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Search results 1-20 of 59.

Wednesday, April 29th 2020, 8:19pm

Author: SKYonWAR

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - May Draw -

16 - 93 - 53 - 58 21 - 98 - 32 - 75 23 - 72 - 35 - 11 61 - 34 - 27 - 91 Invalid, wrong format. Quoted Please enter your numbers as shown in this thread! Any other writing might not be counted in the lottery. Thank you!

Wednesday, October 16th 2019, 6:40pm

Author: SKYonWAR

False organizer

Useless anniversary this time anyway, no need to care about it

Monday, October 14th 2019, 6:30pm

Author: SKYonWAR

Thank you letter

Quoted from "--Ark--" Quoted from "SKYonWAR" --ark-- Come back to game , i will be gentle to you this time, just like riddle s sarcasm. doesnt make sense to play serious, the admin want your wallet only not players otherwise they would listen. do you see what is constantly on the news page just come to game , that s an order no questioning sweetie. I need sidekick to get slapped with me at pinkie land.

Sunday, October 13th 2019, 11:10pm

Author: SKYonWAR

More Limitations

i think only u and me got affected by this update. Can call it nerfing sky and zaq . .

Sunday, October 13th 2019, 1:09pm

Author: SKYonWAR

Thank you letter

--ark-- Come back to game , i will be gentle to you this time, just like riddle s sarcasm. Cant agree more what riddle says, it s amazing how this game being managed terribly and still have people playing it, for me it s people around me mostly , probably just like everyone else. Waiting for the day they fix that too. Capping sentence limit daily maybe? I always what s coming next all the time, which s diamond hunger and special prices. But after all years it s always surprising each time how fu...

Sunday, October 13th 2019, 12:31pm

Author: SKYonWAR

More Limitations

If limitations , i want to ask wasnt it administration again selling level 30 dragon buffs for ridiculous prices to " all " levels. What are you really regulating here ?

Sunday, October 13th 2019, 12:06pm

Author: SKYonWAR

More Limitations

So i was hunting and realized my hp lower than usual , checked and seen my striagorn lvl is 13 which s lower than what i had. Is it written or told in some kind of post , update log ? Or another bad joke mystery to find out by players themselves. Can you at least confirm if it s some kind of bug or new stupid cap ? Dont be shy give the bad news when i was few scalps away from next buff

Wednesday, October 2nd 2019, 9:31pm

Author: SKYonWAR

Goodbye my friend Paedric

My dear bro, met you here like 2 years ago here. We had so much fun here and it disturbs me we couldnt spend time here lately because i was away. Then i return and get this terrible news, my hairs shudder when i look at your profile, i just wish i could remember last time we talked , sadly not in my client chat history too. I wish we could talk one last time. You are missed. I want to say that sincerely thank you for all the we spent here together and i m glad to meet you. My condolences to your...

Saturday, June 22nd 2019, 9:47am

Author: SKYonWAR

Improved Magical Decks

That s just little drop of incoming sh..storm. Game s demand will never end

Sunday, June 2nd 2019, 12:09pm

Author: SKYonWAR

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - June Draw

15 - 93 - 37 - 58 26 - 9 - 83 - 35 75 - 39 - 91 - 60 21 - 16 - 63 - 49

Sunday, May 12th 2019, 7:41pm

Author: SKYonWAR

Server about to down again ?

Anyone else notice chat again messed up and sometimes frames not load. It s going to down again , i suggest not make high budget effect plans or long instances

Thursday, April 25th 2019, 12:24am

Author: SKYonWAR

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - May Draw

35 - 64 - 21 - 17 84 - 38 - 83 - 56 39 - 53 - 61 - 26 85 - 45 - 12 - 58

Saturday, April 13th 2019, 2:24pm

Author: SKYonWAR

Ancient Agudar Feats

Hi, i asked some people around and i heard different things so i m confused. My question is , for 100 tallaar points quest, do you receive 150k valor prize instantly after last tallaar or after you talk to npc just like upgrading UK banner( which i got sure it s after talking to npc). If anyone knows something would be great

Tuesday, April 9th 2019, 3:30pm

Author: SKYonWAR

Defender reputation

Would love it

Friday, March 1st 2019, 10:39am

Author: SKYonWAR

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - March Draw

16 - 23 - 5 - 37 98 - 36 - 85 - 43 37 - 83 - 29 - 54 41 - 95 - 38 - 12

Friday, February 22nd 2019, 2:59pm

Author: SKYonWAR

Where Is The Event Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

They were probably busy brainstorming to find most genius prices for varnish stuff.

Tuesday, December 4th 2018, 9:08am

Author: SKYonWAR

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - December Draw

16 - 37 - 34 - 98 23 - 12 - 95 - 72 26 - 84 - 39 - 9 68 - 94 - 36 - 81

Sunday, September 2nd 2018, 9:13am

Author: SKYonWAR

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - September Draw

31 - 57 - 46 - 69 - 15 - 95 37 - 62 - 84 - 12 - 36 - 66 13 - 94 - 69 - 37 - 30 - 46 28 - 37 - 62 - 31 - 78 - 17

Wednesday, June 13th 2018, 9:01pm

Author: SKYonWAR

Matchday 14-06-2018 RUSSIA 2 - SAUDI ARABIA 0