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Search results 1-20 of 27.

Thursday, January 30th 2025, 11:57pm

Author: _BSK_

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - February draw

07-17-22-34 01-11-30-44 09-21-39-49 03-28-33-41

Saturday, December 28th 2024, 10:43am

Author: _BSK_

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - January draw

20-32-16-08 36-39-28-50 19-41-12-18 34-01-03-45

Friday, November 29th 2024, 9:30pm

Author: _BSK_

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - December draw

06-25-02-37 24-15-44-36 47-22-50-38 01-17-20-07

Thursday, October 31st 2024, 12:33am

Author: _BSK_

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - November draw

47-39-06-44 07-14-35-42 48-45-16-30 38-04-24-46

Saturday, September 28th 2024, 2:06am

Author: _BSK_

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - October draw

15-13-17-49 20-32-35-36 25-03-34-40 23-45-09-18

Saturday, September 21st 2024, 6:56pm

Author: _BSK_

Unique Weapon Bezels from Fair

Quoted from "Arasaka" There is no set value that players know. For us, its just increases the chances lol. Could be %1 or %5 but i dont think its more than that. So far i didnt hear anyone have the exact values so it might be disclosed information. I would say wait for the Anniversary Fair or New Year Fair for more favorable prices. Anniversary event will start at October 26. thanks for the input, I was thinking if there is some notable difference with it, in terms of crits and stuns, but yes I...

Friday, September 20th 2024, 8:10pm

Author: _BSK_

Unique Weapon Bezels from Fair

Hello all, As title suggests, I have some questions about this item that appears under New Arrivals tab in Holiday Fair, I have seen it in the past aslo and would be interested in buying it. My problem is, I don't know if it's worth the 37 diamonds... the description says for example the BC one which I need: greater chance of critical blows, chance of stun, and greater healing. I would like to know from people that have bought it, a rough percentage of the increase in chance? Any advice is great...

Thursday, May 30th 2024, 10:04pm

Author: _BSK_

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - June draw

12-47-36-18 48-16-23-02 07-10-25-05 50-43-28-14

Saturday, May 18th 2024, 9:52pm

Author: _BSK_

External link error

Thank you Aykutluk that solved the problem , for some reason when i searched the website in google that is the one I came up on...

Saturday, May 18th 2024, 7:59am

Author: _BSK_

External link error

Hello, I play the game in Chrome browser, because the client is too laggy and outdated imo. The issue I am experiencing is when I want to link any in-game fight or other in-game links, into chat, somehow the game thinks it is an external link. I have created a ticket on the Technical Support page, but no solution and have been waiting for 2+ weeks. It is not a big issue tbh but it is slightly inconvenient. So I thought maybe someone had the same problem and wanted to share their solution. Below...

Saturday, April 27th 2024, 9:09pm

Author: _BSK_

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - May draw

35-03-17-16 05-46-29-09 23-24-07-10 37-48-28-21

Sunday, March 3rd 2024, 11:37pm

Author: _BSK_

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - March draw

40-19-20-25 21-27-36-30 08-10-18-09 04-22-06-15

Saturday, March 10th 2018, 12:43am

Author: _BSK_


+1 at least gods reputation resources should have a bit higher respawn rate....

Wednesday, February 28th 2018, 1:28pm

Author: _BSK_

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - March Draw

7 - 10 - 21 - 25 3 - 5 - 14 - 27 8 - 18 - 29 - 50 4 - 16 - 28 - 42

Tuesday, February 20th 2018, 9:03pm

Author: _BSK_

İtems drop

+1 it would be nice if ppl would post their drops here, maybe easier way to find a buyer for them - i mean from green armors and weaps and other interesting stuff - no gray rings and wanderers belts

Thursday, February 1st 2018, 12:59am

Author: _BSK_

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - February Draw

7 - 10 - 21 - 25 3 - 5 - 14 - 27 8 - 18 - 29 - 50 4 - 16 - 28 - 42

Monday, January 22nd 2018, 6:51pm

Author: _BSK_

Some crafting questions...

ok, so all the + % we have just goes in basic chance, wich is x% .... hmm... would be nice to know how much it is.

Monday, January 22nd 2018, 6:34pm

Author: _BSK_

relic seekers badge bug

Support cant help with recovering achievements, it seems >> for technical reasons it is not possible to receive achievements from the administration. Therefore please don’t send any requests asking for achievements. << taken from support page. No more event to recover them...

Monday, January 22nd 2018, 6:18pm

Author: _BSK_

Some crafting questions...

Well, basic chance of double can't be 0 - because i got x2 production even without any talent or elixirs, some transparency from admins with the basic chance % would be nice... Also i used to have a symbol that increased the probability by 110% (wich would translate into 10% basically). It's really cloudy for me to understand, the basic chance and increase with talents and bezel... Waiting for more opinions, thanks for the answers lol666

Monday, January 22nd 2018, 4:24pm

Author: _BSK_

Some crafting questions...

Ok, so as title suggests, i have some crafting questions... maybe some of the higher lvl crafters can help me with some answers. 1. How much does the craft bezel increase the double production chance ? I am guessing it's 10% but not sure, if anyone knows it would be great. 2. How much does the elixir increase the double production chance? 3. Talents increase by 1.1-1.2 and so on....