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Search results 1-14 of 14.

Wednesday, January 29th 2025, 10:54am

Author: -_Black-Wolf_-


21-30-32-12 22-14-35-28 10-29-45-05 24-35-30-28

Thursday, April 25th 2024, 5:07pm

Author: -_Black-Wolf_-


11-15-26-39 02-20-33-40 01-12-35-39 09-14-28-36

Sunday, March 3rd 2024, 3:21pm

Author: -Black-Wolf


02-14-29-16 10-22-34-40 05-15-24-38 09-11-13-26

Tuesday, February 13th 2024, 11:00am

Author: -Black-Wolf


Hello and greetings to all the players of the game, I made this thread because I do not understand the reason why not even in events fields are set up for certain levels of players, I think it is one of the strong points of the game, the battles and not pays attention to them, specifically, the arenas constitute at least 2 sharpening feats and it is impossible to do them, I encourage administrators and others involved to do what they can to solve it, I contribute the idea that they go back to be...

Tuesday, February 13th 2024, 10:57am

Author: -Black-Wolf


Hola y saludos a todos los jugadores del juego, hice este hilo porque no entiendo la razón por la cual ni siquiera en los eventos se configuran campos para ciertos niveles de jugadores, creo que es uno de los puntos fuertes del juego, las batallas y no les presta atención, específicamente las arenas constituyen al menos 2 hazañas de agudización y es imposible realizarlas, animo a los administradores y demás involucrados a que hagan lo que puedan para solucionarlo, aporto la idea de que regresen ...

Friday, December 16th 2022, 9:00am

Author: -Black-Wolf


I appeal to the game administrators to put the 1 vs 1 arenas back on, it is almost impossible for an arena to come out and in many events it is necessary to enter fields, I think they were wrong to change it, the more arenas that come out, the more fields and more bless that would be spent without forgetting that players need reputation

Saturday, August 13th 2022, 8:37pm

Author: -Black-Wolf

[AUGUST] Campfire Stories

I am going to tell you the story of a world inhabited by a peaceful and tribal race, in which their customs and traditions involved parties and usually. But one day everything changed, other beings came from another galaxy, these professional warriors tried to conquer this world called Faeo, the inhabitants of Faeo, forced to fight to perpetuate their species, changed their customs and their festivals, focusing them on training and the fight that currently continues today, in you is the end of h...

Thursday, June 30th 2022, 7:01pm

Author: -Black-Wolf


07-28-46-19 05-09-23-31 08-35-41-13 01-02-03-04

Thursday, May 26th 2022, 8:01am

Author: -Black-Wolf


07-28-46-19 05-09-23-31 08-35-41-13 01-02-03-04

Friday, April 29th 2022, 12:04pm

Author: -Black-Wolf

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - May draw

04-15-22-43 12-21-32.35 11-15-23-45 14-29-36-49

Thursday, April 28th 2022, 4:03pm

Author: -Black-Wolf

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - May draw

06-25-67.32 46-57-69-53 12-49-59-43 27-51-65-36