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Search results 1-20 of 71.

Monday, September 18th 2023, 3:14am

Author: Rickoshey

[SEPTEMBER EVENT] The Missing Profession!

Sorry, file was too large and didn't notice it wasn't attached in old post. Production profession: 1- The Enchanter The enchanter is a new producer profession in the world of Feao. By combining his immense knowledge of the magical arts and rare resources gathered in the world of Feao, he can create all sorts of strong and useful enchantments. His enchantments can be used as temporary buffs to increase one's wit and skills in combat, gain a sharper eye to find more resources while gathering or ev...

Sunday, January 15th 2023, 6:15pm

Author: LordOfNightmares

[JANUARY] Welcome to LasWodas

top top middle bottom bottom top middle

Wednesday, April 28th 2021, 10:03pm

Author: LordOfNightmares

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - May Draw

09-12-13-25 32-36-41-48 02-14-24-23 37-30-43-08

Tuesday, March 16th 2021, 10:01pm

Author: LordOfNightmares

[MARCH EVENT] Welcome to Las WoDas - Arts

My Las wodas entry , The Amazing outlandish casino word of : CITADELOPIA

Wednesday, February 24th 2021, 8:57pm

Author: LordOfNightmares

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - MARCH Draw

05-08-12-15 30-45-19-26 24-28-32-36 41-44-14-03

Saturday, February 6th 2021, 2:09pm

Author: LordOfNightmares

sleeping beauty pot

Ingredients : the fairy is a delicate creature who hates violence and prefers peace and love so all the ingredients need to be carefully and specially selected for her, additionally being a fairy this means she hates metals and all sorts of metals are poison for her so you can't choose any : - 1 Iron bar , nah just kidding unless you wanna poison her, the first ingredient is : 10 Blue gilded habus caviar ( (only the finest caviar will do....

Wednesday, December 30th 2020, 4:15pm

Author: LordOfNightmares

[NUMBERS] Holiday draw - January

40-42-32-11 28-08-12-26 36-29-47-07 06-18-41-34

Tuesday, May 5th 2020, 2:10pm

Author: LordOfNightmares

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - May Draw -

Quoted from "LordOfNightmares" 2-7-13-11 24-26-32-39 41-45-36-12 19-28-27-10 02-07-13-11 24-26-32-39 41-45-36-12 19-28-27-10 appologiez for double posting.

Monday, February 17th 2020, 8:27pm

Author: LordOfNightmares

[February Event] Valentine 2020 - LETTER

Shining in the sky 2 stars glisten as i gaze upon them Lighting my path your smile oh so dazzling golden silkey falls covering your shoulders And a song of a 1000 angels choruses chants to my soul as you speak to me Softer than the wind your touch healing and so gentle your radiating beauty makes the sun pales in comparison to you All of this is true ... All of this is you  I look at the sun i see you I look at the moon I see you They say that roses are red violets are blue how to put this sim...

Monday, February 17th 2020, 7:29pm

Author: LordOfNightmares

[February Event] Valentine 2020 - CARD

My love letter to an old inactive human : Blerta