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Today, 12:05pm

Author: Aykutluk

How to reopen the dice game interface (gifts of heaven)

Hi, The window with the game opens only once a day. In case you played 2 times and then closed the window, then you will not be able to open it again. Only the next day there will be an opportunity to once again throw the dice up to 5 times. You can check HERE for detailed information. Have a good game!

Friday, May 31st 2024, 8:43am

Author: Aykutluk

CrackerJacks Secret Diary Serisi

Merhaba, CrackerJacks Secret Diary Serisinde bulunan görevleri Türkçe olarak BURADA paylaştık. NOT: Client ile açılmamaktadır, lütfen browser üzerinden açınız. Yeni görevler geldikçe, çevrildikten sonra yine orada paylaşılacaktır. Herkese kolay gelsin!

Wednesday, May 29th 2024, 11:52am

Author: Aykutluk

CrackerJacks Secret Diary Series

News Link Quest Name: The Map NPC: CrackerJack Location: The Gurraldiy´s Head Pub / Mary´s Tavern Required level: 3 Quest Stages: Current Goal: Find the person who knows the most about maps and writing. ( Flavviy the Wise - Settlement of Faytir / Pandrik the Wise - Light's Edge)Current Goal: Make the wiseman an exquisite origami in a color of your choice and give it to him. (You need to bring “Exquisite Origami” like this one. You can make these origami from Flavviy the Wise / Pandrik the Wise ...

Tuesday, May 28th 2024, 10:49pm

Author: Aykutluk

CrackerJacks Secret Diary Series

News Link Quest Name: More white rabbits NPC: CrackerJack Location: The Gurraldiy´s Head Pub / Mary´s Tavern Required level: 3 Quest Stages: Current Goal: Find the three missing pages of notes by hunting monsters no more than one level below your own or by destroying superbeings. Return the pages to CrackerJack in the tavern.3x CrackerJack asks you a riddle. Q: Why do skeletons take their gravestone with them when they visit the tavern? A: So that they can identify themselves at the age check. ...

Sunday, May 26th 2024, 7:06pm

Author: Aykutluk

Mystras Görevleri

Herkese merhaba, Mystras ana görevler/yan görevler/günlük ve haftalık görevlerini her iki ırk içinde Türkçe olarak BURADA paylaştık. NOT: Client ile açılmamaktadır, lütfen browser üzerinden açınız. Hepinize kolay gelsin, herhangi bir anlaşılmayan kısım veya sorularınız olduğunda, oyun içinden, hediye yoluyla, forum üzerinden özel mesajla ya da Discord(aykutluk) üzerinden ulaşabilirsiniz.

Sunday, May 26th 2024, 8:51am

Author: Aykutluk


Hello, Jeff_Sin, You can use the Lag Situation post for your feedback about the Lag. Have a good game!

Thursday, May 23rd 2024, 7:47pm

Author: Aykutluk


Hello, Jeff_Sin, I have checked the fight log you sent me and from the questions i have asked you, i understand that your "Group leader" does not have the "Kretch Amulet" and therefore he cannot come to this location. Therefore, since the "Group leader" is not in the same location where the fight takes on and ends, the person with the "highest damage" will get the loot. Next time make sure that the "Group leader" stays in the same location until the end of the fight and you will see that the pro...

Saturday, May 18th 2024, 2:33pm

Author: Aykutluk

External link error

Hello, _BSK_ warofdragons.mygames counts as an external link. Instead, by logging in via, you can easily and smoothly share links to the game. Have a good game!

Wednesday, May 15th 2024, 8:09pm

Author: Aykutluk


Auch, es wäre gut, wenn andere Clanmitglieder die Person, die sie unterstützen, in dem von Ihnen erstellten Beitrag nennen würden.

Wednesday, May 15th 2024, 5:19pm

Author: Aykutluk


Hallo sid amos, Du musst einen Beitrag im Forum machen, in dem der Clan einen neuen Anführer wählt, und dann den Support mit diesem Beitrag anschreiben. Der beste Platz dafür wäre „Human Area Only“. Ich wünsche dir ein gutes Spiel!

Sunday, May 12th 2024, 6:49pm

Author: Aykutluk

Clan Citadel - Guide

Quoted from "Starky" Hi, i have a question... Current goal: After fighting in the Temple, Arena or the Caves, obtain the missing sketches as a trophy for your victory. Take all the sketches to the Architect. Important! When moving within an alliance you need to obtain permission to erect building from the Architect. We win maybe 7-8 bf ( temple, arena, chaotic battle ) and no drop the lost sketches. We need try some times more ? Or am I doing something wrong? Hi Starky, II. For the victory on o...

Saturday, April 27th 2024, 11:27pm

Author: Aykutluk

Bank’s Best Customer certificate

I don't have any information about that. I hope it will be there in the next events.

Saturday, April 27th 2024, 10:10pm

Author: Aykutluk

Bank’s Best Customer certificate

Hi, It's not available this time.

Thursday, April 25th 2024, 9:37pm

Author: Aykutluk

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - May draw

50-17-28-01 30-42-10-39 41-11-22-08 33-19-03-44

Saturday, April 20th 2024, 4:34pm

Author: Aykutluk

Need help

Hello, I and my mentor friend have tried to find solutions to your problem but it seems that you have got the quest item that you should have got after a few stages and therefore you can't pass current stage. You need to contact Support to get this problem fixed. Please use this forum thread to send a mail to support with the problem you are having. If you need help with this mail, please feel free to contact us in-game and we will be happy to help you. Have a good game!

Saturday, April 20th 2024, 4:20pm

Author: Aykutluk

Angriffe nebelinseln

Hello @Omegamon If you want to do gathering, you can check this link and try it in alternative locations. You will also find that there are safe lands in your own race. Have a good game!

Friday, April 19th 2024, 10:23pm

Author: Aykutluk

Angriffe nebelinseln

First image Second image I want you to look carefully at these two images. The first is from a normal fight. The second is from your fight. If you see that symbol next to the name of the fight, you should know that you have been attacked with a scroll. That's "Kampf ohne Regel" in German. If there is no symbol, this is a normal fight and no scrolls were used.

Friday, April 19th 2024, 9:52pm

Author: Aykutluk

Angriffe nebelinseln

Hello, In Island of Swirling Mist locations, you can attack the enemy race with this SCROLL . As far as I can see from your fight links, you have already been attacked with scroll. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Mentor Team . Have a good game!

Saturday, April 13th 2024, 10:24am

Author: Aykutluk

Mysterious Statue of Experience bug

Hello, I checked this and seems there is a problem with the level 1 statue. I have reported this. As an alternative way for you, upgrade it to level 2 and it will work normally. But if you don't plan to upgrade it for now, you will have to wait until the issue is resolved. Have a good game!

Monday, April 8th 2024, 10:29pm

Author: Aykutluk

Strahlendes Amulett der Wanderschaft

Hello, Location specified there Bay of Silence/Stille Bucht. I can also tell you the location of the instance where we go to kill Gurraldiy Korr. If you have any further questions, do not hesitate to contact the Mentor team ! Have a good game.