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Monday, December 2nd 2024, 8:31pm

Author: AkaFresh

Old Wedding aplicaton 01/2022-12/2024

1. Link to the bridegroom: AkaFresh 2. Link to the bride: Toge 3. The desired time and date will be agreed with Consecrator, the earlier the better 4.Consecrator, any

Saturday, November 2nd 2024, 10:15pm

Author: AkaFresh


Mid Mid Top Bottom Mid Bottom Top

Saturday, June 22nd 2024, 11:07pm

Author: AkaFresh

[FOOTBALL EVENT] Matchday 10-13 Switzerland 0 : Germany 2 Scotland 1 : Hungary 1 Albania 0 : Spain 2 Croatia 1 : Italy 2 Netherlands 2 : Austria 0 France 2 : Poland 0 England 2 : Slovenia 0 Denmark 1 : Serbia 0 Slovakia 1 : Romania 1 Ukraine 1 : Belgium 2 Georgia 0 : Portugal 2 Czech Republic 1 : Turkey 2

Tuesday, June 18th 2024, 7:46pm

Author: AkaFresh

[FOOTBALL EVENT] Matchdays 6-9 Croatia 2 : Albania 0 Germany 3 : Hungary 0 Scotland 1 : Switzerland 2 Slovenia 1 : Serbia 1 Denmark 1 : England 2 Spain 2 : Italy 1 Slovakia 0 : Ukraine 0 Poland 0 : Austria 2 Netherlands 1 : France 2 Georgia 0 : Czech Republic 1 Turkey 0 : Portugal 2 Belgium 2 : Romania 0

Wednesday, June 12th 2024, 2:54pm

Author: AkaFresh

Pop up windows

I have a small issue with pop-up windows. Everytime one opens, it gets smaller. So for example if I open a chest, the pop up window will be 10x10, then the next chest I open, the window is 5x5 etc. So I have to manually stretch them everytime otherwise they get so small that I can't click on use. It does it for everything (food, rune elements, decks, combat backpack...) I tried updating scripts and ticking the "Dialog boxes always on top of the cleint" but did not make any difference. If you hav...

Tuesday, June 11th 2024, 4:19pm

Author: AkaFresh

[FOOTBALL EVENT] Matchday 1-5 Germany 2 : Scotland 0 Hungary 1 : Switzerland 2 Spain 2 : Croatia 1 Italy 2 : Albania 0 Poland 1 : Netherlands 2 Slovenia 0 : Denmark 1 Serbia 0 : England 2 Romania 1 : Ukraine 1 Belgium 3 : Slovakia 0 Austria 0 : France 3 Turkey 1 : Georgia 1 Portugal 2 : Czech Republic 0

Wednesday, March 27th 2024, 7:04pm

Author: AkaFresh

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - April draw

12-26-43-17 02-21-06-50 16-44-18-20 33-36-09-11

Wednesday, December 29th 2021, 2:48pm

Author: AkaFresh

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - New Years draw

13-08-41-50 06-44-23-18 36-17-01-14 31-32-24-16

Monday, July 5th 2021, 10:46pm

Author: AkaFresh

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - July Draw

12-06-01-49 41-02-24-17 48-28-07-11 14-25-33-04

Wednesday, June 30th 2021, 3:17pm

Author: AkaFresh

Battlefields lvl 3 - 4

Arena feat and 6 wins in a row (or 14 wins) are probably the hardest ones by far as not enough bf happen, even if you win them all, I agree with trixie.

Wednesday, June 30th 2021, 3:04pm

Author: AkaFresh

Battlefields lvl 3 - 4

Same thoughts. Agudar feats/quests need to be changed so it's doable for everybody, taking into account that : - There are not as many bf as before - Even when a bf starts, one team gets smashed by overbuffed ppl. So if you haven't full blue set with proper buffs (that's a strict minimum, purple and red armor are advised lol) you can't even compete. The second point makes the first issue even bigger, cause when you get spawn killed you don't want to go bf again, which I understand.

Saturday, April 3rd 2021, 10:55am

Author: AkaFresh

[April event] Friday - Trivia Quizzes!

Quoted from "Ophiel" How many buildings are in Daylight square that you can click on? a. 7 buildings b.8 buildings c.9 buildings d.10 buidlings c. 9

Thursday, May 30th 2019, 3:50pm

Author: AkaFresh

Attack Rules

Okay, thanks for fast answer

Thursday, May 30th 2019, 1:33pm

Author: AkaFresh

Attack Rules

Maybe it has been already answered but what if : A lvl 5 mag player attacks a lvl 4 player in human'n lands. Then the human is backed up by a lvl 11 human mage. Can a mag mage join or not ? Because there is still a lvl 4 in the fight, but a lvl 11 joined.

Wednesday, May 29th 2019, 9:07pm

Author: AkaFresh

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - June Draw

12-26-31-4 45-13-54-16 2-37-9-18 25-42-17-7

Friday, April 26th 2019, 5:07pm

Author: AkaFresh

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - May Draw

26-4-18-45 6-73-14-81 12-30-22-48 94-56-84-13

Thursday, March 8th 2018, 6:14pm

Author: AkaFresh

*freebie For All 2*

post crashed :ponder:

Thursday, March 8th 2018, 6:06pm

Author: AkaFresh

*freebie For All 2*

granny smith

Thursday, March 8th 2018, 6:06pm

Author: AkaFresh

*freebie For All 2*

the best one is