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Saturday, November 25th 2017, 8:19pm

Author: -Dullahan-


@Dzaack Yes. It gave them more money to get faster reps and max out much quicker. After that what need is there to paypal for more gold? Without a money sink like reps all your gold do is sit and build up to to the point where you don't exactly need more than couple hunts will provide. @TheRiddle Even when we had mixed sales paypaller would always need to get the better discounts. And there were still mountains of complaints. The game is built so that you can choose to not take part in something...

Saturday, November 25th 2017, 6:00pm

Author: -Dullahan-


@-TheRiddle- The game is already 10 years old with a larger population of high levels. Players earn so much mob money at lvl9+ that paypaling is completely optional. Paypal events therefore has to be incentivise differently to stand a chance of getting some uptake. Still its pretty silly to say people are forced to paypal. Most of the stuff in the shop are completely optional and useless. Most of the useful stuff were made available to get by ingame related methods. Ironically the game doomed it...

Saturday, October 14th 2017, 5:16am

Author: -Dullahan-

Level 16 - 10th anniversary valor bonus

Quoted from "Armagedon" Quoted from "Luinill Wolfkai" What about meridians? 2 went in the past month at this level. freaking pathetic....the problem is that it's saturday and many people like me have a family and saturday is's soccer games for the kids, and other family activities...tough to queue on saturday. Yeah thats what happens when we try to cater to the loudest whiners lol. The irony of Saturday meridians is that it gives almost the same valor as the other days. And when it h...

Saturday, October 7th 2017, 4:28am

Author: -Dullahan-

HEY Admins, whats up with large bright crystals vs sparkling

Quoted from "Sweet Lips" I believe the drop rate for large crystals was nerfed as I haven't had any green & it's a long time since I had any grey ones which used to drop all the time despite them being worthless The method of crystal drops was changed some updates ago: When destroying things, the following rule should be taken into account: when a thing is destroyed, you get a crystal level corresponding to the level of the destroyed thing, or, with a small chance, a crystal level higher. This ...

Saturday, September 30th 2017, 7:34pm

Author: -Dullahan-

Directions for new level 16

Try this summary from the RU Mentor site: Guide to Level 16+

Friday, September 29th 2017, 4:39pm

Author: -Dullahan-

new rule will be for tallers?

The player being killed in tallar is always: Worst case senario is the game counts that as a limited character. Most likely it will not associate Invisible to the individual player counter. Other mixed race battlefields like meridians also have similar anonymous structures. This rule is more likely to impact the race battlefields by limiting hooliganism that so many have complained about. That would be stuff like base camping in CC, hunting th...

Wednesday, September 20th 2017, 2:46pm

Author: -Dullahan-

infos about battelfields

Quoted from "Dahna" Quoted from "Lisad" Hello, The Battlefields article in Game Guides has been returned: Battlefields thank you very much and for lvl 16 halls, no one start, but also no meridian, no equal, no chaotic, no crucible ... for make simple, nothing, only sky with 1 or 2 hum for 7-8 mag (when are 1 or 2 hum, not always that), time to time a hum bag of blesses in sky, but that's all. Meridians start but mostly on saturdays. Only the introduction of schedules on all days forced players ...

Saturday, September 16th 2017, 2:30am

Author: -Dullahan-

If u didn't see it yet ...the admins are Great !

Battlefield hardly happen anymore because no one needs them with 1.5x or 4x valor at plat and other easier valor options. Which in turns fuels whining about those dead battlefields. Prompting a need for hiatus of such event to force play on the dead-fields. Then of course followed by counter whining to bring back said events because no one really liked the dead battlefields in the first place Rinse and repeat.

Sunday, July 23rd 2017, 2:37am

Author: -Dullahan-

Worst new rules ever

@Brute Yep. On magland raids. Don't get anything from them so waste of your time unless provoked. There will be plenty of plat events to interact with them or all the myriad of neutral areas not protected by rules. For humans, just a few additional limits to minimize interacting with them excessively using exe scrolls. Not sure where you getting that we will have mouthy characters not get their comeuppance no matter how far they go. Other people can get the message without having someone come bu...

Saturday, July 22nd 2017, 10:59pm

Author: -Dullahan-

Worst new rules ever

@Brute Players have not exactly been sensible in their policing hence more unecessary rules. We slap the leeching label on anything to blame for losing and go on a killing spree. Often times hitting people in clan that had nothing to do with conflicting player. Legitimate leeching is punished with screenshot of evidence. Of course we issue one warning which most times do the job far better than being exed. Bad ettiqutte is handled by mentors and gags are given out if in violation of chat rules. ...

