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Search results 1-5 of 5.

Tuesday, October 8th 2024, 9:11pm

Author: San_Escobar

Human 21 Imps

Base on from what I heard, RU server has below changes: 1. Imps are counted as a value of 5 in terms of daily limits - that gives 120 Imps daily - which is doable in ~1hr 2. Imps give a bit more gold Honestly, brilliant idea if its true

Tuesday, October 8th 2024, 6:14pm

Author: San_Escobar

Human 21 Imps

Hi All, I'm imressed how good effects did the war bring wih respect for all. Yes, there are 20's in other clans capable of killing Imps in 20-30s max. If I may suggest: 1. Hunt max 1 hour - 2hr blesses can be used on other mobs as well, money isn't that bad 2. Hunt only on MAX (or almost ) blesses - decks are 2hr/week then this is the limit. Got sands, good for you, it makes 4hr total from time to time. (diggresion: sitting on Imps on a random kill time 50-60 sec is a bit disrespectful for other...

Monday, November 27th 2023, 7:58am

Author: xxPawcioxx

[QUEST] Pustynia Rachdaria - Quest for access to the Rachdaria Desert

Pozwolę sobie dodać kilka drobnostek, które mogą się przydać: 1. Misja zaczyna się u Bagurona na placu - można mylnie wywioskować z opisu, że Samar uruchomi nam dialog 2. Jak zdobędziemy szkatułkę to prawidłowa kombinacja ruchów poniżej: 6 do 2, 8 do 4, 1 do 5, 5 do 6, 3 do 7, 4 do 3, 7 do 1, 1 do 5, 2 do 8, 6 do 2, 5 do 6, 3 do 7, 8 do 4, 4 do 3, 7 do 1, 2 do 8 3. Idziemy do ZM - należy iść w ścieżkę [19lvl] instancji, w lokacji z bossem wisi na ścianie tarcza, którą trzeba kliknąć Bramki są ba...

Monday, July 10th 2023, 8:28am

Author: xxPawcioxx

[JULY] Welcome to LasWodas!

Bottom Top Middle Middle Top Top Bottom

Friday, February 24th 2023, 7:03am

Author: Beleg Dae

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - March draw

29-12-20-10 30-01-19-85 31-08-20-18 25-01-19-84