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Friday, November 8th 2024, 11:37pm

Author: The_Godfather

Racist gifts

We are having racist gifs today. I complain about the player to guards but nothing happened. Is it free to insult Turkish players in that game ? Or some players have priority to insult Turkish nation ? Or is it free to insult all nationalities ? If so please let us know !

Thursday, October 24th 2024, 1:19pm

Author: The_Godfather

Human 21 Imps

You can copy magmar rules, works very good

Tuesday, October 22nd 2024, 9:05pm

Author: The_Godfather

You are trying to attack a monster that is already in combat. Continue?

Its impossbile to hunt for 20 levels in rush hour. Not only 21 scorpions, 20 levels, 19 levels all mobs are full. Numerb of 20 level players are 50 times more now and we have same number of mobs since 5-6 years. Is it so hard to increase the number of mobs i dont undestand ? This is a so called "GAME" where people spend time to enjoy and get rid of daily stress ! Why you allways try to give more stress to players ? Its more like a military school now ! Its so annyoing to see that warning : You a...

Sunday, June 30th 2024, 11:11pm

Author: Thalassophile

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - July draw

07-27-43-19 05-09-23-31 08-31-41-13 01-10-21-44

Saturday, February 24th 2024, 2:06pm

Author: The_Godfather

Something needs to change

@Dogma , you are right about 20 level combo deletes advantage of dodger as we had same in level 9 with stun combo. Also due to mechanics of sets, red BC set now dodges almost same number of Dodger set and also it has + %20 (%10+%10) symbol bonuses on axe, where Dodger has no red symbols on swords. Advantages of HW on both sets i do not even mention. As a result i agree with Mighty, red items need adjustment especially after having legendary items. @Dahna i made spaces between lines and sentences...

Sunday, February 18th 2024, 9:44pm

Author: The_Godfather

Something needs to change

+1 Moreover about red items; In pruple sets there was balance between sets and opposite sets had advantage on other ones such as, BC on HW, HW on Dodger, Dodger on BC. Now you can very easy see the differance in advanteges if you calculate total differance between purple and red sets as; intution differance in BC , agility difference in Dodger, protection differance in HW and so on. With red items; Dodger is garbage, doesnt have any advantage on any item which i like most and now i can not fight...

Monday, January 8th 2024, 9:06pm

Author: The_Godfather

Legendary Items

Its not about humans have it or magmars have it, its not personal. We are not 12 years old. I dont want to underestimate the work they did to have those legendary items but what Mighty claim is the reality about 2 items. In one fight i saw 3 pauldron effects stuck, as i udnerstand its bonus is multiplied by 3 (i m not sure, correct me if im wrong), which means %75x3 hit bonus. Its impossbile to defend your self against that blow. With 3 star vest i had one fight in chaotic, vest bonus was all th...

Sunday, January 7th 2024, 10:30pm

Author: The_Godfather

Legendary Items

I agree all. 3-4 level vest and pauldrons need to be changed. Especially there is no meaning to fight agains vest, loss of time.

Sunday, December 31st 2023, 11:00pm

Author: The_Godfather

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - Anniversary draw

23-08-28-37 11-06-20-18 34-10-21-05 09-12-19-48

Friday, October 27th 2023, 12:01am

Author: The_Godfather

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - November draw

23-08-28-37 11-06-20-18 34-10-21-05 09-12-19-48

Friday, September 29th 2023, 9:52am

Author: The_Godfather

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - October draw

50-02-10-39 48-26-19-08 35-30-07-11 40-21-01-33

Thursday, August 31st 2023, 7:18pm

Author: The_Godfather

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - September draw

12-21-26-32 07-14-37-45 01-19-22-38 04-09-42-48

Wednesday, December 7th 2022, 8:06pm

Author: The_Godfather

[Football from Otherworld] Quarter Finals Croatia 1: Brazil 3 Netherland 1: Argentina 1 Marocco 0: Portugal 3 England 1: France 2

Monday, December 5th 2022, 8:57pm

Author: The_Godfather

[Football from Otherworld] And as announced, your chance for even more points! Top scorer: Kylian Mbappe - 6 Red/yellow cards: Red card - 4 Yellow card - 155

Saturday, December 3rd 2022, 4:32pm

Author: The_Godfather

[Football from Otherworld] Round of 16 Part 2 Japan 2 : Croatia 1 Marocco 1 : Spain 4 Brazil 3 : South Corea 0 Portugal 3 : Switzerland 1

Tuesday, November 29th 2022, 5:48pm

Author: The_Godfather

[Football from Otherworld] Get extra points ...

TOP 3 Brazil France Spain Teams in final Brazil vs. France Winner team of the tournament Brazil