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Search results 1-20 of 445.

Tuesday, February 11th 2025, 10:16pm

Author: Liusaidh

Winning numbers: 33, 38, 26, 48

09:32 Apollinariya: Hello everyone! Here is BIG FAT MONTHLY lottery. And we are starting! 09:33 Player Admin Apollinariya [9] rolled random numbers 33, 38, 26, 48 from 1-50. 09:33 Apollinariya: Good luck and see you next month! And here are the winners: 4 correct numbers = 150 rubies: Wolfsreiter 3 correct numbers = 50 rubies: LowcaWrazen Caipisaurus Rex telamaz Ulisse -_Beetlejuice_- Cadmiel Foxrain kilerquen Shadar Kai Harpia - _Obituary_ Wild_Lioness _- nana 1190 -_ -Roche- -Essi- Wrath_of_Ch...

Thursday, January 30th 2025, 10:43pm

Author: Liusaidh


Group 1: digital art _XODI_ 28 Effort 4 Motive 7 Handicraft skills 8 Overall impression 9 RbInoZer1 25 Effort 4 Motive 6 Handicraft skills 7 Overall impression 8 Group 2: hand-painted art -_Beetlejuice_- 31 Effort 5 Motive 6 Handicraft skills 10 Overall impression 10 Fire-Devil 20 Effort 3 Motive 5 Handicraft skills 6 Overall impression 6 Ras Alhague 20 Effort 4 Motive 4 Handicraft skills 6 Overall impression 6 MissDrache 15 Effort 2 Motive 3 Handicraft skills 5 Overall impression 5 The Wicked W...

Wednesday, January 29th 2025, 10:27am

Author: Liusaidh

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - February draw

Please post your numbers in this thread. You may pick numbers between 01 and 50. Example of how to submit your combinations for participation (no repeating numbers): 07-28-46-19 05-09-23-31 08-35-41-13 01-02-03-04 REWARDS: Jackpot (4 matching numbers in 1 of your rows): 250 rubies 4 numbers (4 matching numbers out of your 16): 150 rubies 3 numbers (3 matching numbers out of your 16): 50 rubies Written Guidelines: All numbers must be two digits. (The number "one" will be written as 01, not 1. Th...

Sunday, January 5th 2025, 4:29pm

Author: Liusaidh

[Januar Event] Snowboards

Warriors! Let's go snowboarding together Grab a cool WoD snowboard and whizz down the hills! We've got the snow, we've got the slopes... Oh dear, but we don't have a snowboard! Let's create something ourselves, so it will be really special. Your task: Design a snowboard using the template we give you (see pic below in this thread!). The theme must fit WoD and the front and back must also fit together! An image generated by an AI is not desired. The Jester will determine the winners according to...

Saturday, January 4th 2025, 10:10pm

Author: Liusaidh

Winning numbers: 15, 48, 13, 23

12:22 Apollinariya: Hello everyone! Here is BIG FAT MONTHLY lottery. And we are starting! 12:22 Player Admin Apollinariya [9] rolled random numbers 15, 48, 13, 23 from 1-50. 12:23 Apollinariya: Good luck and see you next month! And here are the winners: 4 correct numbers = 150 rubies: iTzSofett - Toomi - - Tribi - The Wicked Woman Piguła SiNiRLi DoMaTes patpat -I Zâzû I- -UnderWorld- Razzz Erva Zdechły Ślimak martin_791 LEVlATHAN N0CTURNE -BEL- Altarie --ellina-- _M_I_T_1_7_ 3 correct numbers = ...

Sunday, December 22nd 2024, 9:57pm

Author: Liusaidh

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - January draw

Please post your numbers in this thread. You may pick numbers between 01 and 50. Example of how to submit your combinations for participation (no repeating numbers): 07-28-46-19 05-09-23-31 08-35-41-13 01-02-03-04 REWARDS: Jackpot (4 matching numbers in 1 of your rows): 250 rubies 4 numbers (4 matching numbers out of your 16): 150 rubies 3 numbers (3 matching numbers out of your 16): 50 rubies Written Guidelines: All numbers must be two digits. (The number "one" will be written as 01, not 1. Th...

