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Sunday, February 9th 2025, 9:17pm

Author: -Sana-

Other Attributes

Durability Decreases physical and magical damage taken from other players. It has no effect on damage received from monsters, summons, mounts, etc. Durability is calculated according to the following formula: final_damage = 1000 * damage_before_reduction / (1000 + your_durability / 1.2^your_level) A calculator can be found here. The damage reduction is multiplied with the reduction from other effects and protection from magic. For example, having -15% damage from durability, 50% reflected thanks...

Sunday, February 9th 2025, 9:17pm

Author: -Sana-

Magical Attributes

Wisdom Increases magic damage. 10 units of Wisdom increase the average magical damage by 1. Intellect Increases your mana. Each Intellect unit increases the maximum amount of mana by 1. Suppression and Concentration Suppression increases the chance of opponents (player) blundering the spells. Monsters never blunder. The higher the level of the opponent, the less effect each unit of Suppression has. Concentration reduces the chance of blundering your magical hits. The higher the level of the oppo...

Sunday, February 9th 2025, 9:16pm

Author: -Sana-

Physical attributes

Strength Increases physical damage. 10 units of Strength increase average physical damage by 1. Damage The damage you deal, usually given as a range from min damage to max damage. The formulas for calculating damage are as follows: min_damage = min_damage_attribute + Strength * 0.08 max_damage = max_damage_attribute + Strength * 0.12 damage = rand(0, max_damage - min_damage + 1)/2 + rand(0, max_damage - min_damage + 1)/2 + min_damage Where min_damage_attribute and max_damage_attribute depend on ...

Sunday, February 9th 2025, 9:16pm

Author: -Sana-

Character Attributes

This guide gives some more information on attribtues described in the Library. Sources for this guide are Administrators' answers on the Russian server forums. Please note that many of those replies were given several years ago and I cannot guarantee nothing has changed since then. The guide might be updated when I find some more interesting answers.

Thursday, February 6th 2025, 3:05pm

Author: -Sana-

Snow Games

STAGE III - Snow Games - Tournaments Fishing (available every 8 hours) Tauna (Fisherman's Island) Catch fish in the hunt mode on the Fisherman's Island. Reward: Fishing Medal x5-15 (depending on your luck) Gelanf Hunting (available every 8 hours) Kaiyatu (Hunter's Island) Use Gelanf Bait 3 times to lure gelanfs. After killing 3 young gelanfs, you might be attacked by Female Gelanf [1] . Reward: Gelanf Hunting Medal x6-21 (depending on what gelanfs you manage to lure) Target Practice (available e...

Thursday, February 6th 2025, 3:04pm

Author: -Sana-

Snow Games

STAGE III - Snow Games - One time quests New Canoe for the Tournament (one-time quest) Inchu (Floating Wharf) Take the Canoe Sketch with 1 Ragtikron Leather to Avelius / Globius. You will receive 5 Steel Clamps and an Perfected Canoe Sketch - take them back to Inchu. Reward: Friendly Help Medal x3 Fighting as a Yeti (one-time quest) Guntur (Confrontation Island) Win 3 fights against Guntur the Young Warrior [1] (you will be attacked 3 times in a row). Reward: Friendly Help Medal x3 Healing Lotio...

Saturday, February 1st 2025, 3:22pm

Author: -Sana-

Snow Games

STAGE II - Snowy City - Recurring Quests Fish Food (available every 8 hours) Tauna (Fisherman's Island) Use Fish Food 5 times, every time you will be attacked by a Snow Razorclaw [1] . Reward: Friendly Help Medal x1 Bear Hunting on a Snowy Island (available every 8 hours) Kaiyatu (Hunter's Island) Hunting on the snowy island, obtain 5 Bear Claws. Reward: Friendly Help Medal x1 No Place for Bears Here (available every 8 hours) Guntur (Confrontation Island) Kill 8 Polar Bears [1] on the Confrontat...

Saturday, February 1st 2025, 3:07pm

Author: -Sana-

Snow Games

STAGE II - Snowy City - One time quests Portal to the Snowy City (one-time quest) Warlord Gidver / Warlord Damirus Go to Demonologists Berrush / I-Vidi, they will give you 5 sphere - talk to them again to start sub-quests for sphere activation. How to activate the spheres: Empty Red Sphere Buy a Torch (in Mercenaries shop), use it in the backpack to light it (Burning Torch), then use the sphere to activate it. Empty Yellow Sphere Talk to Lady Guinevere or Lady Cordelia Empty Green Sphere Obtain ...

Thursday, January 30th 2025, 6:27pm

Author: -Sana-

Snow Games

German translation by BullyMom Turkish translation by Aymira STAGE I - Portal to Snowy City Construction During this stage, you can complete the starting quest (from Warlords Gidver and Damirus). This quest requires you to talk to the Air Mage in the Cave or Tower of War Mages. After that 2 dialogue options become available by talking to the Air Mage - one where you can donate resources to obtain Winter Vision Potion, and another one where you can exchange Spirit of Winter for Snow Sphere. In o...

