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Search results 1-20 of 118.

Wednesday, January 8th 2025, 7:34pm

Author: Altarie

The Tiger Games!

3 locations - in the first location 14, in the second 13 and in the third 10 caches.

Monday, December 30th 2024, 3:55pm

Author: Altarie

The Tiger Games!


Friday, December 27th 2024, 8:27pm

Author: Altarie

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - January draw

26-36-44-19 09-13-23-31 15-35-41-16 24-12-48-04

Wednesday, December 25th 2024, 1:08am

Author: Altarie

Christmas Commotion Quests (will be updated)

To start quest you should go to event lands via dialogue with Elder on main square and then talk to Santa Claus there. Christmas Brawl When you start the quest, you will get 2x New Year's cocktail. Three of them are needed to continue the quest. You can buy 1 more from Xmas Shop in the event location! You need to kill mobs. They attack you when you click use cocktail on location list in locations: Magmars: Event Location / Square of Fire / City Fair / Sly Cove (Alternative) Humans: Event locatio...

Sunday, December 8th 2024, 3:13am

Author: Altarie

[December Event] Alternative diary end

Final Entry of Diary: The Goodbyes I am writing this, perhaps my last diary entry, as the first rays of dawn light up the recovering city. The aftermath of the battle lingers like a heavy fog, but there is also a palpable sense of hope in the air. The townsfolk are already rebuilding, tending to wounds, and mourning their lost. Despite the scars on their bodies and spirits, these people are resilient. I marvel at their courage. Before me, the chest sat, its carvings glowing with an almost-living...

Wednesday, November 27th 2024, 10:22pm

Author: Altarie

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - December draw

02-24-36-48 14-38-42-45 08-28-40-47 12-23-32-07

Thursday, October 31st 2024, 10:09pm

Author: Altarie

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - November draw

07-19-29-10 15-30-23-17 09-11-41-04 21-45-14-12

Thursday, October 31st 2024, 12:21pm

Author: Altarie

The Architect Görevleri Klavuzu! [Faeo is 17 years old!]

Wax Miracle: Gloum the Swinder/Chigrik the Thief'ten 17 adet mum satın al. Dolandırıcı her gün farklı miktarlarda mum satacak. Günlere göre mum sayıları şu şekildedir. Pazartesi: 5 Salı: 6 Çarşamba: 3 Perşembe: 2 Cuma: 2 There is no use in eating: Bir iksir hazırla ve bir yudum al! Yapman gerekenler: Bir Swamp Toad, Gurraldiy Korr's Slime, Scorpion Bile, Fire Flower ve bir Cuckoo Flower'ı Elt Küpü'nde birleştir: Sonuç olarak, sizde Bulantı(Nausea) etkisi yaratacak bir iksir elde edeceksiniz: Br...

Thursday, October 31st 2024, 12:21pm

Author: Altarie

The Architect Görevleri Klavuzu! [Faeo is 17 years old!]

The Architect Görevleri Klavuzu! NOT: 17. Yıldönümü için Mimar'ın(Architect) görevlerinde yalnızca 17 başarım vardır. Deep Sea Shell Görevi kaldırılmıştır. Savaşçılar! Mimarın sizlere sunduğu 17 yeni ve heyecan verici göreve hazır mısınız? Hazır değilseniz endişelenmeyin! Mentorlarınız yanınızda. Bu rehberi takip edin ve kendiniz görün: Etkinlik sırasında, başardığınız her aşama için sandıklarla ödüllendirileceksiniz. Ne kadar çok zorluğu aşarsanız, o kadar kıymetli ödüller kazanırsınız! *Lütfen...

Thursday, October 31st 2024, 12:13pm

Author: Altarie

Próby Architekta [17-lecie Legendy]

Teraz nie odstaje: Zbierzcie 17 uszu wrogów! Co musicie zrobić: Trzeba zadać co najmniej 50% obrażeń wrogowi i wygrać bitwę, aby otrzymać jego ucho! Zdrowie powróci. Przynieście 17 zielonych Zwojów Wskrzeszenia do Noraka. Co musicie wiedzieć: Te zwoje mogą być stworzone przez innych graczy z profesją Czarodzieja, możecie je kupić na aukcji/wymianie. Z czarnego serca: Stwórzcie naszyjnik z Okiem Zła i przynieście go do Izuwera! Co musicie zrobić: potrzebne będzie 17 szt. Złych oczu, przynieście ...

