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Wednesday, September 4th 2019, 9:36pm

Author: bla3de


If there are 2 players who want to switch to the human side send me a message via forum post no definite decision I'll take note of people who are thinking of passing, I'll contact you after the last decision can be real or joke you will wonder for now

Tuesday, September 3rd 2019, 3:12pm

Author: bla3de

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - September Draw

Quoted from "bla3de" 4- 5- 6 -7 -8 11-13 -15 -17 31 -32 -35 -37 38 -39 -41- 44 delete 8

Tuesday, September 3rd 2019, 12:27pm

Author: bla3de

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - September Draw

4- 5- 6 -7 -8 11-13 -15 -17 31 -32 -35 -37 38 -39 -41- 44

Wednesday, July 31st 2019, 2:14pm

Author: bla3de

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - Anniversary Draw

5 -12 -13-16-33-42 49-35-27-11-1-8 2-3-18-22-31-41 32-36-37-38-39-40

Thursday, June 27th 2019, 12:18pm

Author: bla3de

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - July Draw

3-6-8-9 11-14-17-19 21-25-29-30 30-31-33-39

Thursday, June 27th 2019, 12:15pm

Author: bla3de

Trade Fair

It didn't surprise me as usual, but it corrects if there is an error.but usually if it is permanent,they can sell at special events. so my advice to everyone can hold the certificates for now If the appropriate creature is not hunted, no war for crucible

Saturday, May 11th 2019, 11:46pm

Author: bla3de

Rip server

This problem was repeated in 1 month dear admins version conflict is experienced. You should provide preliminary information about when the update will occur.

Wednesday, May 1st 2019, 6:56pm

Author: bla3de

Just a rant on the biasness of the people upholding rules of the game

really funny everyone, You all have a share in this stupid assault rule.this stupid rule came out to stop me.little levels and others were very happy after these rules.most people are now at the level of +16 the invisibility was the only option I could attack without account.removed in this selection. The game has deviated enough from its the small levels of that time are complaining about the rules. lisad is so good,You're doing great, you're a great manager, we can say a few more t...

Monday, April 29th 2019, 7:32am

Author: bla3de

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - May Draw

6 -8- 10- 12 17 -19 -21- 25 27 -28- 30- 35 36 -38 -40 -42

Friday, March 8th 2019, 11:37am

Author: bla3de

We deserve a response

agree, for early mobs have to edit Quoted from "T-DeAdLY-J" 1) Increase the number of Imperial Scorpolions that spawn at once. This can be a flat increase on the spawn at all times or one that scales with the number of players in the location. this feature already exists on the Russian server,other suggestions nice but no new editing will be made until the new update is done. I've cut more scorpions since about a week.I already got the measure because The next update is not clear I can't wait fo...

Saturday, March 2nd 2019, 9:00pm

Author: bla3de

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - March Draw

2-4-6-8 10-11-12-14 20-25-30-35 42-44-46-49

Monday, February 11th 2019, 7:08pm

Author: bla3de

Imperial Scorpolion mob capacity

i tried every creature,there are more people trying to cut the creature(imperial) as one easy creature but I've cut as a more number rahdarian and sand scorpilion. more anger and spirit going there is one more problem 19 rahdarian not enough at location for 4 people all of these creatures should be increased,will be overcrowded soon. some of this crowded part is time-consuming so slow killing so I will remove the warning at soon(Do not check hunting monster activity) i come as empty as possible ...

Tuesday, January 29th 2019, 12:17am

Author: bla3de


don't expect anything to fix right now need new update for guess is russian servers html5 player version. wod servers adobe flash version conflict exists due to version.Russian server admins will come and do technical work no information on when to correct.I'm waiting like everyone else.nothing to do

Thursday, December 20th 2018, 11:15am

Author: bla3de

Imperial Scorpolion mob capacity

ı agree total 9 need 9 scorp at locatıon enough for 4,5 players the main question is; who is the manager here (IYC-970-5178ticket 28.11 i send to support I'm still waiting for an answer i write post to lisad 1 month ago.I could not get an answer about server transfer details ,anything about stop acting according to the player You come to this server i opening eshu deck 4 bird last 2 is this a matter of luck If you have a new manager, please go as soon as possible. my wish is equal to t...

Thursday, November 22nd 2018, 1:15pm

Author: bla3de

clan war results and buffs

Quoted from "Lisad" Quoted from "bla3de" I listed the reasons through the mentor for server transfer I'm afraid I don't understand what you're referring to. i send post to you yesterday.onurum tell to you so you know

Wednesday, November 21st 2018, 12:46am

Author: bla3de

clan war results and buffs

Quoted from "Lisad" soon™ before or after updating maybe info I listed the reasons through the mentor for server transfer,I'd appreciate it if you answered him.we waiting for this

Wednesday, November 21st 2018, 12:37am

Author: bla3de

[!] Dungeon of Forgotten Heroes: bring it back?

yes= iwant for reput no= i am not want for free valor.this instance only want leechers so you change system close valor. i support for reput

Friday, November 2nd 2018, 1:02pm

Author: bla3de

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - November Draw

4 -8 -10 -12 14- 16- 18- 20 21 -23 -25- 27 30 -31 -33- 34

Friday, July 6th 2018, 3:17pm

Author: bla3de

Quarter Finals - 06-07 and 07-07-2018 Uruguay 1 : 1 France Brazil 2 : 1 Belgium Sweden 0:2 England Russia 1 : 1 Croatia

Sunday, July 1st 2018, 11:08pm

Author: bla3de

Matchday 02-07 and 03-07-2018 Brazil 3: 2 Mexico Belgium 3 : 1 Japan Sweden 1 : 1 Switzerland Colombia 2 : 3 England