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Wednesday, December 25th 2024, 5:24pm

Author: petronije

Christmas Commotion Quests (will be updated)

I can-t find anywhere…ikul_id=1009683 . Instead of hat while I as trying to talk with orphan this happened> 17:21 You have completed the seasonal battle pass quest. 65 Battle Pass points received. Total Battle Pass score is 2400. 17:21 While you were running away, you lost 1 . Evil never goes unpunished... You are overwhelmed by A sense of guilt 1 pcs.…ikul_id=1009790 What a lovely gift for christmas

Monday, August 19th 2024, 10:47pm

Author: petronije

discrimination in attack rules

Hi to all I just received warning from guard because I "false" reported attack high lvl on low lwl. What is the point? I got negative effects from high lvl and on that I responded with negative effects on hihg lvl also. After that high lvl attacked me and I reported that. As the answer I got warning from guard that I false reported attack rule... So the point is that high lvls can give low lvls negative effetcts and the low lvls can't do that to high lvls, unless they wants to risk attack from h...

Thursday, November 16th 2023, 4:58pm

Author: petronije - table of contents

Is website down? I can't find anything on, no matter what language

Saturday, April 3rd 2021, 6:15pm

Author: petronije

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - APRIL Draw

03-22-31-47 09-18-19-30 22-23-27-38 04-11-29-41