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Search results 1-20 of 523.

Saturday, June 8th 2024, 1:11pm

Author: Battl3K1ng69

Streamers and Video-creators

Astral Projection of Spider Patriarch

Wednesday, December 15th 2021, 6:20pm

Author: Battl3K1ng69

Inflation rate in the Game

greed? was it announced by administration or just randomly changed?

Tuesday, August 24th 2021, 8:41am

Author: Battl3K1ng69

Out going email from ingame mail

I will double check again. but profile settings was the first I had a look at

Wednesday, August 18th 2021, 9:29am

Author: Battl3K1ng69

Out going email from ingame mail

Hi all, hope everyone is doing well. I have a pending ticket with support team that was logged over a month ago. Problem I'm experiencing is that previously my ingame mail would be send to my email if you have atleast premium active. For the last month I'm not receiving those emails anymore. was this feature discontinued? thanks BK

Friday, May 7th 2021, 4:53pm

Author: Battl3K1ng69

Streamers and Video-creators

Custodians of Magic Worship

Thursday, April 29th 2021, 3:21pm

Author: Battl3K1ng69

Race Raids

Quoted from "PureVenom" Ok .....the fact that Draconia loves to raid does not make him a bad person. All this crap about what people are like in real life cause they raid in a game is just BS. Its their game style ...they want scalps...they want the top dragon bless available so they raid and have fun....maybe dont res or avoid them areas when they are around.. Also seems to me a bit like the pot calling the kettle black since every day we have the likes of beefy and chicky , along with the lvl...

Wednesday, April 28th 2021, 10:44am

Author: Battl3K1ng69

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - May Draw

01-09-14-29 02-13-23-39 06-19-21-44 10-22-33-49

Friday, April 16th 2021, 11:09pm

Author: Battl3K1ng69

About other languages

guys lets be real here, you really think players making a post over this in the forum will get fired up so they can place an add on a website and pay a salary for a translator to come and translate the 15 languages you guys come up with? do you have any idea how much work that will be? it has been 5 years and some Russian quests are still not translated even though there is a forum post specifically designed for that purpose alone. the only logical saving grace would be if has the ...

Friday, April 2nd 2021, 12:29pm

Author: Battl3K1ng69

Still egoism or already stupidity?

Quoted from "BeefyChowMein" A wise man once told me, if you're getting overbid, that's because your price is too low. That aside, this is free market capitalism. Who am I to tell anyone what he/she should or should not be paying for things he/she wants or needs? +1

Wednesday, March 31st 2021, 10:51am

Author: Battl3K1ng69

Streamers and Video-creators

Elfin Sanctuary

Friday, March 26th 2021, 6:02pm

Author: Battl3K1ng69

Streamers and Video-creators

Thursday, February 25th 2021, 11:05pm

Author: Battl3K1ng69

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - MARCH Draw

15-22-25-35 20-24-31-47 02-09-17-44 13-18-24-33

Tuesday, February 9th 2021, 6:49pm

Author: Battl3K1ng69

[FEBRUARY EVENT] Nightmare before Valentine

Ruebelle: for its shining effect of light in dark places Absolute Scroll of Rebirth: powerful scroll needed for an ultimate awakening potion Azure Salmon: pure lean protein for muscle recovery after 100 years of sleep Fluorite: important for bone recovery after 100 years of sleep Belladonna: extract the poison out of Belladonna that will enlarge fairy pupils and open the eyes Idalle: pure divine essensce needed to complete potion Magic Purple Ink: to seal all ingredients Large crystal glass flas...

Friday, February 5th 2021, 2:47pm

Author: Battl3K1ng69

Streamers and Video-creators