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Monday, October 3rd 2022, 7:30pm

Author: Wrong Chat

Old Wedding aplicaton 01/2022-12/2024

1. Groom: 2. Bride: 3. consecrator: approved 19:39 As of 11.10.2022, Wrong Chat [13] and DarkBlood1994 [12] are officially married in accordance with the laws of Faean marriage.

Friday, September 2nd 2022, 3:41pm

Author: Wrong Chat


1: Chat 2: 3: Not active no more Approved.

Sunday, October 27th 2019, 6:01pm

Author: Wrong Chat

Merchant Mark Quest

Merchant Marks Recurring Quest. Here you have list of all MM quest arround where to get, What is needed and what your up against. Hope it wil be usefull for you all. Lv8+ Qouest. Rivers Of Honey: Voluptuous Mary/Givens inside Pub. Your goal: Go see Kugar the Hunter for a Cask of Honey and Herbier the Herbologist for a Herbal Mixture needed for Mead. Having done that, return to Givens with the ingredients you procured. 1. Herbier the Herbologist>> Herbal Mixture for some Mead. Your goal: Bring Co...

Sunday, October 13th 2019, 9:13am

Author: Wrong Chat

Delivery through Time

Provisions for the Goat: The ruler’s young goat is growing and needs more feed. Gather 10 Heads of Cabbage for Zinka, and the ruler will remember your kindness! Passed: Go hunting and obtain 10 Heads of Cabbage for the ruler. Passed: In the past, go to Dartrong Square and deliver the ingredients to the Elder. Current goal: Return to the future and find out if the Elder still has the ingredients you delivered. Reward: Elder Verkiry‘s approval. When did all parts went back to future elder but hes ...

Wednesday, September 27th 2017, 1:05pm

Author: Wrong Chat

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - October Draw

2-9-11-18 25-29-35-40 41-47-52-63 69-74-86-93