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Saturday, January 11th 2025, 10:49am

Author: Aykutluk

CrackerJacks Secret Diary Series

Quest Name: The Magic Diary NPC: CrackerJack Location: The Gurraldiy´s Head Pub / Mary´s Tavern Required level: 3 Restriction: You must complete 12 CrackerJack quests! Quest Stages: A short conversation with CrackerJack Removed: The Lost Diary! Received: CrackerJack's Magic Diary Please Note: You will get Good Mood with every use(12 times, not more). You will be able to use it again on the 1st of each month. Sand of Renewal resets this duration!

Saturday, January 11th 2025, 10:18am

Author: Aykutluk

CrackerJacks Secret Diary Series

News Link Quest Name: The Way Back NPC: CrackerJack Location: The Gurraldiy´s Head Pub / Mary´s Tavern Required level: 3 Quest Stages: Current goal: Collect Snowdrift to build a snow rabbit with CrackerJack. (You must bring a total of 300 snowdrifts .)Go to the ranger and ask him about the properties of rabbits. ( Hawken - Zviglod Grove / Vaslav the Ranger - Light’s Edge)Bring the following resources to the Hunter: 1x Weak Scroll of Resurrection , 1x Collected Milfoil , 1x Magic Blue Ink , 10x ...

Friday, January 3rd 2025, 6:26pm

Author: Aykutluk

Mirrow in Turmoil // Seasonal quests //Snowger defeated

Hi, At first 15 was required, later it was reduced to 8 and if you have already exchange resources on the tree 8 times, the task is completed and you get battle pass points. It appears there as 8/15 but ignore this. With the opening of the Event Shop, daily quests can no longer be completed, only exchange resources and season decks can be used (I'm not sure if this was intended - Season deck; but exchange resources have always been like this) To give some general information about Mirrow in Turm...

Thursday, December 26th 2024, 6:16am

Author: Aykutluk

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - January draw

12-33-07-45 23-19-08-40 05-29-14-31 48-02-26-09

Wednesday, December 25th 2024, 2:08pm

Author: Aykutluk

Christmas Commotion Quests (will be updated)

@N e a g l e y It's not a mistake, it was planned that way. You can already see on it that it can have a lifetime of 4 hours. You can complete it after 24 hours and you will NOT LOSE ANY REWARD.

Wednesday, December 25th 2024, 1:47pm

Author: Aykutluk

Christmas Commotion Quests (will be updated)

@ Dan_the_devil Search the hidden places, that's what is meant(like Plateau of Silence-Haunted-Underworld-Mystras) @ N e a g l e y After 24 hours you can buy again. In general, you can buy 2 pcs of food every 24 hours.

Wednesday, December 25th 2024, 5:42am

Author: Aykutluk

Quest Ziege beim Weihnachtsmann

Talk to the Ruler Onufir 1 more time and he will remove the Goat. This is enough for this phase of the quest.

Thursday, December 12th 2024, 10:00pm

Author: Aykutluk

Mirrow in Turmoil // Seasonal quests //Snowger defeated

Hi, Please disband your group and then kill the Snowgers

Thursday, December 12th 2024, 7:09pm

Author: Aykutluk

CrackerJacks Secret Diary Series

News Link Quest Name: The Chest NPC: CrackerJack Location: The Gurraldiy´s Head Pub / Mary´s Tavern Required level: 3 Quest Stages: Find the mysterious chest in the secret hiding places that everyone knows about!What you need to do here is to search for hidden places/ruins in the game. Plateau of SilenceHaunted PlaceShips GraveyardMystras Town Please note that you cannot receive the chest from hidden places/ruins as a guarantee! You may need to try several times. You have received a bonus: ‘[Th...

Monday, December 9th 2024, 9:22pm

Author: Aykutluk

Bodenlose Tasche aus dem Rucksack verschwunden

You can send a mail/or ask in-game to Tigerok for information on this issue. We have already forwarded the issue to him.

Sunday, December 1st 2024, 4:06pm

Author: Aykutluk

Bodenlose Tasche aus dem Rucksack verschwunden

@Le Soleil This has been forwarded to the admins and we are waiting for their response.

Wednesday, November 27th 2024, 10:21am

Author: Aykutluk

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - December draw

2-8-15-22 29-3-36-44 5-10-17-24 31-28-42-49

Monday, November 25th 2024, 2:57pm

Author: Aykutluk

Unable to search Plateau cache

Hi, Complete the Edera's Banishment quest and it will work. Also there are different alternatives for Battle pass. You can try them. - Haunted Place - Ship Graveyard - Mystras

Friday, November 22nd 2024, 5:27pm

Author: Aykutluk

Fehler Mirrou Kampfpass

Hi, This issue has been fixed and added to players who do not receive Battle Pass Points.

Wednesday, November 20th 2024, 11:55am

Author: Aykutluk

Fehler bei den Mystras Talenten?

Hi, Received: Inspiration of Datkhar 5 pcs. Instead of blue, you now get 5 corresponding green ones. Basically, the logic is exactly the same.

Tuesday, November 12th 2024, 11:25am

Author: Aykutluk

[12/11/2024] - The Elt Cube tab in the Exchange Tent

The Elt Cube section will appear in the Exchange Tent. There you can exchange your transferable items for non-transferable ones. This is done so that they can be combined in the Elt Cube. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Der Bereich Eltwürfel wird in der Wechselstube erscheinen. Dort könnt ihr eure übertragbaren Gegenstände gegen nicht übertragbare eintauschen. Das ist dafür da, damit diese im Elt-Würfel kombiniert werden können.

Saturday, November 9th 2024, 8:40pm

Author: Aykutluk

Kampfpass Fehler

Hi, Forwarded to admins, your problem will be solved soon

Friday, November 8th 2024, 7:48pm

Author: Aykutluk

Mirrou Kampfpass Fehler

Hi, Forwarded to admins, your problem will be solved soon