Saturday, January 25th 2025, 12:00pm

Author: -Sana-

Heralds Info corner

Library changes 01.01 - 25.01 NEW ARTICLES [DE] Sucher der Weisheit[DE] Wächter der Schönheit[COM] Blacksmith's Shop[COM] Bracelet for the Friend UPDATES [COM] Seasonal Rewards [DE] Saisonale Belohnungen Added information about the Banner of the Genies and the Final Form of the Amulet of Wandering.[COM] January [DE] Januar Added new quests, achievements, and rewards; code improvements.[COM] Red Axes [COM] Stone Lotus [COM] Night Stealers Added information about restrictions, achievements; correc...

Monday, January 6th 2025, 2:56pm

Author: -Sana-

Old Fattar's Tasks (Recurring Quests)

Recurring quest for the reputation of the Seekers of Wisdom are available every 3 days after completing the initation quest "The Path of Mushroom Wisdom". It might happen that Old Fattar will be in bad mood and instead of giving you a task, he will attack you. In that case you will not receive any reputation, but instead you will get Inspiration of Datkhar 5 pcs. List of possible tasks: Sacrifice one of the following resources to Old Fattar's mycelium: Great Elixir of Life 3000 pcsFire Flower 20...

Monday, January 6th 2025, 2:56pm

Author: -Sana-

The Path of Mushroom Wisdom (Initiation to Seekers of Wisdom)

Start: Old Fattar, Dindaat Forest After talking to Old Fattar, click on the Necronomicology in your backpack. You will receive the First Page of the Necronomicology. Go to Brugilda the Sorceress / Witch Gredeya. You will need to bring her ingredients to make some Mushroom Fertilizer: Fire Flower 300 pcs, Evil Eye 100 pcs, and Mandrake Paste 10 pcs. In oder to get the paste, you will need to first obtain Mandrake Root (10 pcs). This can be done by hunting Wandering Mandrakes [20] in the Dindaat F...

Monday, January 6th 2025, 2:55pm

Author: -Sana-

[GUIDE] Seekers of Wisdom Quests (Old Fattar's - Mushroom Reputation)

Warriors, CrackerJacks present the guide to Seekers of Wisdom Quests. You can also read more about the reputation and the rewards in the Library.

Monday, January 6th 2025, 2:48pm

Author: -Sana-

Mandragora Almandra's Tasks (recurring)

Recurring quest for the reputation of the Guardians of Beauty are available every 3 days after completing the initation quest "For the Glory of Beauty". It might happen that the Mandragora will be in bad mood and instead of giving you a task, she will attack you. In that case you will not receive any reputation, but instead you will get Inspiration of Datkhar 5 pcs. List of possible tasks: Bring Almandra one of the following: Great Elixir of Life 3000 pcsFire Flower 200 pcsEvil Eye 65 pcsSpark o...

Monday, January 6th 2025, 2:48pm

Author: -Sana-

For the Glory of Beauty (Initiation into Guardians of Beauty)

Start: Mandragora Almandra, Dindaat Forest Talk to Elendiyar the Keeper. Next, go to Brugilda / Gredeya who will send you to Flavviy / Pandrick the Wise, then to Demonologist Berrush / I-Vidi. Go to the City of Mystras and talk to Caliph Valikhara. He will ask you to bring one of the following items: OR OR In exchange, Caliph will give you the Golden Tongue of the Iskhar Flower. Take it to the Demonologist. Talk to Chigrik the Thief / Gloum the Swindler, then to Jolly Magdalen / Marietta the Mer...

Monday, January 6th 2025, 2:47pm

Author: -Sana-

[GUIDE] Guardians of Beauty Quests (Mandragora Almandra's Reputation)

Warriors, CrackerJacks present the guide to Guardians of Beauty Quests. You can also read more about the reputation and the rewards in the Library.

Sunday, January 5th 2025, 8:51pm

Author: -Sana-

The Tiger Games!

@-Zaczion- Did you miss a day? If so, you can restart the quest by declining it in the quest list and then taking it again from the herbologist.

Wednesday, January 1st 2025, 11:02pm

Author: -Sana-

The Tiger Games!

Quoted from "Dan_the_devil" what is elt cube and how to get it? Elt Cube allows you to transform some items into others. To get it, you need to complete the "Creation of the Little People [3]" quest (from Elder Baguron or Elder Verkiry). You can check here for some Elt Cube recipes.

Wednesday, January 1st 2025, 12:39pm

Author: -Sana-

Heralds Info corner

Library changes 24.11. - 31.12 NEW ARTICLES [COM] Reputation among the Inhabitants of Mystras[DE] Reputation bei den Bewohnern von Mystras[COM] Guardians of Beauty[COM] Seekers of Wisdom[COM] Mystras Influence[DE] Mystras Einfluss[COM] Mystras Bestiary[DE] Mystras Bestiarium UPDATES [COM] Mystras Talents Added new talents, more information about the skills and resource gathering in Mystras, achievements.[COM] Reputation Rating Added new Mystras reputations, small fixes.[COM] Mystic Added informa...

Sunday, December 29th 2024, 8:30pm

Author: -Sana-

Is the Endagar any good compared to other mounts?

In general, Endagar is great for fights where you have multiple opponents, thanks to the Endagar's Step skill. I assume by elites you mean Elite Berona Tiger. In that case, when making a comparison to Elite Berona Tiger/Assault zorb, I think the key factor to look at is player level requirement. You can have and use the Endagar amulet from level 6, and it's one of the best mounts you can have on that level. Elite Tiger/Assault Zorb is only available from level 9. When you're level 9, you can how...