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Friday, December 18th 2020, 7:25pm

Author: Lalie

Bad nicknames

Quoted from "Hakan The Khan" Covid 19 spelled backwards. Apply banhammer plox. Player was handled

Monday, November 30th 2020, 7:05pm

Author: Lalie

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - DECEMBER Draw

2-7-10-19-23-48 5-21-26-29-45 1-6-7-8-47-50 3-9-12-15-33-36

Friday, July 17th 2020, 7:45pm

Author: Lalie

Quick Codes


Monday, December 3rd 2018, 9:20am

Author: Lalie

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - December Draw

19 - 47 - 1 - 33 23 - 49 - 18 - 31 40 - 2 - 28 - 25 7 - 50 - 23 - 38

Sunday, September 2nd 2018, 3:07pm

Author: Lalie

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - September Draw

19 - 47 - 1 - 33 23 - 49 - 18 - 31 40 - 2 - 28 - 25 7 - 50 - 23 - 38

Sunday, July 29th 2018, 10:36am

Author: Lalie

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - August Draw

19 - 47 - 1 - 33 23 - 49 - 18 - 31 40 - 2 - 28 - 25 7 - 50 - 23 - 38

Saturday, June 30th 2018, 12:49pm

Author: Lalie

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - July Draw

19 - 47 - 1 - 33 23 - 49 - 18 - 31 40 - 2 - 28 - 25 7 - 50 - 23 - 38

Wednesday, April 25th 2018, 6:14pm

Author: Lalie

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - May Draw

19-47-1-33 23-49-18-31 40-2-28-25 7-50-23-38

Saturday, May 14th 2016, 10:48pm

Author: Lalie

It´s time to vote!

Category 1 (Songtext) Weiss 8 RevoltVer 4 hunter_destiny 1 Alamus 3 Eloise_ 5 Fire Grin 6 Tosha 2 -TheRiddle- 7 Muffin 9 Category 2 (Audio/Video) - Furious - 0 Lethillion - 0

Tuesday, September 15th 2015, 8:58pm

Author: Lalie

September event questions

What is the title of the dead Elfin queen that made a deal with a cursed god and with her loyal followers protects the ancient sanctuary of her people in the mountain gorge? Andorvane. You see, warrior, over my long life I have studied all the languages of this world! I can speak fluently with the Flaundins and Eldives, I can recognise the sound of the Kretches and the growl of the Krogans... But these days warriors use terrible slang! All I hear around me is: “Ahh, help, plz, zoo!!!,” and then ...

Monday, June 1st 2015, 8:33pm

Author: Lalie

bov flood

6. Trades and Services Services, selling and buying of goods can be exclusively haggled on the trade chat, in private or in the forum trade area. Exceptions are requests for services of professional healers and locksmiths i hope ths clear up the confusion, no offering of service in main chat allowed

Tuesday, December 17th 2013, 5:04pm

Author: Lalie

Antiquarian Robbery

Hi I have been asked a couple time now where the locations are for the quest, you get 4 map pieces, the locations is as follows: 1. Ridge of Darkness 2. Eclipse Thicket 3. Lost Wasteland 4. County Vurdaliya

Saturday, September 14th 2013, 8:10am

Author: Lalie

Friday 13th: Bad luck, go away!

Go to Chernag and keep Chief Torgor company while greting new players :-)

Monday, February 4th 2013, 5:14pm

Author: Lalie

got kicked out of my cc

Please contact support if you feel it was game related, you can read here how to contact them - How to use the support site

Tuesday, November 6th 2012, 5:30pm

Author: Lalie


In temple it is normally not a good idea to help someone in a fight, as then the human can stall you both and they will have a person free to go drop crystals and you loose the temple

Tuesday, October 23rd 2012, 6:35pm

Author: Lalie

Visualscientist Hacking

Please post in the correct thread in the guard section of humans, we as mentors can help you with that, when he say something to you please copy and paste it to a human mentor online, and as soon as you are lvl 2 complain the message by right clicking on the time

Thursday, March 29th 2012, 5:56pm

Author: Lalie

Bad Nicknames