Wednesday, December 18th 2024, 11:49pm

Author: Liusaidh

Evaluation of the stories

Winner List 1 Altarie 29 2 The Wicked Woman 28 3 Patr0na 25 _XODI_ 24 -gargola91- 24 Sangrak 24 Duriel 20 Dra_Mei 16 Shai-Hulud 14 KARA EJDERHA 7 In detail Dra_Mei = 16 Effort 3 Writing style 3 Content 5 Overall impression 5 Shai-Hulud = 14 Effort 1 Writing style 2 Content 6 Overall impression 5 Altarie = 29 Effort 4 Writing style 5 Content 10 Overall impression 10 The Wicked Woman = 28 Effort 5 Writing style 5 Content 8 Overall impression 10 KARA EJDERHA = 7 Effort 1 Writing style 3 Content 1 O...

Thursday, December 5th 2024, 10:55pm

Author: Liusaidh

Winning numbers: 21, 6, 24, 3

14:43 Apollinariya: Hello everyone! Here is BIG FAT MONTHLY lottery. And we are starting! 14:43 Игрок Админчег Apollinariya [9] выбросил случайные числа 21, 6, 24, 3 из 1-50. 14:44 Apollinariya: Good luck and see you next month! And here are the winners: 4 correct numbers = 150 rubies: --Garbage-- Wind_Caller Plueschdrache Hulijing Kupi Baton 3 correct numbers = 50 rubies: unheiligerengel Zdechły Ślimak -Mysterium- -CaptainHook- - Tomris - Talnor _Cuthalion_ Maximus I Vilyanna hot fm Bratek1234

Thursday, November 28th 2024, 11:40pm

Author: Liusaidh

[December Event] Alternative diary end

Warrior! CrackerJack's story down the rabbit hole is also coming to an end. Immerse yourself in the story and write it to the end! Your task: Write the last diary entry and thus an alternative ending to CrackerJack's story. It should be similar in length to the previous entries, but can also be longer. Here you can find his diary The Jester will determine the winners according to the following criteria: EffortWriting styleContent Overall impressionThe stories may only be submitted in English or...

Wednesday, November 27th 2024, 1:29am

Author: Liusaidh

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - December draw

Please post your numbers in this thread. You may pick numbers between 01 and 50. Example of how to submit your combinations for participation (no repeating numbers): 07-28-46-19 05-09-23-31 08-35-41-13 01-02-03-04 REWARDS: Jackpot (4 matching numbers in 1 of your rows): 250 rubies 4 numbers (4 matching numbers out of your 16): 150 rubies 3 numbers (3 matching numbers out of your 16): 50 rubies Written Guidelines: All numbers must be two digits. (The number "one" will be written as 01, not 1. Th...

Sunday, November 10th 2024, 10:46pm

Author: Liusaidh

Winning numbers: 13, 05, 41, 38

15:24 Apollinariya: Hello everyone! Here is BIG FAT MONTHLY lottery. And we are starting! 15:24 Player Admin Apollinariya [9] rolled random numbers 13, 5, 41, 38 from 1-50. 15:25 Apollinariya: Good luck and see you next month! And here are the winners: 4 correct numbers = 150 rubies: x Mythos x Blasphemian 3 correct numbers = 50 rubies: Armeygr Don Pelayo hell995 NoNieWiem DogmaDeath millipilli Dr Quincy byś13 Eliminator Racuni schnipsl_519 _Astar_ Beppo Cybär Blazed -MatiBula- -Mazikeen- vizorm...

Tuesday, October 29th 2024, 8:11pm

Author: Liusaidh

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - November draw

Please post your numbers in this thread. You may pick numbers between 01 and 50. Example of how to submit your combinations for participation (no repeating numbers): 07-28-46-19 05-09-23-31 08-35-41-13 01-02-03-04 REWARDS: Jackpot (4 matching numbers in 1 of your rows): 250 rubies 4 numbers (4 matching numbers out of your 16): 150 rubies 3 numbers (3 matching numbers out of your 16): 50 rubies Written Guidelines: All numbers must be two digits. (The number "one" will be written as 01, not 1. Th...

Tuesday, October 29th 2024, 12:41am

Author: Liusaidh

Aus Kindertagen

Aus Kindertagen Quest ( Spaßvogel Sheamus / Nadlari) Schreibe eine Einladung: 1. Feurige Grüße von der ganzen Familie der Spaßvögel!... 2. In der magischen Nacht, wenn der Geist des neuen Jahres in Feo erscheint… Erhalte die Weihnachtskostüm Teile: Soigura / Ostap fragen euch nach Kristallkohle 3 Stk., anach müsst Ihr eure gesamte Rüstung und Stilrüstung ausziehen und erneut mit dem NPC reden. Finally, Besorgt danach 1 Ragtichorn-Leder. Mariza / Blodiara: Pelzmantel, Hut, Filzstiefel, Fäustling,...

