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Search results 1-20 of 239.

Monday, December 30th 2024, 10:02pm

Author: Pearlie

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - January draw

01-21-27-36 02-06-07-29 04-11-24-43 05-13-20-49

Friday, December 27th 2024, 8:05pm

Author: Pearlie

Christmas Commotion Quests (will be updated)

Note: The tasks from "Christmas Commotion" do not count towards the progress of completing the Christmas to-do list!

Thursday, December 19th 2024, 11:56am

Author: Pearlie

[Guide] Warrior/Hunter Puzzles / Puzzle Wojownika

Below is a collection of puzzles (captchas) that players periodically have to solve during the hunt, called "test of skill". - the first time the captcha is unsuccessful,the Warrior's Apathy -30% effect will be applied , which will reduce the gold received from monsters by 30% . The effect lasts 5 minutes; - the second time the captcha is unsuccessful in a row , the Warrior's Apathy -40% effect will be applieded , which will reduce the gold received from monsters by 40% . The effect lasts 10 min...

Wednesday, December 4th 2024, 2:26pm

Author: Pearlie

[GUIDE] Sanctuary Mystras Update

Spirit of Suor Twin World and the End of the World Your goal : Return to the Necromancer. Dialogue with Necromancers: Your goal : Go to Elendiya Dialogue with Elendiyar: Your goal : Ask the hermit Ezu for Genie’s Travel Kit . Dialogue with the hermit: Your goal : Use the Eternity Clock to travel to the parallel world and retrieve Message from Elendiyar from Elder Baguron . Then use Genie’s Travel Kit to return to Elendiyar. Received: Genie's Travel Kit x1 Dialogue with the Clock of Eternity: You...

Wednesday, December 4th 2024, 2:25pm

Author: Pearlie

[GUIDE] Sanctuary Mystras Update

Sanctuary: Elendiyar the Keeper All for the victory of the genies Your goal : Destroy monsters in Mystras until you collect 20 Jailer's Key . Then find the cells in the location and free the prisoners. After that, return to Elendiyar. Collect 20 keys, then on the right in the list of locations click Save the Genies You turned the key in the lock of each cage almost silently. The exhausted genies bowed to you with gratitude. It will take them a long time to regain their strength! Removed: Jailer'...

Wednesday, December 4th 2024, 2:24pm

Author: Pearlie

[GUIDE] Sanctuary Mystras Update

Sanctuary: Elendiyar the Keeper The heart of the Sanctuary will beat once more Your goal : Touch Soul Reaper’s Staff to activate the collection of souls. By killing monsters that inhabit the lands of Mystras, charge Soul Reaper’s Staff . Return Soul Reaper’s Shining Staff to Elendiyar. Staff charge: 0 of 50 We use the staff, get the blessing for an hour " Blessed Light " and go kill another 50 mobs (any in any location of Mystras, not necessarily in the Sanctuary).. You can kill slowly, if the e...

Wednesday, December 4th 2024, 2:22pm

Author: Pearlie

[GUIDE] Sanctuary Mystras Update

Mystras: Elendiyar the Keeper Hidden Mysteries of the Sanctuary We go through the dialogue, an entrance to the sanctuary appears in the location. We go through a chain of quests: Sanctuary: Elendiyar the Keeper Guarding the Sanctuary Your goal: Protect Elendiyar by defeating the monsters. After the battle, return and talk to her. Immediately after the dialogue, an attack occurs, mobs are killed without a cast. But it's better to hit quickly: - Meymun increases his damage every 10 seconds by 10%;...

Saturday, November 30th 2024, 10:39am

Author: Pearlie

1 Slot im Gürtel nicht nutzbar

Hi Try to remove all you belts, update scripts if you use dwarium or clear cache, remove cookies if you are using old client/ broswer and put them on again.

Thursday, November 14th 2024, 9:41am

Author: Pearlie

Secret's of the Three - Dragon Tasks

check alchemist shop, he has usefull potion for this fight

Monday, November 4th 2024, 4:03pm

Author: Pearlie


Middle Top Top Bottom Bottom Middle Top

Saturday, November 2nd 2024, 5:40pm

Author: Pearlie

[Guide] Stellar Storm Season + Mirrow in Turmoil Battle Pass poradnik (polish)

Battle Pass: Stellar Storm Season + Mirrow in Turmoil! Aby rozpocząć udział w Battle Pass musimy zakupić w Sklepie Premium Battle Pass za 100g każdy Dodatkowo by dostawać lepsze nagrody możemy dokupić tam dodatkowo Pass Premium za 50 brylantów lub zakupić za 25 $. w Banku, zakładka zakup (oferta 25$ jest limitowana czasowo, więc wygaśnie) Każdy z Battle Passów ma oddzielne przepustki do aktywownaia go,zadania, oddzielne liczniki i nagrodyNagrody za Battle Pass Gold są po lewej stronie, Premium B...

