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Search results 1-20 of 151.

Saturday, February 1st 2025, 8:50pm

Author: -Lilah-

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - February draw

07-27-46-19 05-09-26-31 25-35-41-13 01-05-08-12

Sunday, November 10th 2024, 3:39am

Author: -Lilah-

[Guide] [EN] Secrets of the Three FAQ

Secrets of the Three Warrior, who will you choose? The nature and fertility Goddess Aladeya, mighty Great Dragons or the horrifying God of the Cursed and Dead? The choice is yours and the Mentors Team is here to help you with this choice, based on the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ): 1. Which patron should I choose? Well it depends. If you spend most of your time gathering resources then you should definitely go for Goddess Aladeya. If you love hunting, killing monsters and superbeings - then y...

Sunday, November 3rd 2024, 6:58pm

Author: -Lilah-

[Guide] Battle Pass: Stellar Storm Season + Mirrow in Turmoil! [EN]

[Guide] Stellar Storm Season + Mirrow in Turmoil Battle Pass guide (English) Battle Pass: Stellar Storm Season + Mirrow in Turmoil! 1) Purchasing a Pass: If you want to receive rewards from the new Battle Passes - first you need to buy them in a special Battle Pass tab in Premium Shop. Basic Pass = 100g Additionally - in order to receive better and more prizes, you can purchase a Premium Pass for diamonds or for dollars in Bank. Premium Pass = 50d or 25$ Please note: The offer is time-limited an...

Saturday, November 2nd 2024, 7:14pm

Author: -Lilah-


Middle Bottom Middle Middle Bottom Middle Top

Friday, October 25th 2024, 1:20am

Author: -Lilah-

Category: 3

Category: AI generated pictures ~ ♥ -Lilah-

Friday, October 25th 2024, 12:54am

Author: -Lilah-

Category 1

Carved Pumpkins Link:

Monday, August 26th 2024, 4:34am

Author: -Lilah-

Battle pass Bag of scalps - non transferrable - is that correct?

Hello, yes, that is correct. In the battlepass itself it is described as follows: "All items received through the Gold Pass are non-transferable!" That means that rewards from the Gold Pass (…ikul_id=1005529) are intended to be non-transferable. However, rewards from the Premium Pass (…ikul_id=1005530) are transferable. I hope that helps

Wednesday, July 3rd 2024, 10:17pm

Author: -Lilah-

[FOOTBALL EVENT] Matchdays 18-19 Spain 1 : 0 Germany Portugal 1 : 3 France England 3 : 1 Switzerland Netherlands 1 : 2 Turkey

Saturday, June 29th 2024, 2:55am

Author: -Lilah-

[FOOTBALL EVENT] Matchdays 14-17 Switzerland 1 : Italy 1 Germany 2 : Denmark 1 England 1 : Slovakia 0 Spain 2 : Georgia 0 France 2 : Belgium 1 Portugal 2 : Slovenia 0 Romania 0 : Netherlands 1 Austria 1 : Turkey 1

Saturday, June 29th 2024, 2:53am

Author: -Lilah-

[FOOTBALL EVENT] Get some extra points ... Teams in Final Team Germany vs. Team Italy Winner Team of the Tournament Team Germany

Saturday, June 29th 2024, 2:43am

Author: -Lilah-

the chat does not show my drops/what i get from chests anymore?

Quoted from "inkspiration_702" Does someone know what causes this? i am using the (new) client and it did show my drops before... today it stopped, it just shows when my fights start or end, but does not show my drops. i do still get drops and in the chatlog i can see them... but not down in the chat... any help is appreciated! Hello, this is most likely caused by enabled NLS (New Loot System), you can disable it in the "Chat Filter Settings" and everything should be back to normal

Friday, June 28th 2024, 9:45pm

Author: -Lilah-

Trials of the Chosen

Quoted from "-CyberPunk-" Hi @Lilah, thanks a lot! that worked out! Btw, Mentaliya Settlement is the 3rd location, where I got stuck. Ok, thanks, corrected

Friday, June 28th 2024, 8:52pm

Author: -Lilah-

Trials of the Chosen

Quoted from "-CyberPunk-" I missed to mention in the description: in 3rd location, ofc I clicked on the cube again and agian. A dialog popped up telling me to follow the cube. Besides that nothing happened. Hi, all I can think off is that maybe you should just go to the last location "manually". Correct order for magmars locations should be: City>Place of Sorrow>Mentaliya Settlement>Bats Den>Eclipse Thicket If I remember correctly - Bats Den is the one causing troubles, after this one you shoul...

Friday, June 28th 2024, 7:40pm

Author: -Lilah-

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - July draw

26-20-35-10 18-15-36-23 47-11-27-30 29-38-32-28

Monday, June 24th 2024, 1:27am

Author: -Lilah-

4th Week of Trials of the Chosen

4th Week: Challenge: Counter Offer Sell the "most useful items" to Raynar the Merchant in the Labyrinth. Your goal: While in Labyrinth, meet Raynar the Merchant. He will ask you to sell him one of the following items: Challenge: Conqueror of the Past Your goal: Defeat 5 opponents while fighting on the battlefields of the past while wearing: - Bonecrusher Set; - Dodger Set; - Heavyweight Set. Please note: Kills while wearing the Archer Set count towards the progress of a random set. Please note 2...

Sunday, June 23rd 2024, 8:38pm

Author: -Lilah-

Profession Puzzle on tablet

Hello, as far as I'm concerned it is possible to solve the puzzle on Puffin browser when using mobile phone/tablets. Unfortunately so far there is probably no other way to deal with them for now.

Sunday, June 23rd 2024, 6:28am

Author: -Lilah-

[FOOTBALL EVENT] Matchday 10-13 Switzerland 0 : Germany 2 Scotland 1 : Hungary 0 Albania 1 : Spain 3 Croatia 1 : Italy 1 Netherlands 2 : Austria 1 France 2 : Poland 0 England 1 : Slovenia 0 Denmark 1 : Serbia 0 Slovakia 1 : Romania 2 Ukraine 0 : Belgium 2 Georgia 0 : Portugal 3 Czech Republic 1 : Turkey 1

Tuesday, June 18th 2024, 5:02pm

Author: -Lilah-

[FOOTBALL EVENT] Matchdays 6-9 Croatia 2 : Albania 0 Germany 2 : Hungary 1 Scotland 1 : Switzerland 2 Slovenia 1 : Serbia 2 Denmark 1 : England 2 Spain 2 : Italy 1 Slovakia 0 : Ukraine 2 Poland 2 : Austria 1 Netherlands 2 : France 3 Georgia 0 : Czech Republic 2 Turkey 1 : Portugal 3 Belgium 2 : Romania 0

Monday, June 17th 2024, 10:57pm

Author: -Lilah-

Trials of the Chosen

Quoted from "Krutka" There is no other option than travelling at speaking navigator with buff. Once at Gryphon's Crossing please look at the Locations Menu and select an option to "Open the Cage".

Monday, June 17th 2024, 6:18pm

Author: -Lilah-

3rd Week of Trials of the Chosen

3rd Week: Challenge: Darkness, the Hero’s Friend Your goal: Complete 5 floors of Labyrinth without a Bright light effect. You can clear the monsters in Labyrinth with the Bright Light effect on. It is the action of descending to another floor without it that counts towards progress. So you can for example clear chambers 1-7 with the torch light on, then remove it from your effects in your backpack before moving to another floor, and once you get a message it counted - you can use another torch f...