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Search results 1-20 of 916.

Wednesday, February 12th 2025, 5:52pm

Author: orrin

Gnome Runes - Guide

Quoted from "muffin" Khagann counterfeit - require for opening 15 pcs. Obsidian dust, 100 pcs, Sapphire dust, 15 pcs. Green inks. To charge you will need: Obsidian Dust 50 pcs, Sapphire Dust 100 pcs., Magic Green Ink 15 pcs.

Monday, February 3rd 2025, 2:34am

Author: orrin

pet button

Quoted from "orrin" the special buff can be show by mouse hovering onto the pet button, shown

Monday, February 3rd 2025, 2:31am

Author: orrin

pet button

ok the pet button for summon pet is done, now could add a mouse hover to show pet active time function? i notice that, if using collection pet tab decks, like , the special buff can be show by mouse hovering onto the pet button, just need that for pet active status time, thanks

Sunday, February 2nd 2025, 12:54am

Author: orrin

Clanmates offers on exchange

yep or set a certain free group function in exchange in ah designated for players to sign up for few days or weeks, so players with certain spending trend would know what others have in need

Saturday, February 1st 2025, 11:28pm

Author: orrin

Library Feedback

on lib page…?obj=cat&id=470 search for: The number of specks required for the guaranteed tranformation can be decreased by choosing the Mystras Faith skill. it is under 'Camp Follower' section it should be transformation fix in progress

Wednesday, January 29th 2025, 11:02am

Author: orrin

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - February draw

01-11-21-31 02-12-22-32 03-13-23-33 04-14-24-34

Friday, January 24th 2025, 7:24am

Author: orrin

Dwarium - Your Feedback is required!

add select multiple days or whole week or month in chat log search plz

Thursday, December 26th 2024, 4:03am

Author: orrin

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - January draw

04-07-09-12 15-18-21-26 30-33-39-40 44-46-48-50

Sunday, December 22nd 2024, 3:20pm

Author: orrin

Dwarium - Your Feedback is required!

add text search among whole window and tab, when checking list of quests, or game lib pages or any page, need to search for certain text, windows game client used to have it, now Linux doesnT, thanks if ok!

Thursday, December 19th 2024, 3:05pm

Author: orrin

Library Feedback

Quoted from "orrin" [December] need detail info on the gifted buffs, they are good transformation buffs, with achievements, seems to have something to do with the blank sphere and the 1s 1g 1brilliant (none action assigned) toss at city elder square? Scope "Spirits of the New Year" Feedback to Heralds' guides can be posted in this thread. The idea itself is great and we will surely add it to either library or the forum guide. Thank you...

Thursday, December 19th 2024, 2:52pm

Author: orrin

Library Feedback

[December] need detail info on the gifted buffs, they are good transformation buffs, with achievements, seems to have something to do with the blank sphere and the 1s 1g 1brilliant (none action assigned) toss at city elder square?

Monday, December 2nd 2024, 2:39am

Author: orrin

Broken stuff [Post HERE!]

Quoted from "orrin" upon clicking Events ---> Completions avatar part of game interface would crash showing a white blank ' x ' , with a small face icon... Should be fixed, but if you're still having this issue, please let us know it was ok untill the luck glow reward is added to list, still make page broken when checking 'Completions' tab thank you, reported

Monday, November 25th 2024, 2:13pm

Author: orrin

gifts in game

hi, many gifts are cute, elt cube works with alphabets, already good fun, but i found that some gifts cannot be dropped from backpack ---> gifts, so can game dev makes them 're- sendable' ? lol it would be fun, like it is going among players... thanks! D

Sunday, November 24th 2024, 1:05am

Author: orrin

Dwarium - Your Feedback is required!

Quoted from "akyr" Quoted from "OriginalSith" All content menus, any right click menus are all russian. I didnt change anything. Tune in next week on "What the hell is wrong with my game client software" Type F12 and change Language to English. lol, answer fits the avatar , HAHA!

Sunday, November 24th 2024, 1:02am

Author: orrin

Dwarium - Your Feedback is required!

right clicking tabs in game client still flashes, should show menu for 'copy link' and stuff

Sunday, November 24th 2024, 12:59am

Author: orrin

Gizedor's Task

Quoted from "orrin" «Liche Curse Amulet» , the recurring quest by November seasonal event The first head says: It-bo-ng-ay-g-th-is-ny-in-wa-or-at-be-r The second head says: Is-ri-pl-in-wi-th-shi-th-g-rri-shi-tt it is boring playing with this shiny thing, warrior, atshi better? *Chewing a bone happily.* The first head says: WaRrior-I-will-not-swap-back-the-shiny-toy Conversation about Shiko the Paladin *Chewing a bone happily.* The first head says: Wa-or-wi-no-sw-ba-th-shi-to The second head say...

Monday, November 18th 2024, 10:52pm

Author: orrin

Dwarium - Your Feedback is required!

in game client chat log, upon: ' 12:58 You have made an offering in the name of the Great Dragon! 12:58 You got some energy from this monster! Gathered Power: 94\\5000 12:58 The gods have bestow you with a small gift! ' it does Not show what it was in game client chat log, it showed in hunting chat, with NewLootSys disabled, i have also done reply in broken stuff pinned post:…36542&pageNo=11

Monday, November 18th 2024, 10:49pm

Author: orrin

Broken stuff [Post HERE!]

in game client chat log, upon: ' 12:58 You have made an offering in the name of the Great Dragon! 12:58 You got some energy from this monster! Gathered Power: 94\\5000 12:58 The gods have bestow you with a small gift! ' it does Not show what it was in game client chat log, it showed in hunting chat, with NewLootSys disabled reported

Sunday, November 17th 2024, 11:58pm

Author: orrin

achievement on buff using

Quoted from "orrin" in fair shop there is a new ABS Magic Tablecloth

Sunday, November 17th 2024, 9:35pm

Author: orrin

achievement on buff using

Quoted from "orrin" Satiety II missing link food from fair, in form of bunch the Satiety II can have mage buff, like will +3: and in fair shop there is a new ABS, that gives owner VI, plus teammates VI (attributes bit lower from +8 to +5 and less pen)