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Search results 1-20 of 61.

Saturday, December 23rd 2023, 4:14am

Author: MechaOG

Library Feedback

1. The entire Estate subpages 2.…?obj=cat&id=143 3. All the subpages have broken images. fixed

Saturday, December 23rd 2023, 12:43am

Author: MechaOG

Library Feedback

1. Statue of Experience 2.…t&id=143&page=5 3. The first picture is broken. It isn't loading anymore. fixed

Monday, December 18th 2023, 8:42pm

Author: MechaOG

Library Feedback

1. Shadow 2.…?obj=cat&id=213 3. There is a missing skill: Shadow Antichaos solved / erledigt

Thursday, November 16th 2023, 2:01am

Author: MechaOG

Library Feedback

1. Red Sets 2.…?obj=cat&id=404 3. First paragraph, the spelling for "mined" is wrong. solved / erledigt

Thursday, November 9th 2023, 10:31pm

Author: MechaOG

Library Feedback

1. Reputation Rating 2.…?obj=cat&id=169 3. The starting level of Mystic rep and Labyrinth rep is wrong in the last table on the page. They should be lvl 8 as should on their pages. solved / erledigt

Friday, November 3rd 2023, 8:01pm

Author: MechaOG

Daigon Armakhton | Level 14 Superbeing

Let's get this show on the road. Created the first video and what better to start with than Daigon Armakhton. Check out this guide and let me know what you think in comments. Daigon Armakhton Guide

Friday, November 3rd 2023, 2:27pm

Author: MechaOG

Library Feedback

1. November Event Schedule 2. November Schedule 3. In the bottom, the section "More Information" the crystals spelling is wrong in the coins section. Additionally, lvl 18 is missing from the amulets in the same section. solved / erledigt

Wednesday, November 1st 2023, 2:13am

Author: MechaOG

[HALLOWEEN] Trick or treat!…ver_id=0&stat=0 There I was, exploring another tomb with my team. It was dirty work, trying to invade the final rest of once great warriors. Alas, it paid well and there is no winning against the pain of empty stomach. I often wondered how I fell so far, from fighting on the front lines with Magmars to going through dust, cobwebs, and usually piles of bones. A new tomb was recently discovered not too far from city. In the land of dead where Thanos the Nec...

Saturday, January 15th 2022, 3:32pm

Author: pale_massacre

[JANUARY EVENT] Welcome to Las WoDas!

Middle Top Bottom Bottom Top Bottom Middle

Sunday, November 10th 2019, 1:54am

Author: pale_massacre

[November Even] Negative Compliments : Hahaha I love this one from blood!

Wednesday, October 16th 2019, 1:47pm

Author: pale_massacre

Quick-Bet for Clan Wars

Bets from the clan "Dragons and Dungeons": Deadly Sins (DE) Alpha (COM) Intense (PL) NecroVision (DE) Freedom (DE) BlackListed (COM) Die Darde (DE) Czarna Kompania (PL) Punishers Guild (PL) Alliance (COM)

Monday, July 15th 2019, 11:42pm

Author: pale_massacre

Has anyone come across a Prayerful Call before

It is part of the new reputation. You can read it in this link…ow=news&id=3195

Monday, July 15th 2019, 9:25pm

Author: pale_massacre

[Guide] Star Custodians

It is a good question, Sherian. You will not find rituals everytime. Different activites give different ritual and you will have to do these activites (such as hunting, gathering etc.) multiple time to find ritual. Alternatively, you can buy rituals from other players.

Thursday, May 30th 2019, 11:46pm

Author: pale_massacre


Quoted from "Lisad" That's a better deal already Are you sure he can afford all of that? Doesn't seem like he can even afford a shirt

Wednesday, May 29th 2019, 5:36pm

Author: pale_massacre

[Fun Writing] Lost Pages of Arena (Part 1)

You all have probably heard or experienced "team 3" stealing your wins in the arena?! It doesn't happen often, but from time to time, the "team 3" comes out victorious. So, we decided to get to the bottom of this mystery. We decided to uncover all that lurks in the shadows. Here is all the information that we have found. Who or what is "team 3"? To learn more about it, we talked to the Keepers of Arena, Burz and Cabur. They experessed their concern with this "team 3", but kept their appearce of ...

Wednesday, May 22nd 2019, 11:00pm

Author: pale_massacre

The joyous, cursed day!

Blood, sweat and drudgery - this is how the life in faeo can be described as. Be it east, Be it west; Be it north, Be it south; Be it humans, Be it magmars; the hardships of daily life and the terror from roaming monsters, cults, and curses is same all over. But the general folks and warriors alike still live and even thrive in this environment, trying, mostly, to work "together". As the time passes and sun sets on another day, a word arrives from jesters 'stay'. Every folk gathered near the wel...

Monday, May 20th 2019, 9:52pm

Author: pale_massacre

Armor style?

Select 1 - 2 armor types that you have. If you have more than 2, select your best one or two. This is just to see what is the most common people's choice.

Sunday, May 19th 2019, 5:16pm

Author: pale_massacre

Movie: The world of - Tinus -

These are great. Thank you for sharing them!

Saturday, April 27th 2019, 5:27pm

Author: pale_massacre

Hello Everyone))

Hello there!