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Thursday, November 7th 2024, 4:03am

Author: Kaalia

Fifteenth Anniversary Guide / The Heavenly Valley of the Dwarves

Quoted from "Kaalia" I managed to get it on Cerberus Quoted from "Kaalia" Good evening, I have the quest, but even though I kill super beings, I don't drop the item to give to complete the quest. Breath of FuryThe Gnomes are not only rich, but they’re also extremely clever: in their stores, you can find some of the most extraordinary resources and artifacts. Why do they need those? Nobody knows exactly what the Gnomes are working on, but there's one thing for sure: everything they do aims to en...

Thursday, November 7th 2024, 2:39am

Author: Kaalia

Fifteenth Anniversary Guide / The Heavenly Valley of the Dwarves

Good evening, I have the quest, but even though I kill super beings, I don't drop the item to give to complete the quest. Breath of FuryThe Gnomes are not only rich, but they’re also extremely clever: in their stores, you can find some of the most extraordinary resources and artifacts. Why do they need those? Nobody knows exactly what the Gnomes are working on, but there's one thing for sure: everything they do aims to ensure a great future for the Celestial Valley. Current goal:By defeating the...

Wednesday, November 6th 2024, 3:09pm

Author: Kaalia

The Bracelet for the Friend [Faeo is 17 years old!]

Thank you, I didn't have it, I understand better, I just got it back

Tuesday, November 5th 2024, 11:47pm

Author: Kaalia

The Bracelet for the Friend [Faeo is 17 years old!]

Good evening, it's been a while since I dropped anything Today I'm at 200 kills and still no bags, is this normal, or is the event already over for me

Tuesday, November 5th 2024, 1:31am

Author: Kaalia

Seasons Deck Not Working

Good evening, can we recover the fins not obtained because of the bug?

Saturday, June 29th 2024, 12:36am

Author: Kaalia

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - July draw

14-24-45-09 50-10-25-23 10-30-31-33 07-18-06-04

Friday, January 5th 2024, 9:08pm

Author: Kaalia

Old Wedding aplicaton 01/2022-12/2024

Quoted from "Kaalia" 1. Link to bridegroom: Quoted from "Kaalia" 1. Link to bridegroom: 2. Link to the bride: [url] 3.19-01-2023 at 20h 4, No preferance of Consecrator [/url]We would like meeri to be our consecrator Approved! Best of luck! 22:15 Gemäß den Gesetzen der Feo-Welt sind seit 19.01.2024 Galaad- [6] und Kaalia [13] rechtmäßige Eheleute.

Friday, January 5th 2024, 4:12pm

Author: Kaalia

Old Wedding aplicaton 01/2022-12/2024

1. Link to bridegroom: 2. Link to the bride: 3.19-01-2023 at 20h 4, No preferance of Consecrator

Tuesday, December 26th 2023, 1:12am

Author: Kaalia

Old Divorces 01/2022-12/2024 I want to divorce, because he is inactiv Divorce granted. Better luck next time.

Monday, October 30th 2023, 3:14am

Author: Kaalia

Fifteenth Anniversary Guide / The Heavenly Valley of the Dwarves

A young female member of the gnome clan telling fortunes for visitors to the celestial fair. Unlike most of her dignified people, she is more excitable, but still has a gentle nature. She's friendly to any strangers, yet doesn’t miss an opportunity to relieve the odd purse of a couple of clinking coins. Only in return for a truthful prediction, of course! Quest stage I have questions - you have answersWhat character level is required for joining the brotherhood of Trophy Hunters?From Level 3.Fr...

Friday, October 27th 2023, 3:24am

Author: Kaalia

Fifteenth Anniversary Guide / The Heavenly Valley of the Dwarves

Quoted from "Kaalia" I have questions - you have answers Who did the Goddess Sheara succeed? A’Aron the Just. A’Aron the Harsh. Andelvan the Fierce. Andelvan the Just. ? A’Aron the Just.

Friday, October 27th 2023, 1:22am

Author: Kaalia

Fifteenth Anniversary Guide / The Heavenly Valley of the Dwarves

I have questions - you have answers Who did the Goddess Sheara succeed? A’Aron the Just. A’Aron the Harsh. Andelvan the Fierce. Andelvan the Just. ?

Wednesday, September 27th 2023, 1:50pm

Author: Kaalia

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - October draw

18-69-04-50 14-25-06-49 01-28-23-40 05-20-35-42

Sunday, January 15th 2023, 6:47pm

Author: Kaalia

[JANUARY] Welcome to LasWodas

Top Middle Bottom Top Bottom Middle Top

Wednesday, April 2nd 2014, 7:25pm

Author: Kaalia



Tuesday, April 1st 2014, 5:39pm

Author: Kaalia


i apologize in advance for my bad english. i use the translator to better understand Hello I come from the waiter(server) fr