee Forwarded to human team

Thursday, April 25th 2024, 9:01pm

Author: Resmmeee

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - May draw

25-01-09-07 06-08-13-42 04-12-26-10 03-33-44-22

Sunday, March 3rd 2024, 3:30pm

Author: Resmmeee

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - March draw

04-08-31-40 07-09-26-32 10-24-37-49 12-18-22-29

Friday, February 2nd 2024, 6:51pm

Author: Resmmeee

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - February draw

17-13-21-43 30-12-34-36 11-04-47-14 05-09-23-31

Wednesday, December 27th 2023, 3:00pm

Author: Resmmeee

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - Anniversary draw

23-08-28-37 11-06-20-18 34-10-21-05 09-12-19-40

Wednesday, November 29th 2023, 6:05pm

Author: Resmmeee

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - December draw

03-06-10-12 15-20-23-25 30-33-35-40 42-45-49-50

Tuesday, October 31st 2023, 8:20pm

Author: Resmmeee

[HALLOWEEN] Trick or treat!

It was yet another cold autumn in the world of Faeo. Leaves were falling off summer-dried arborises, alchemists and wizards were rushing to Bogelf’s Swamp to gather last mushrooms in the season and warriors were celebrating the annual festival, laughing and cheering for a whole week. In such a joyful atmosphere, who would expect the awful things that were to come? In the last week of October, just before the highlights of the festival, strange things began to happen. People started to notice sti...

Thursday, October 26th 2023, 12:00am

Author: Resmmeee

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - November draw

04-12-19-25 01-03-20-31 22-28-33-37 10-16-18-44

Tuesday, August 15th 2023, 8:07pm

Author: Resmmeee

Curses under Review! I agree that any items and currencies available on the character will be removed I agree that there will be 50-300 gold fine after the restructuring Please, restructure my 2000 diamond fine. Done

Sunday, July 9th 2023, 12:18am

Author: Resmmeee

[JULY] Welcome to LasWodas!

Bottom Top Bottom Middle Top Bottom Middle

Tuesday, June 6th 2023, 3:30am

Author: Resmmeee

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - June draw

02-21-26-32 07-14-37-45 11-19-22-39 07-09-42-48

Thursday, April 27th 2023, 7:10am

Author: Resmmeee

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - May draw

01-05-07-08 10-11-19-20 30-13-34-36 39-41-43-46

Sunday, April 2nd 2023, 12:25am

Author: Resmmeee

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - April draw

28-08-50-39 07-02-15-41 03-18-32-47 14-22-29-31

Monday, February 27th 2023, 11:00pm

Author: Resmmeee

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - March draw

07-15-29-38 03-08-41-49 10-22-26-31 12-32-40-47

Wednesday, January 25th 2023, 7:01pm

Author: Resmmeee

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - February draw

15-10-29-20 03-07-31-12 16-19-05-50 01-09-42-49

Thursday, January 19th 2023, 8:39am

Author: Resmmeee

[JANUARY] Welcome to LasWodas

Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Middle Middle