Saturday, November 2nd 2024, 3:02am

Author: Pearlie

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - November draw

25-01-09-07 06-08-13-42 04-12-26-10 03-33-44-22

Thursday, October 31st 2024, 12:45pm

Author: Pearlie

Architect Trials 17th Anniversary Guide (by -Lilah-)

Now it doesn't stick out: Collect 17 enemy ears! What you need to do: Please note: You might have to deal at least 50% of the damage to an enemy and win a battle in order to receive their ear! Drops: on chaotics, at the arena, on the hand of the sky, in enemy locations (not all), with some probability completing the quest "Air battles".Failed to knock out: In the Meridian Vaults. Come alive in good health: Bring 17 green Scrolls of Resurrection to Norak the Virtuous. What you need to know: Thes...

Thursday, October 31st 2024, 12:34pm

Author: Pearlie

Architect Trials 17th Anniversary Guide (by -Lilah-)

The Architect's Trials are here! Warriors! Are you ready for the new, thrilling 18 tasks brought to you by the Architect? If you don't feel ready, don't worry! Your Mentors are here to provide the answers. Follow this guide and see for yourself: NOTE: Architect's quests for the 17th anniversary have only 17 achievements. The Quest with the Deep Sea Shell has been removed. During this event you will be rewarded with chests for each milestone you achieved. The more challenges you overvome, the bet...

Tuesday, October 29th 2024, 1:36pm

Author: Pearlie

17lecie gry The Bracelet for the Friend [Faeo is 17 years old!] Polish

Ulepszanie bransoletek do koloru czerwonego Daj bransoletki mieszkańcom Feo, a nie będą dłużni, dając ci w zamian prezenty (poziom nagrody zależy od tego, jakiego koloru bransoletkę dasz postaci). Czarodziejka Brugilda / Wiedźma Gredea A friendly gift from a witch An extraordinary gift from a witch A Precious Gift from the Witch Sojgura / Ostap A friendly gift from the master An extraordinary gift from the master A precious gift from the master Szejmus / Nadziarka A friendly gift from a joker An...

Tuesday, October 29th 2024, 1:16pm

Author: Pearlie

17lecie gry The Bracelet for the Friend [Faeo is 17 years old!] Polish

Misję rozpoczynamy u Sojgury (Plac Ognia) / Ostapa (Plac Światła) Twój cel: Zdobądź Token of Friendship Bracelet lub Unique Friendship Bracelet i zanieś ją do Sojgury (Plac Ognia) / Ostapa (Plac Światła) Nagroda: Master’s Friendly Gift lub Master’s Special Gift Rozpoczęło się dla Ciebie zadanie „Bracelet for the Friend”. Życzymy powodzenia! Otrzymano: Sketch for Gift Bracelet 1 sztuka Po otrzymaniu zadania od rzemieślnika zbieramy torby Bag of colored beads i wyjmujemy z nich koraliki. Torby z k...

Sunday, October 27th 2024, 9:13pm

Author: Pearlie

Mystras Schmiede?

Hi Soli, Unfortunatelly we dont have info when forge will be active again. The forge is deactivated for technical reasons.

Wednesday, September 11th 2024, 9:30pm

Author: Pearlie


From Fury to Harmony In the heart of the ancient mountains, where the air shimmered with latent magic, Sheara, the Mistress of Dragons, sought solace in the sacred hot springs. The waters, steeped in the essence of the earth, enveloped her in a comforting embrace, their warmth a balm for her troubled spirit. Tonight, under the watchful gaze of the full moon, her two beloved dragons, Striagorn and Erifarius, would clash in a battle foretold by prophecy. Born from the energies of humans and magmar...

Wednesday, August 28th 2024, 6:39pm

Author: Pearlie

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - September draw

01-05-16-27 10-17-28-34 07-23-33-42 03-12-24-39

Wednesday, July 3rd 2024, 10:47pm

Author: Pearlie

[FOOTBALL EVENT] Matchdays 18-19 Spain 1 : Germany 1 Portugal 1 : France 2 England 2 : Switzerland 1 Netherlands 1 : Turkey 1