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Sunday, June 16th 2024, 10:24am

Author: Vaylinor

Divorce / Scheidung he doesn't play anymore Divorce granted, Better Luck next time

Saturday, June 15th 2024, 7:58pm

Author: Vaylinor

Wedding Application Form - Magmars

I already have a wedding ring. When I click on it, it appears that I am divorced. This ring would then have to be removed. Alternatively, if I haven't already done so, I hereby apply for divorce ;-)…&threadID=37315 bitte hier deine Scheidung beantragen, sobald diese durch ist, kann erst die Hochzeit bearbeitet werden

Saturday, June 15th 2024, 7:22pm

Author: Vaylinor

Wedding Application Form - Magmars

Link to the bridegroom: Link to the bride: Preferred time and date of marriage: 23.06.2024 or 2024-06-23 18.00 / 19.00 6/7 p.m. Consecrator: Unheiligerengel Approved - Until 01.07.2024 11:20 Gemäß den Gesetzen der Feo-Welt sind seit 23.06.2024 Hardihood [8] und Vaylinor [14] rechtmäßige Eheleute.

Thursday, April 25th 2024, 9:05pm

Author: Vaylinor

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - May draw

09-17-20-21 03-04-05-08 09-19-25-50 05-25-30-32