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Wednesday, June 26th 2024, 8:52pm

Author: --Garbage--

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - July draw

03-06-09-12 15-18-21-24 27-30-33-36 39-42-45-48

Friday, June 7th 2024, 7:26pm

Author: --Garbage--

Dwarium - Your Feedback is required!

Also - as you can see above , posting here is inserting weird line breaks for some reason ;p

Friday, June 7th 2024, 7:25pm

Author: --Garbage--

Dwarium - Your Feedback is required!

Testing it out now. First impressions aren't bad. It seems to run quicker than current client. Not too keen on everything opening up a new window instead of dropdowns i.e. Armour Settings, Food Settings etc etc which makes quick eat or armour change take much longer due to having to open window first, then click on required items, then click "put on" or "cast" etc As mentioned (I think), no bags or belts thus far showing, or banner. Too busy to test more stuff out so the jury is out on this clie...

Friday, June 7th 2024, 6:25pm

Author: --Garbage--

Dwarium - Your Feedback is required!

*the I have a terrible habit of typing 'teh' instead of 'the', I guess my brain & my fingers don't quite synchronise quite right when I type that word.

Friday, June 7th 2024, 6:23pm

Author: --Garbage--

Dwarium - Your Feedback is required!

Here's a thought, how about an auto translator. You can click your preferred language and it automatically translates ALL chat, items, messages, forums or anything else that has text, into said preferred language. Would certainly sort out all the problems with Russian text that is still rife in the game plus save copy/pasting all teh time when you want to chat or read stuff in other languages

Thursday, May 30th 2024, 5:57pm

Author: --Garbage--

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - June draw

03-06-09-12 15-18-21-24 27-30-33-36 39-42-45-48

Sunday, May 12th 2024, 5:03pm

Author: --Garbage--

Clan Citadel - Guide

I just remember doing things for clan & the leader would say he got something drop in his backpack for the citadel so might have been something else we were doing. I also vaguely remember things dropping into the clan treasury. Yet again, I could be totally wrong & thinking about a different game alltogether Ask your leader if they have received anything for citadel in their backpack - never know, I might actually be right

Sunday, May 12th 2024, 4:59pm

Author: --Garbage--

Clan Citadel - Guide

It's been a while but as far as I can remember the leader gets the sketches if they drop as only they can build new citadel buildings. As I say, it's been a while so I could be mistaken.

Saturday, May 11th 2024, 2:24am

Author: --Garbage--

Can we just get one reset time please?

Waited until 2am game time & they all reset. Sheesh!

Saturday, May 11th 2024, 1:16am

Author: --Garbage--

Can we just get one reset time please?

I used to log in just after midnight game time to do most daily stuff, especially when a monthly event was on just in case I couldn't get to them through the day or the event ended that day (like this May event is going to end today) Just logged on before 1am game time as I know Necrus resets at 1am so I waited until then but I'm presented with a list of daily quests, event quests & charters that used to be reset by now but they aren't. One on One with your own Shadow - It will be available tomo...

Friday, April 26th 2024, 4:13pm

Author: --Garbage--

Game Is So Slow Since Saturday April 20!!!

Quoted from "- Dogma -" Its slow at least since December 2022... No, it was December 2021 when we had the catastophic update that slowed everything down & broke much. Things still not fixed since that fateful update. Slow fight loading, slow fight ending, slow auto dress/eat, slow everything!

Thursday, April 25th 2024, 3:19pm

Author: --Garbage--

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - May draw

03-06-09-12 15-18-21-24 27-30-33-36 39-42-45-48

Friday, March 29th 2024, 4:01pm

Author: --Garbage--

Herbologist Puzzles

The herbologist puzzles are terrible. What winds me up is having to do them even though I'm not a herbologist i.e. underwater when I pick coral. For some reason I have to do a puzzle very frequently. That in itself is annoying but the fact some of them are incredibly hard to do is my biggest problem. Why are the puzzles even a thing? ESPECIALLY underwater where coral is only useful for one thing afaik!! If you're worried about bots then fair enough, but implement a better system - I know, how ab...

Wednesday, March 27th 2024, 5:28pm

Author: --Garbage--

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - April draw

03-06-09-12 15-18-21-24 27-30-33-36 39-42-45-48

Tuesday, March 19th 2024, 2:32pm

Author: --Garbage--

New ideas

14:24 You have purchased Riolite 25000 pcs. Thank you for your purchase! that is so satisfying - wow, been wasting ages previously on conversion

Tuesday, March 19th 2024, 2:15pm

Author: --Garbage--

New ideas

ok - so I just found out Apparently now you can go over your energy bar! Would have been nice to have been told about this HUGE QOL update

Tuesday, March 19th 2024, 2:14pm

Author: --Garbage--

Estate Change on Browser

ok - so I'll answer my own question. Apparently now you can go over your energy bar. Would have been nice to have been told about this HUGE QOL update

Tuesday, March 19th 2024, 1:21pm

Author: --Garbage--

New ideas

Elt cube recipe for Riolite!!! Put in Absolute Energy - get Riolite back. I'm so tired of doing it 200 at a time because page refreshes every time you use one energy pot so have to open a building each time AGAIN to then click buy riolite AGAIN, to then click use energy to pay AGAIN, to then click confirm AGAIN to get my Riolite. Please - add some QOL updates. I could suggest a lot more but as I'm currently trying to use up some energy pots for Riolite this is my current annoyance

Saturday, March 9th 2024, 6:19pm

Author: --Garbage--

Blessing lifetimes

I could say a lot about this, losing 100's of buffs only last week because I forgot about them - some that we used to be able to reset simply by equipping them but was changed last year or thereabouts - despite logging in every day for 12+ years on different accounts before starting this one, I'll just continue by saying... +1 to all the above

Sunday, March 3rd 2024, 1:35pm

Author: --Garbage--

Estate Change on Browser

I've noticed when using a browser to play the game the estate buildings have the option to upgrade with the full amount of riolite needed. But you are still unable to use energy pots to go over your daily allowance. For instance, my town hall has a sliding scale up to 7400 energy but I can only go to 233 currently. I've checked all buildings & they all have their FULL build cost in the sliding scale, not my maximum energy bar of 233. So my question is, what is the point of this change? and is it...