Thursday, October 31st 2024, 12:13pm

Author: Altarie

Próby Architekta [17-lecie Legendy]

Próby Architekta są tutaj! UWAGA! Zadania Architekta na 17-lecie mają tylko 17 osiągnięć. Quest z Głębokowodną Muszlą został usunięty. Wojownicy! Jesteście gotowi na nowe, ekscytujące 17 zadań od Architekta? Jeśli nie czujecie się gotowi, nie martwcie się! Wasi Mentorzy są tu, aby pomóc. Skorzystajcie z tego przewodnika i przekonajcie się sami: Podczas tego wydarzenia otrzymacie skrzynie za każdy osiągnięty kamień milowy. Im więcej wyzwań pokonacie, tym lepszą nagrodę otrzymacie! *Prosimy zwróci...

Tuesday, October 29th 2024, 7:16pm

Author: Altarie

17lecie gry The Bracelet for the Friend [Faeo is 17 years old!] Polish

Pamiętaj: Podczas otwierania jakichkolwiek czerwonych prezentów, masz szansę na otrzymanie losowej części legendarnego setu (1 gwiazdka na 7 dni). Z każdym otworzonym workiem szansa na otrzymanie wzrasta. WAŻNE: możesz otrzymać jeden taki item. Jeśli nie chcesz więcej zdobywać woreczków z koralikami, możesz pójść do Ostapa or Sojgury i oddać im szkic. Jednakże, jeśli zmienisz zdanie, możesz zwrócić się z prośbą o zwrócenie szkicu ponownie.

Tuesday, October 29th 2024, 3:07pm

Author: Altarie

The Bracelet for the Friend [Faeo is 17 years old!]

Please note: When you open any red gift, you have a chance to receive a random legendary item (1 star for 7 days). With each opening, your chance to receive it increases. Important: you can only obtain one such item. If you no longer wish to collect bags of beads, you can go to Ostap or Soygura and hand over the sketch. However, if you change your mind, you can also request the sketch back.

Tuesday, October 29th 2024, 12:03pm

Author: Altarie

The Bracelet for the Friend [Faeo is 17 years old!]

Give bracelets to the people of Faeo, giving you gifts in return (the reward level depends on what color bracelet you give to the character) Brugilda / Gredeya the Witch A friendly gift from a witch An extraordinary gift from a witch A Precious Gift from the Witch Soygura / Ostap A friendly gift from the master An extraordinary gift from the master A precious gift from the master Sheamus the Joker / Nadilarie A friendly gift from a joker An unusual gift from a joker A precious gift from a joker ...

Tuesday, October 29th 2024, 12:03pm

Author: Altarie

The Bracelet for the Friend [Faeo is 17 years old!]

The quest begins at Soygura (Fire Square) / Ostap (Daylight Square) Your goal: Get the Token of Friendship Bracelet or the Unique Friendship Bracelet and take it to Soygura / Ostap. The task "Hand Made has started for you. Good luck! Received: Sketch for Gift Bracelet 1 pc. After receiving the task from the craftsman, we collect the Bag of colored beads and take out the beads from them. You can get bags of colored beads in the following ways: Login to the game - 1 pc. / once a dayKill superbeing...

Wednesday, September 25th 2024, 9:44pm

Author: Altarie

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - October draw

33-42-47-03 11-23-05-38 49-02-24-36 29-25-04-37

Sunday, September 22nd 2024, 9:41pm

Author: Altarie

Old Divorces 01/2022-12/2024

1. 2. 3. Personal Divorce granted, better Luck next Time

Wednesday, September 4th 2024, 8:55pm

Author: Altarie


Chapter 2: The Perilous Crossing The journey across the Abode Ice Islands was fraught with danger. The islands, a frozen chain that separated the Human lands from the realms of the Magmars, were a place of treacherous beauty. Towering icebergs loomed over narrow passages, and the frozen sea beneath was a constant threat, ready to claim any who dared to cross its brittle surface. But the Human army pressed on, led by Damirus and guided by Erifarius, who soared above them, his keen eyes scanning t...