Tuesday, October 29th 2024, 12:41am

Author: Liusaidh

Schelmischer Mentorious

Schelmischer Mentorious ( Bonna Benita / Liebe Liera) Poker / Schoter: Konlegret Aufseher Pett / Aufseher Raff: Pfeife Mönch Pimen / Kleriker Samuil: Yuros Brugilda / Gredea: SchizchenSklavin Jumina: Nächtliche Schleicher Awelius / Globius: Herz der Eldiven Waldhüter Horchen / Jäger Waslaw: Beutel mit Ausrüstung Schwarzer Ritter / Fanatiker Agonij: Paramatcha Schatten / Morgenröte: Vom Chaos heimgesuchtes Monsterauge Okkultist Koeschu / Nekromant: Schale „Ruf der Seele“ Älteste Werkirij / Ältest...

Tuesday, October 29th 2024, 12:40am

Author: Liusaidh

Jubiläum in Gefahr

Jubiläum in Gefahr ( Spaßvogel Sheamus / Nadlari) Torte zum Geburtstag kann im Geschenkeladen gekauft werden.Schmuggler tauchen während des Events Kampf dem Schmuggel. Dies ist ein regelmäßiges Event, wann das Event stattfindet könnt ihr im Reiter “Events” einsehen. Magdalena / Marietta: Flamme, Beinchen, Schiff, Spaziergang, Abgrund, Weiten, Baden, Flaundinen, Deck, gefallen..Die Karte zeigt auf Swigloder Eichenwald / Rand der Welt, sprecht mit Horchen / Waslaw.Die richten Antworten zum Rätsel ...

Wednesday, October 23rd 2024, 1:35pm

Author: Liusaidh


The rewards will be doubled to celebrate the 17th anniversary! How to participate? All you have to do is enter a 7-way combination with the options "Top", "Middle" or "Bottom" and post them in the appropriate thread in the forum. How are the combinations selected? The administration will draw random numbers live. The numbers that are rolled will correspond to a sequence of 7 (out of 36) predesigned columns, which will determine the rewards you receive. How can you win? Everyone who specifies a ...

Tuesday, October 15th 2024, 11:40pm

Author: Liusaidh

[OCTOBER EVENT] Pumpkin Dragons

Warriors! We are excited to bring you our new Halloween Event! What's that flying over the city? Is that a dragon or a... Pumpkin?! It's still unclear what it is and whether it can fly or was perhaps just thrown... Your task: Carve or draw a combination of pumpkin and dragon or have an AI create something for you! Photographed pictures must have a note with your nickname on it and on a drawing it must be handwritten. You are welcome to participate in different categories! The Jesters will deter...

Wednesday, September 25th 2024, 1:47pm

Author: Liusaidh

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - October draw

Please post your numbers in this thread. You may pick numbers between 01 and 50. Example of how to submit your combinations for participation (no repeating numbers): 07-28-46-19 05-09-23-31 08-35-41-13 01-02-03-04 REWARDS: Jackpot (4 matching numbers in 1 of your rows): 250 rubies 4 numbers (4 matching numbers out of your 16): 150 rubies 3 numbers (3 matching numbers out of your 16): 50 rubies Written Guidelines: [*]All numbers must be two digits. (The number "one" will be written as 01, not 1....

Sunday, September 22nd 2024, 4:20pm

Author: Liusaidh

[SEPTEMBER EVENT] Final decision

Please note: if you voted before 20:30 on 23rd September, you must submit your vote again! The contributions were evaluated according to the following point system: Points up to 50 0-5 Effort and length of the text 0-5 Writing style, word choice and embellishment 0-10 Content, idea and how it fits in Faeo 0-20 Picture itself, complexity and how well it fits the story 0-10 Overall impression We were really inspired by the many great stories and pictures and have 5 favorites that have pretty much ...

Thursday, September 5th 2024, 10:15am

Author: Liusaidh

Winning numbers: 8, 22, 33, 9

09:45 Apollinariya: Hello everyone! Here is BIG FAT MONTHLY lottery. And we are starting! 09:45 Player Admin Apollinariya [9] rolled random numbers 8, 22, 33, 9 from 1-50. 09:45 Apollinariya: Good luck and see you next month! And here are the winners! 4 correct numbers = 150 rubies: _comadik_BeginRashgarothXxLuleXx-TheLastFoxy-I am Cekoczekoladowaa21ParanoiaRou21Blader24 3 correct numbers = 50 rubies -Sungur- Mordorlein killerstone Fraggle1 Audra Wild_Kitten King-Avon Alysanne Ice Storm Taurus 2...