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Wednesday, June 12th 2024, 6:09pm

Author: thenest

Dwarium - Your Feedback is required!

Okay, first thing i really need to honor your work on this- to be fair nice client. I like the new functions, even if some doesnt work correctly, but overall the client ist fast enough to play with i dont have(much) probllems while playing, but i hope that few things will be better in futuring updates: - pls owrk on NLS, it doesnt work in my client, and i heard that there are mcuh probs, so pls fix it -pls do an search bar in chat log -notification settings-dont know if just bugged, but i dont g...

Tuesday, September 12th 2023, 7:06pm

Author: thenest

Lag Situation

Playing from: Client ver 3.0.41 Time when it starts: 19.01 Nick: thenest hard lagg, not possible to join chaotic battle even with omre clisk on "Here"

Tuesday, September 12th 2023, 6:08pm

Author: thenest

Lag Situation

Quoted from "thenest" Playing from: Client Time when it starts: Morning :18:05 Nick: thenest Hard lag at the moment,not working at colelctiong ressources lagging until end of day i thinkn gg impossible to collect resspurces nice event

Tuesday, September 12th 2023, 6:06pm

Author: thenest

Lag Situation

Playing from: Client Time when it starts: Morning :18:05 Nick: thenest Hard lag at the moment,not working at colelctiong ressources

Thursday, July 27th 2023, 6:46am

Author: thenest

actual situation/events-advices to admins

and why is the system price 100g? the tax himself is baout 2g, thats very muuch jsut if u want to have them

Wednesday, July 26th 2023, 10:40pm

Author: thenest

actual situation/events-advices to admins well what should i say, it feels like their kidding us-n ot only that were now on one server with hard laggs, our gifts are gone, our figths gone and that we cant really hunt now-their also chaning things those scrols was about 0,001 g as price, now theyre changed to 100- just because they want our moeny and time -not to improve server-they will shutdown if we leave -theyre jsut wanna have our big bags of money in their hands- this is no...