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Friday, January 14th 2022, 9:48pm

Author: muffin

[JANUARY EVENT] Welcome to Las WoDas!

Middle Top Bottom Middle Bottom Bottom Top

Tuesday, December 7th 2021, 2:48pm

Author: muffin

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - December draw

07-16-45-32 45-22-08-17 24-03-08-30 11-01-18-47

Tuesday, November 30th 2021, 6:03pm

Author: muffin

Complaints about Magmar Mentors

1. Aymira 2. (Nov 22nd 2021, 1:22pm) 3. Abuse of forum rights given for another use, to edit personal entry in official sort of game contest. Kindly understand that any person can use the forum editor and preview to see how their post will looks like and to edit at the same time, without having the need to edit later on by the powers given for work. This is abuse of game powers for personal use. Here is a link to the edited post:Consecrators' entry Have seen a few past weeks, if i take a look, m...

Tuesday, November 30th 2021, 5:39pm

Author: muffin

New(old) Consecrator application

Here I stand, as a daily logging person, as well, having 'the thing' done and even with experience of a double wedding in rhyme, I am here to apply with one of my best stories and weddings so far. Quoted from "muffin" The Story: Couple that met in the game and playes together as a team most of the time. Decided to get married in the game The Wedding: Dear All, this is a story not just about love. It’s a story about adventure to the unknown. Here are standing in front of you TAHARQA and _Nowherer...

Friday, July 23rd 2021, 10:10pm

Author: muffin

You made me post, since I didn't want to open that forum so you have to read it and take it as it is:

@cnR Now I will really answer to you. As I kept it towards mentors, which replies you have seen, I believe I should defend and explain myself once more to you. But remember, I still don’t need to do that. I’m doing it because I have enjoyed this game and since I’ve returned, I prefer to feel comfortable in gameplay and forum talks. Don’t we all want that? If I was to satisfy my ego, I would have sat quietly and then apply, blast them from inside when I see their dirt, because believe me there is...

Friday, July 23rd 2021, 4:10pm

Author: muffin

You made me post, since I didn't want to open that forum so you have to read it and take it as it is:

One little add, but mostly for the admins note: 16:00 Need a Mentor? You can find online Mentor HERE . 16:00 Воины Огрия и Хаира! Сражение на Древнем плато началось! Великие драконы призывают вас в бой! 16:05 News "Magic moulds" 16:05 News "Bankers generosity!" 16:05 muffin » ***:…?obj=cat&id=310 16:05 *** » muffin: ? the afk tors? or offtors 16:06 ***: boom at friday and not a damn M online 16:06 *** » muffin: you sound surprised.. this is comon now 16:0...

Friday, July 23rd 2021, 4:05pm

Author: muffin

You made me post, since I didn't want to open that forum so you have to read it and take it as it is:

Lets wrap the things. I come, say to you directly that you/your team is most-likely showing low to zero in-game activity and get the most crappy answers ever. I will explain. As of when I was leader, for me more important was the in-game help. Therefore I started to write guides at the game forum. Because I see no good for any player (consumer) of the game to need to look in external sites. And here now I read mentors MAIN job is updating external site and answering in EXTERNAL chat program. So ...

Wednesday, July 21st 2021, 1:27pm

Author: muffin

You made me post, since I didn't want to open that forum so you have to read it and take it as it is:

So, here it goes... this people are like one, lets say Hydra. The one 'head' replies with autoreply, the other 'head' tries to be funny-sarcastic-defensive-and-dull. You know, Hydras don't die from head cut, but from pierced heart. I even can't say you are like Gizedor, even he doesn't talk so much gibberish. If you really feel so unappreciated, as you try to show in your post, then this is only your problem. You get payment for your job. Here is your appriciation.

Wednesday, July 21st 2021, 9:23am

Author: muffin

You made me post, since I didn't want to open that forum so you have to read it and take it as it is:

Well, with this reply it got even worse. I didn’t expect such a lame and poor answer. At first - I will start with the end - I have no desire to join Mentors anymore. At the end when I have time to devote for the players, I will start doing it again for free and players will start to say how lazy the Mentors are. That happened the last time. Then I used my time to make the game more easy for their understanding and tried to cover all the game time with Mentors. Not obligatory to be know-it-all, ...

Tuesday, July 20th 2021, 2:36pm

Author: muffin

You made me post, since I didn't want to open that forum so you have to read it and take it as it is:

When I was Head, there was AT LEAST one Mentor online during daytime play hours. Absence of mentor is bad. That bad, YOUR players come back to me, who just returned. Please make sure to serve your job properly and with desire, not for income and privileges. You are the teachers, the ones to help and should BE HERE for players. Not just to wear an M 'coz it's cool. Sadly, right now is opposite. You are gone during the day... Accept that as an official complaint of not being here. At all.

Monday, July 31st 2017, 6:37am

Author: muffin

What are Liches Keeping Silent About

Daylight Square; Wirgold Estate; County Vurdaliya; after each use there will be an attack .

Wednesday, July 26th 2017, 8:49am

Author: muffin

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery

7 - 23 -84 - 67 17 - 3 - 34 - 91 4 - 19 - 43 - 72 57 - 12 - 81 - 99

Tuesday, July 25th 2017, 5:59am

Author: muffin

Secrets of the Past and the Future

You can find all related info HERE.

Monday, July 24th 2017, 8:21am

Author: muffin

Time covered while fight loading

Thank you for your feedback. The issue was reported already.

Saturday, July 22nd 2017, 10:25am

Author: muffin

Rename war of dragons to Hug a dragon for the snowflakes

Quoted from "Pilek" so a bashing noob clan lvl 13 on 7 lvl 19 on 13 and guards do nothing ,respect ! Also neutral area, your porblem.

Saturday, July 22nd 2017, 10:25am

Author: muffin

Rename war of dragons to Hug a dragon for the snowflakes

Quoted from "Pilek" magnmars every time unfair,cant beat me,only with high levels have you not other hobby ? 1 hour run on all locations,hat i am In neutral area anyone can attack you or joina gainst you.

Saturday, July 22nd 2017, 10:24am

Author: muffin

Rename war of dragons to Hug a dragon for the snowflakes

Quoted from "Pilek" magnmars every time unfair,cant beat me,only with high levels have you not other hobby ? 1 hour run on all locations,hat i am In enemy land anyone is allowed to join against you.

Friday, July 21st 2017, 11:08pm

Author: muffin

Dungeons of Forgotten Heroes - Guide

This guide is more of tactics and suggestions for players that have no idea waht to do. When to queue? In order to participate in the battlefield you need to have at least 1 . It is necessery for the incarnation potion you must purchase inside. Here you can read more about the different incarnations. If you do not have incarnation you can not leave the shop and can not participate. We suggest you try them all out in order to decide which one fits better for you. What do I get if I win or lose? I...

Friday, July 21st 2017, 10:27pm

Author: muffin

Turn off Cave of forgotten heroes during events

Hate tallar, started to hate dungeons... Don't really care.. I take the side of the one who send me more gifts

Friday, July 21st 2017, 10:22pm

Author: muffin

Suggestions for dungeon

Agree for losing point, just do it 10 points for win and 1 point for lose. Like this everyone will be happy. As for no valor losing team - worse idea ever, it makes me not wanting to go ever again. Team A/B - nope. random is good. Else too much rigging is possible. My 2 cents.