Saturday, July 22nd 2017, 6:28pm

Author: -Dullahan-

Worst new rules ever

@Fox Face Yes. For the vast majority of the population nothing changes. Lvl16-19 raid meridians. Everything thing there is within hitting range. You can always catch people you hate of any level in the many neutral areas they will have to visit and do anything imaginable to them. The biggest issue I forsee will be the accidental clicking on some unfortunate low level while raiding. Player running or someone new entering location can cause this. But I guess you could use exe scrolls which many ex...

Saturday, July 22nd 2017, 5:20pm

Author: -Dullahan-

Worst new rules ever

@Fox Face Just a correction. If you go on human land and a level 19 attack scrolls you, Lost Soul and do any imaginable bad thing, then it is perfectly legal. The rule does not protect raiders from any attack or effects while on enemy lands.

Friday, July 21st 2017, 2:58am

Author: -Dullahan-

Just wondering ...........

Dungeon is for people with captivity curse. It is given when you are connected to another jailed account. Once the conditions are met for you to be released from it then thats the end of it. All other curses are restrictions on the players ability to interact with key game feature. Whether the player chooses to play as a looter after release is of no concern to Guards. Looting is perfectly legal and extremely avoidable by doing damage as many already mentioned.

Thursday, July 20th 2017, 3:45am

Author: -Dullahan-


@Dahana There were whining about the equal schedules even in our forum and on the news. Not sure how you missed them. Plus we not factoring other servers that can whine just as much. I was the only the campaigner against "fixing" the schedules so early before getting good enough historical data on its impact. The equal times only needed tweaking to do away with the RU schedule. But now that we know the problem get yourself and other server players to whine for a re-implementation of set times. O...

Tuesday, July 18th 2017, 2:51am

Author: -Dullahan-


@Dahna I am well aware of how it works. Whats sad however is that between 3 servers there is not 1 human and magmar willing to open the tab, queue and notify all 3 server that they might wanna click on battlefield tab. Its would work well if players took initative. But as I said the reason for lack of queue has little to do with holding players hands until they in queue. The other battlefiends have never historically been active once tallar gets its season. Still real funny that players got unre...

Sunday, July 16th 2017, 6:05pm

Author: -Dullahan-


Quoted from "Battleking69" now the question we need to ask, why don't we get the same advertisement for temple, arena or cc? They get 2 day out of the week as the default battlefield tab. During which a very bright red icon appears (unless broken) when 1 member of each race queues up. That should be more than enough advertisement. To move to an in chat notification would require the use of set schedules which many not fond of even if they don't queue. Still the underlying issues with those batt...

Saturday, July 1st 2017, 3:33am

Author: -Dullahan-

Lottery tickets

Does winning a mount or those prizes really matter that much anymore? Humans will always have an advantage in with the current format. Low levels also can never compete with a lvl19 who has zero reps to improve, not much ranks left to get and earning 80g+ per hour. There is better and more certain way to spend so much money. Get red chaos. Much more useful mount. Magmars have always had the better quality most likely due to not wasting hundreds of gold gambling. For every magmar complaining ther...

Thursday, June 29th 2017, 2:55am

Author: -Dullahan-

Valor bonus on crucible not working?

The valor payout from the 2-3 I ever did before recent update were extremely pitiful. Never saw anyone getting above 2-4k valor in those fights unless statues or valor pots activated. So there has been an increase. The current output could not be possible with only the 100/66 that existed before. It is debateable if its running 300/100 or 400/200 but admins can confirm as requested.

Saturday, June 24th 2017, 3:23am

Author: -Dullahan-

is this a War game admins ?

@SkyOnWar Some people will go even when capped. But they usually buff hard to ensure they grab as much scalps as possible. Once card decks done so do most of their ability to queue. The people who run again and again are those hunting ranks. Tallars at most levels is staffed by about the same 10-20 people. The impact of their absense is huge and it takes time and a tallar hiatus for the desperation to build again to have such explosive runs. Circulation is also a problem as you suggest. Level 6 ...

Friday, June 23rd 2017, 3:10pm

Author: -Dullahan-

is this a War game admins ?

You overlooking the less obvious reason. You had 15-20 tallars because many people wanted to rank. There is now a ton of captains walking around capped at level 7 beause you only need 1 tallar event. Majority of those folks now have no reason to queue. The weaker players probably got creamed to hard that they off on their mandatory sulking before being convinced to try again. With tallar non-break now at regular/predictable other battlefields are rendered obsolete becuase they have ZERO chance o...