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Wednesday, March 7th 2018, 12:43am

Author: Kenny The Great

Attack rule: Stay or remove?

I was never okay with an attack rule against opposite races. Thats just stupid but we know why it got in. I find it interesting that this is the topic now since a mag got jailed for it in a fight involving nothing but mags and now we want to eliminate it altogether? Interesting....but I have nothing else to say about the subject besides that it needs to be removed

Monday, January 1st 2018, 1:56am

Author: Kenny The Great

Prize Warrior's Chest

I keep getting battle axe symols

Friday, December 15th 2017, 3:23am

Author: Kenny The Great

Hello guys

I like where this is going. I say leave it open.

Monday, December 11th 2017, 12:44am

Author: Kenny The Great

Jail? What is that?

In my opinion.. thats all I got. Ill try better next time I promise!

Sunday, November 19th 2017, 10:41pm

Author: Kenny The Great

Woodland Critter Christmas

Im just glad they feel so strongly about not using profanity (or what they may think is profanity) in the chat but think it is okay to have mostly naked NPCs. I enjoy walking over to paradise corner after a long, hard day to see Marietta the Merry welcome me into her house looking all seductive with her NIPPLES exposed. (Is it coincidence that they location they put her in is called *Paradise Corner* ?) Yes lets please keep the profanity out of the game because people get offended and there migh...

Monday, November 6th 2017, 11:21pm

Author: Kenny The Great

Mafio collusion? maybe? maybe not?

Quoted from "Lonely_hunter" The crying about luck is getting ridiculous…&threadID=34437

Wednesday, November 1st 2017, 12:58am

Author: Kenny The Great

Elemental pet upgrade?

So I was browsing through the architect shop without any filters applied and noticed this: It says you need 100 pcs of the mystical elementals but also a charged energy cube which is: My questions are 1) Which energy cubes do you use and 2) How do you infuse it with a spark of heavenly fire? Has anyone done this yet? If not, is it even available to this server yet?

Monday, August 28th 2017, 2:41am

Author: Kenny The Great

Slowdown during fight

Quoted from "Shylark" Kenny Do you read or just Guess at things?????? Considering your lack of proper grammar, it is difficult to understand what you are even saying most of the time. Don't be an idiot. I try to be neutral even though it is clear you do not have any friends left but I see I'm going to be putting you on ignore now. Isn't it about time for the nurses in the nursing home you live in to revoke your right to surf the interwebs?

Saturday, August 26th 2017, 6:54pm

Author: Kenny The Great

Slowdown during fight

Quoted from "Shylark" Quoted from "pallinium" Quoted from "Shylark" Client has had a major memory leak since they put it on Chrome..... If you watch task manager you will see the memory usage creep up more and more.... That is what is causing the slower game..... on client don't have problem, i have problem only when use browser (chrome or explorer is indifferent) Okay well your first post didn't state whether wasn't Client.... I can use Chrome IE or Fire Fox to play at all... Client does have ...

Saturday, August 26th 2017, 6:52pm

Author: Kenny The Great

Slowdown during fight

Quoted from "pallinium" Quoted from "Kenny The Great" Since way back when they did the big update to client I have never been able to play on it and nobody can figure out why..always played from chrome since and now its getting unbearable with lags and things not loading properly. hello kenny, do you know if admins know this problems and work for resolve? own opinion says they put it on the back burner to other things..or maybe they are confused and cant figure out how to fix it But ...

Saturday, August 26th 2017, 6:50pm

Author: Kenny The Great


Quoted from "Shylark" Quoted from "Kenny The Great" Everybody always thinks mags are controlled by humans and get jailed at the drop of a pen OR humans are controlled by mags and get jailed at the drop of a pen. These aint even good conspiracy theories and they are olddddd.... Come on, lets hear some better ones than that. I know yall got them out there somewhere! We all knoe Darside runs the game with the way they Cheat... Mag Guards know it... Maybe time Humans got some Real Honest Guards ins...

Friday, August 25th 2017, 1:42am

Author: Kenny The Great

Slowdown during fight

Since way back when they did the big update to client I have never been able to play on it and nobody can figure out why..always played from chrome since and now its getting unbearable with lags and things not loading properly.

Friday, August 25th 2017, 1:33am

Author: Kenny The Great


Everybody always thinks mags are controlled by humans and get jailed at the drop of a pen OR humans are controlled by mags and get jailed at the drop of a pen. These aint even good conspiracy theories and they are olddddd.... Come on, lets hear some better ones than that. I know yall got them out there somewhere!

Tuesday, July 25th 2017, 2:47am

Author: Kenny The Great

Clover Event

Buy food with them or shove them down Dahnas throat so we dont have to hear her blabbering on and on and on and on.... The event was not meant to be released yet. Dont worry you will get your chance to do the event eventually.

Saturday, June 17th 2017, 2:47am

Author: Kenny The Great

Level 14 , desert of Bf ...

I have zero interest in pvp anymore. It was ruined a long time ago for me personally and time is really tight nowadays so this level 14 you wont see there...sorry

Tuesday, May 16th 2017, 1:53am

Author: Kenny The Great

open chest

Quoted from "-MED-"

Monday, March 27th 2017, 11:48pm

Author: Kenny The Great

Romeo and juliet?

If you are thinking about Acro it is too late. She will be mine if they let this to happen!