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Search results 1-20 of 182.

Wednesday, January 29th 2025, 2:52pm

Author: --Garbage--

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - February draw

03-06-09-12 15-18-21-24 27-30-33-36 39-42-45-48

Wednesday, December 25th 2024, 10:03pm

Author: --Garbage--

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - January draw

03-06-09-12 15-18-21-24 27-30-33-36 39-42-45-48

Wednesday, November 27th 2024, 6:31pm

Author: --Garbage--

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - December draw

03-06-09-12 15-18-21-24 27-30-33-36 39-42-45-48

Thursday, November 7th 2024, 4:51pm

Author: --Garbage--

Russian Texts - Missing Translations [Report HERE!]

PERFECT ENERGY LIQEUR in Russian;- CONTRABAND ENERGY LIQEUR in Russian;-…ct_id=996382302 (Couldn't find game id number for this so used my own supply) ABSOLUTE ENERGY LIQEUR in Russian;- GREAT ENERGY LIQEUR in Russian;- LARGE ENERGY LIQEUR in Russian;-

Sunday, November 3rd 2024, 9:21am

Author: --Garbage--


Middle Top Middle Top Middle Top Middle

Wednesday, October 30th 2024, 11:23am

Author: --Garbage--

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - November draw

03-06-09-12 15-18-21-24 27-30-33-36 39-42-45-48

Wednesday, September 25th 2024, 5:15pm

Author: --Garbage--

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - October draw

03-06-09-12 15-18-21-24 27-30-33-36 39-42-45-48

Wednesday, August 28th 2024, 5:02pm

Author: --Garbage--

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - September draw

03-06-09-12 15-18-21-24 27-30-33-36 39-42-45-48

Saturday, August 24th 2024, 4:59pm

Author: --Garbage--

Technical support->Mentor->Technical support

Quoted Please, may be Admin can resolve one more problem ? ) from Antic time I get 2 Blue Amulets of Return.…fact_id=3028259…ct_id=335512388 looks good, but -1 room in backpack and working as one. Thank you ! Those amulets of return do not occupy space in backpack

Wednesday, July 31st 2024, 3:18pm

Author: --Garbage--

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - August draw

03-06-09-12 15-18-21-24 27-30-33-36 39-42-45-48

Thursday, July 25th 2024, 3:44pm

Author: --Garbage--

Where in the world can I find a swamp toad!?

If you can go underwater there are 3 that show up occasionally (I think every 12 hours) in the first area hunt screen where you change into your UW armour before going into the sea. I grab them if they're there whenever I go UW. Toads No idea why, I just do

Tuesday, July 9th 2024, 6:57pm

Author: --Garbage--

about trade fair timing

Or... Add more days to the timers. Make ALL items in game a minimum 60 days or thereabouts. Even better would be longer & what would be ideal is NO TIMERS!!!!

Wednesday, June 26th 2024, 8:52pm

Author: --Garbage--

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - July draw

03-06-09-12 15-18-21-24 27-30-33-36 39-42-45-48

Friday, June 7th 2024, 7:26pm

Author: --Garbage--

Dwarium - Your Feedback is required!

Also - as you can see above , posting here is inserting weird line breaks for some reason ;p

Friday, June 7th 2024, 7:25pm

Author: --Garbage--

Dwarium - Your Feedback is required!

Testing it out now. First impressions aren't bad. It seems to run quicker than current client. Not too keen on everything opening up a new window instead of dropdowns i.e. Armour Settings, Food Settings etc etc which makes quick eat or armour change take much longer due to having to open window first, then click on required items, then click "put on" or "cast" etc As mentioned (I think), no bags or belts thus far showing, or banner. Too busy to test more stuff out so the jury is out on this clie...

Friday, June 7th 2024, 6:25pm

Author: --Garbage--

Dwarium - Your Feedback is required!

*the I have a terrible habit of typing 'teh' instead of 'the', I guess my brain & my fingers don't quite synchronise quite right when I type that word.

Friday, June 7th 2024, 6:23pm

Author: --Garbage--

Dwarium - Your Feedback is required!

Here's a thought, how about an auto translator. You can click your preferred language and it automatically translates ALL chat, items, messages, forums or anything else that has text, into said preferred language. Would certainly sort out all the problems with Russian text that is still rife in the game plus save copy/pasting all teh time when you want to chat or read stuff in other languages

Thursday, May 30th 2024, 5:57pm

Author: --Garbage--

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - June draw

03-06-09-12 15-18-21-24 27-30-33-36 39-42-45-48

Sunday, May 12th 2024, 5:03pm

Author: --Garbage--

Clan Citadel - Guide

I just remember doing things for clan & the leader would say he got something drop in his backpack for the citadel so might have been something else we were doing. I also vaguely remember things dropping into the clan treasury. Yet again, I could be totally wrong & thinking about a different game alltogether Ask your leader if they have received anything for citadel in their backpack - never know, I might actually be right

Sunday, May 12th 2024, 4:59pm

Author: --Garbage--

Clan Citadel - Guide

It's been a while but as far as I can remember the leader gets the sketches if they drop as only they can build new citadel buildings. As I say, it's been a while so I could be mistaken.