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Thursday, December 26th 2019, 1:37pm

Author: --Ark--

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - January Draw - Holiday special!

6 - 13 - 24 - 48 - 33 - 19 2 - 8 - 16 - 19 - 25 - 44 27 - 4 - 20 - 46 - 35 - 39 41 - 34 - 28 - 22 - 15 - 31

Monday, October 14th 2019, 12:11am

Author: --Ark--

Thank you letter

Quoted from "SKYonWAR" --ark-- Come back to game , i will be gentle to you this time, just like riddle s sarcasm. doesnt make sense to play serious, the admin want your wallet only not players otherwise they would listen. do you see what is constantly on the news page

Thursday, October 10th 2019, 11:56pm

Author: --Ark--

Thank you letter

Riddle your words are too kind

Wednesday, September 18th 2019, 11:34am

Author: --Ark--

Mag to Human Vice Versa

she banged her head before posting this, humans ignore

Monday, September 16th 2019, 5:07pm

Author: --Ark--

For all lazy to hunt guys and girls!

genius idea. because im so sick of hunting and playing the game the 5 mobs on kennels is not enough for me to get enough gold to buy blesses for when id like to do some pvp. we will all level up fast from it too as cant use tower so you'll have more higher levels. lets do it admin - its a win for all

Tuesday, August 6th 2019, 4:29pm

Author: --Ark--

Issue with Arena Fight Valor?

1. logs on for arenas 2. 35mins into arenas get no rewards from the only 2 opponents in q at the time bcos we fight each other 5x already 3. vent frustration 1 last time on here then logs off was really hoping to do more, pls make some quest which are stupidly complicated .. add a mob we need to kill but cant .. go crazy and add the best armour in game to be purchasable by diamonds only.. put your efforts into messing some other aspect of the game just dont F around with the bfs! xx

Saturday, July 20th 2019, 10:47pm

Author: --Ark--

Issue with Arena Fight Valor?

did you really in short just put a cap on how many bfs to do 22:00 me and my opponent have 40min bless left and we go 0 val or scalp bcos we face each other too many times today.. nvm I will que and face another opponent.. shit we faced each other already earlier in day and get 0! have a think a delete this silly rule, blame it on a 'bug' later, will get over it

Monday, June 24th 2019, 11:54pm

Author: --Ark--


hey loup.. i see you leave clan, can you take your talents to the darkside. It makes things so much easier xx

Monday, June 24th 2019, 1:42am

Author: --Ark--


dont argue with fools on forum crypt, not worth your energy & loup behave yourself! all the whining you do in these bfs and somehow you are on forum with this attitude. when did you get confidence to jump back into interserver que? i remember you told me your staying away bcos 'its not fair!! " when you loose spend whole arena event in com que which never started, meanwhile there is 5 bf active on interserver, but you are afraid of ppls krits, stuns and pets, i wish i still had the gift

Saturday, June 22nd 2019, 5:54pm

Author: --Ark--

Meridian Vaults

hard to explain what to do, many ppl 1st time for vaults and dont know what goesso I post below video from youtube and you can kind of get the jist of what to do here, this + info from other ppl + after 1st time in vaults should be okay with what your doing here. (just want something to quickly refer to in future) not my v...

Saturday, June 1st 2019, 7:48pm

Author: --Ark--

executioner skill

23:13 BaTTousai-: so hard to get +1 exe 23:13 BaTTousai-: just kill and wait for ++1 23:14 BaTTousai-: no no have 23:16 BaTTousai-: 23:15 Twoje mistrzostwo w zawodzie "Executioner" zwiększyło się o +1. 23:17 BaTTousai-: 23:17 Twoje mistrzostwo w zawodzie "Executioner" zwiększyło się o +1 23:26 BaTTousai-: 23:25 Twoje mistrzostwo w zawodzie "Executioner" zwiększyło się o +1. its just luck, but if i had red premium like you say and didnt get any increase id be annoyed too

Thursday, May 16th 2019, 4:40pm

Author: --Ark--

Just a rant on the biasness of the people upholding rules of the game

how can this game make so so soo much money from diamonds and when its players have any feedback its just ignored, not just on this topic

Wednesday, October 24th 2018, 9:11pm

Author: --Ark--


fix your game

Monday, October 22nd 2018, 9:58am

Author: --Ark--

Tallaars Riggiing x3, I guess HH needed valor for ranks

"halls?" 15+ 19 - "yes" all join q and start bf 3 instances run nothing is stopping other people to join the same que the problem?

Saturday, October 13th 2018, 12:21pm

Author: --Ark--

Rejoice and give thanks, for your day of worship has come

sorry im late, hope my daughter had a nice birthday

Thursday, March 8th 2018, 3:43pm

Author: --Ark--

Move to RU

Lisad, ever thought to bring this option in? some people will pay $$$.

Monday, February 5th 2018, 2:54pm

Author: --Ark--

Mass Exodus


Sunday, November 5th 2017, 10:05pm

Author: --Ark--

The crying over buffs is getting ridiculous

the real issue is when someone with so many buffs wants to hit block only